"Why is it here again..."

Tao Yu looked at the familiar giant beauty billboard, the constantly changing and flickering pictures on it, and the various images of street women below, with an expression on her face that seemed a little speechless.

Sure enough, as Wang Goudan said, is this a landmark building?

"Master Panda, you are back from the abyss~"

"Master Panda, you have worked hard in the abyss, do you want to come and have some fun~"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Master Panda..."

"Oh, it's Mr. Pan now, please don't talk nonsense..."


Panda's two-meter-three-meter-long figure was still so conspicuous, and as soon as he came over, he caused a flurry of warblings nearby.

And he immediately saw Tao Yu, who was wearing a partner's cloak next to him, and walked over with a grin.

"Brother Tao."

After greeting Tao Yu first, he waved to the group of beauties with their own characteristics.

"I have something to do today, so I'll spare you some time."

"Let's go."

Tao Yu was not used to this kind of atmosphere, but after a brief glance, she found that those who greeted Panda were quite aesthetically pleasing.

It's not like those weird female trolls or anything.

Although this guy has a foreign body implant, it should not have affected his brain.

We haven’t seen him for half a year, and Panda’s appearance hasn’t changed much, except that he feels a little rounder and burlier.

After he built up the foundation and used himself to connect with Sun Shiqing, his family would definitely continue to invest in him for the long term.

Even children from the inner city will pay attention to rewards.

For example, at the time of Weinuo, an initial investment of 100,000 yuan could only be obtained by an inner-city family, except for an only child or at least a child of a senior mid-level partner's family.

Ordinary mid-level partners may be able to earn this kind of money, but they should rarely be able to give it directly in one go, unless they are like Tao Yu's parents who care about their children.

And with Wei Nuo's talent and the situation of life and death crisis, his family's continuous investment in him plummeted, and they stopped losses reasonably, and they were ruthless even when they were ruthless.

On the other hand, Panda, not to mention the initial start-up capital, has gained a good momentum by working hard in the new development area. Even if the current return may not be too great, his family is definitely willing to continue to increase it.

This is not only the fetters of family ties, but also the pursuit of interests.

It’s both.

"I remember Brother Tao headed north. Is there anything to gain? Make a fortune and help your brothers."

Panda's strength has actually improved a lot, and he even thinks that he has caught up with Tao Yu who left the gathering place, shortening the gap.

But his attitude remained as low as ever.

Not to mention that he thinks that his current strength is not as good as Tao Yu's, but just a little closer, even if his own strength has surpassed Tao Yu's, or the opponent's strength has been completely lost due to changes.

But as long as Master Sun's relationship remains, he will always be Brother Tao!

If it weren't for Brother Tao this time, I might have suffered a lot of bleeding. I didn't expect that without the restraint of the elders, some of my peers in the Floating City would be really arrogant and lawless.

"It's a bit fruitful, what? Has anyone else gone over there to explore?"

Tao Yu also asked, although the matter of martial arts secrets has been reported, it is certain, and the money has been obtained, he has also made arrangements with the scheduled coaches to meet other pioneers, just in case.

But he still wanted to know if there were any competitors.

The Pioneers are indeed not very disciplined, and Tao Yu doesn't want them to directly mess with the Central Plains.

"There are really not many people going there. There is a hundred-meter drop across the sea. Ships here can't get through and can't transport large quantities. I'm afraid those who go nearby are searching for resources in the northern country, but recently I heard that there are people in the country. The pioneers of the Northland were attacked by some strange aboriginal masters..."

Panda talked about some knowledge. The pioneers of the North Country can return to the present world to pass on information. A guy like Panda who has connections in the new pioneer area and in the present world still knows a lot.

After hearing Panda say that pioneers and aboriginal masters met, Tao Yu also made his own judgment in his mind. It might be the martial arts masters arranged by Huang Rong and others to sweep away the firearms.

Although Canada is not as flooded with guns as the United States, it does have its own guard, and a small amount of weapons can still be found.

I just met a few pioneers who went to the Northland to explore and transport goods.

"Latest information?"

"Yes, it's been less than ten days. Some people are still interested in those masters. I wonder if anyone has set off."

There are more reliable ways to make money, and only a few people take the risk to explore them.

It is not only a matter of risk, but also a huge time cost. If the return rate is not high, it is equivalent to losing money.

At least this is true for newly developed areas where money can be obtained everywhere.

And in the unknown world, they don't know where the limits of those masters are.

"Based on the current intelligence, those guys are not easy to mess with. They are fast, powerful, and can shoot accurately. Is Brother Tao exploring that place recently?"

Panda was also a little curious. He knew that Tao Yu was walking towards the north.


Tao Yu didn't pay too much attention to it. Most of the biggest benefits there had been taken by him. There was still more to come, but at least in terms of one-time gains, nothing could compare with him.

"I have gained something here, which is related to breeding. In addition, I have prepared a group of indigenous people, who have been trained almost. You can prepare some breeding and domestication materials."

Tao Yu was originally planning to continue with Panda in breeding. The company's model has been formed, and it is very convenient to follow it. Moreover, the tacit understanding between the two parties is also very good, and each needs what it wants.

Panda's eyes lit up slightly when he heard Tao Yu say this

"Farming? Is it any wish-power creatures? Or wish-power plants?"

Originally, Tao Yu was going to say it directly, but after hearing Panda say "wish-power plants", Tao Yu was suddenly stunned. Did he miss something...

The images of love flowers and heartbroken grass gradually appeared in his mind, and then his eyes lit up slightly.

"Currently, there are two wish-power creatures, both of which are confirmed to have breeding value. As for plants, I have also heard some information. I will look for it again."

"Brother Tao is awesome!"

Panda really admires him sincerely at this time.

Brave and careful, Brother Tao has always been one step ahead since he started shipping goods!

It seems that this step may not be much ahead of time, but you can always drink the sweetest first soup!

"The things will be found sooner or later, I'm just one step faster."

Tao Yu didn't care.

"Brother Tao is too modest. Now the whole new development area has tens of thousands of people scattered to the nearby world, and it really can't make a splash. There may be only a few teams entering the Northland. There may be no one except you who tries to go to the sea through the gap over there."

Panda said sincerely that this requires adventure!

"The hottest job at present is still transportation. The threshold is too low. It's just that we have moved our eyes from Las Vegas and started to focus on other cities. The natives who know how to drive trucks and repair cars are scrambling for it."

Panda, who tasted the first bite of transportation soup, continued to maintain the transportation team and share some money, and also laid out machine tools and production in advance.

Panda's father is a senior partner. Although he did not open his own company and his status is not as good as those bosses of the same level who have mastered production resources, the vision cultivated by Panda is still there.

Although the income can be maintained for a while if we continue to invest more energy and expand the transport team, there is no need to waste more energy!

Transportation is bound to go downhill!

The future lies in mastering production resources that can make money.

Factory machine tools produce things and sell them in exchange for willpower, but in the absence of willpower minerals nearby, the majority of the willpower is still from breeding, animal husbandry and planting!

The output rate of willpower resources in each world fragment has an upper limit, but at least the current situation in the newly developed area is far from reaching it.

"In fact, our company has occupied three very good areas, one for the reservoir, one for the grassland and one for the forest. The breeding industry has a complete foundation, but it's a pity that although the aliens grow fast, they are not easy to raise at present..."

Panda's face was full of emotion.

The price of the alien's skills has begun to collapse, and after a few months of cleaning and the arrival of the new floating city boss, the aliens in the wild have almost been cleared.

The rewards for hunting are gone, and it has really become a bargain.

Although the aliens are indeed a good way to harvest willpower after reaching a certain scale, it is still a bit uneconomical to invest in this now when everything is in ruins.

Just like the production line mold, the initial production cost is extremely high.

If Tao Yu has better varieties, then of course he has to choose some different tracks.

"Not bad, the place is ready. This is a preliminary inspection report I submitted before. You should prepare according to this. I will bring you some samples next time."

Tao Yu sent a copy of the last inspection report to Panda, and Panda also accepted it readily.

While the two were chatting along the way, they also arrived at the good place that Panda mentioned.

The sign outside was colorful, with some messy words written on it.

Although Tao Yu has been using his watch to try to learn the text, he still can't understand what those cursive patterns that look like ghosts are saying.

But judging from the style below, it should be a bit similar to a place for entertainment such as a bar or KTV...

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