"Mr. is both an intermediate partner of the New Development Zone and a shareholder of Dada Transportation Company. Of course he can move in directly. With both your and Mr. Panda's certification, it doesn't matter if you are in the abyss for a long time. The bill will be hung with Dada Company." , just tie it up when you have time..."

Tao Yu and Panda came to the apartment building office where Wang Goudan lived and signed the lease contract very smoothly.

The original price of a three-bedroom apartment with a monthly price of 4,000 yuan has been reduced to 3,200 yuan per month. In addition to some taxes and garbage fees paid here, the total monthly payment is 3,500 yuan.

These expenses are all posted on Dada Company's account, and they will take the initiative to find Dada Company for settlement on a regular basis.

In addition, they also provide ingredient customization services. They can provide different fresh ingredients every day. You can customize your own set meal, choose the ingredients, and even choose the finished dish directly.

Tao Yu also added 2,000 yuan per month. When he was in the abyss, his parents would choose the specific content, and it would also be credited to the company's name!

"Of course we will provide the best cooperation for talented people like Mr. Tao to settle in."

The person in charge, wearing one-sided glasses and a neat suit, was very attentive to Tao Yu.

"My family has never seen much of the world outside the city before. If you have any questions, please ask Manager Huang to take care of me."

The other party has a good attitude, and Tao Yu doesn't hesitate to say nice things. He just needs a place to stay in the inner city, so his family can stay here longer.

"No, this is what we should do. I will give instructions to the security guards. Our surveillance here is complete and the security team is also very complete. Moreover, many first- and second-generation people who have just come from outer cities choose to come here. There are also many They are all family members..."

Manager Huang kept talking.

Tao Yu also nodded. He would choose this place because of course he thought it was okay. He had lived at Wang Goudan's house and already had some preliminary understanding. It was enough to meet his needs.

"Brother Tao doesn't have anything at home yet. I will arrange for a few employees to bring some furniture from the abyss. Not to mention that these furniture are very popular. They are now a source of income for us in transportation."

Panda grinned.


Tao Yu had just solved a big problem in the company, so it was natural for him to enjoy the privileges.

"It has to be Brother Tao. You can stay here as long as you want. It's much better than my environment."

Zhang Lei's face was also full of envy at this time.

"I also rent in Nancheng District. The attic is 700 per month and the bathrooms are all public. Moreover, there are many large apartments nearby, where fleas, cockroaches and rats are prevalent."

"It's normal for you to be alone. There are a lot of people here. In fact, you can share the room with a few other guys."

Tao Yu said casually.

In terms of area suitable for a single person, Zhang Lei's loft shouldn't be too bad, mainly because of the overall surrounding environment.

"Hey, it's difficult. Everyone is going their separate ways, and Zhao Yan is already married..."

Zhang Lei looked a little sad. When we had dinner together before, we were all in high spirits and felt that we were going to do something big. We were all highly talented people from outside the city and helped each other.

But more than half a year was enough for them to recognize the reality.

In terms of talent, it is indeed pretty good, but the gap with the inner city kids is still obvious. Most of them choose to work like Zhang Lei, relying on their talent to find a good company to work for.

In other words, Niu Changchun's S-level talent caught the eye of an adult from Floating City and was taken under his command.

Zhao Yan, who kept saying that she didn't want to get pregnant at the critical moment, also found a young man from the inner city as a concubine, and it was said that she was pregnant.

Tao Yu heard some of Zhang Lei's sighing words. Although she was a little emotional, she was not surprised.

This is reality...

"However, Lin Chao and his Chaoyang Club are relatively the most difficult. Their president is so crazy that he has made many enemies at once, and Lin Chao is the representative of the Chaoyang Club in the new development area. If he were not talented, he would have been beaten by others. Black gun."

Zhang Lei took the opportunity to talk about Lin Chao again, which made Tao Yu stunned for a moment, but he didn't say much.

It's all his own choice. He admires Lin Chao a little, and it doesn't matter if he can help him if it doesn't affect him.

But now it is not suitable to intervene in this muddy water.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. Let's get Brother Tao a bed first. At least he can live in it first. How about Brother Tao stay at my house today?"

"No need, I'm not so pretentious. Isn't it common to sleep in the open air? You guys have been delayed for a day, so go back first..."

Tao Yu sent the two of them away and returned to the empty rental house.

There was nothing in the three-bedroom rental house, except for a wooden chair in the center of the living room.

Throw your backpack in a corner of the room.

Tao Yu went directly over and patted the dust on the chair, pulled it to the window and sat down.

Putting his feet on the window eaves, he looked out at the city that became more colorful as the sky darkened. Looking at the shadow of the floating city above, a trace of melancholy appeared on his face.

Ten months, settled in the inner city...

"If you buy a flying device, there's no need to be in such a hurry. Just let them hurry up and fly over there..."

Tao Yu was thinking about her future plans.

Although there is already a Tang Dynasty world, and there are definitely a lot of benefits there, the next step must be to solve the giant problem first. It is best to go back to the base and finalize all the breeding matters. Things have to be done step by step. Come.

"There may be some giants arriving near Xiangyang now, and I don't know if the martial arts conference will go smoothly..."

It was already night, and Tao Yu didn't turn on the lights in the room. He just looked outside quietly, letting his mind gradually relax, and then entered into meditation, spending the middle of the night quietly...



Tao Yu's eyelashes moved slightly, and he opened his eyelids, revealing deep eyes.

Outside the window, there were still colorful lights flashing, but there were not many sounds on the street. It was already the second half of the night, and the people who were still chic should be in some nightclubs.

But Tao Yu's spiritual sense moved slightly before, and after opening his eyes, he saw several figures chasing each other on the roof of a building opposite.

Six or seven figures, each of them was agile.

Eaves, billboards, windows, and various places where they could borrow strength ran smoothly, and they all looked good.

It seemed that the others were chasing one of them.

The person running in front of him laughed strangely from time to time, which made Tao Yu feel a little disgusted.


Tao Yu pondered in his heart, and with his extraordinary eyesight, he could see the face of the person who was running away.

He was pale and thin, with sunken cheeks, dark circles under his eyes that looked like he had put on makeup, and his lips were purple.

But his expression was quite excited.

"I'm not crazy, why are you guys chasing me? I'll kill you!"

The fleeing figure kept screaming, but he kept running.

The few people who were chasing him behind him kept silent. Looking at their clothes, they might be partners who were responsible for catching crazy people, or "night watchmen".

"Inner city, it's not much better..."

There are often crazy people in the outer city, and Tao Yu himself is not unfamiliar with it. He can't handle this kind of thing, so Tao Yu silently put his feet down and prepared to close the window.

However, the window was only half closed when Tao Yu seemed to have thought of something. He picked up the watch in his hand and began to look through it. He had downloaded some long-term tasks in it.

As he searched, he soon saw a corresponding content...

'Urban governance (repeatable): On-site prevention and control of vicious public security incidents in the city, arrest of mentally ill people, arrest and reporting of cultists...'

Different rewards will be given according to different difficulties.

After a quick look, if there is a madman or dangerous person at the level of an intermediate partner, the guaranteed reward is 10,000 wishes!

But think about it, it costs much more than this to pile up such a strong man, and it is risky, so it is normal for the reward to be higher.

And through previous observations, although the strength of the six guys behind is relatively weak, the one they are chasing should be counted in this category.

It's just that the other party seems to want to lure them to go somewhere...

"Hey, it's not that I can't share some of it when I send it to my doorstep."

Tao Yu put on the partner's mask, and then his figure dispersed like an ink painting and disappeared...

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