"Don't sell me. I have a guild. If you sell me to the black market, no one will dare to take it. I am a senior partner."

‘Fatal Bullet’ begged softly.

"Are you threatening me?"

Tao Yu tilted her head and glanced at him.

"No, no, how could it be! My life is in your hands, sir. I just don't want to lose this person on the black market."

Tao Yu turned around and glanced at An Nan next to her.

"Is that so?"

"Well, this is beyond the scope of my knowledge. I have never caught a senior partner..."

An Nan didn't dare to lie, otherwise what if he really couldn't sell it as the other party said, and then got angry and sold it to him? If he was caught with a reward, he still had a chance to survive, but if he sold it on the black market, it would be a fool's errand.

"It's true, it's absolutely true. I'm willing to compensate sir!"

‘Fatal Bullet’ spoke repeatedly, and these words made Tao Yu gradually soften her expression.

"How many?"

"I now have 230,000 willpower in my body, and I am willing to give all of it to you, sir. I also don't need any of my equipment..."

‘Fatal Bullet’ looked bitter.

He is truly sincerely seeking to survive.

Normally, few pioneers who are captured alive are willing to pay.

After paying the money, I have offended someone, so I might as well just pay it off!

Giving money to murderers and enemies is something no one is willing to do.

Usually they just lie to stupid people.

But the atmosphere in front of me was a little subtle, because I was sincerely convinced, and although this place was remote, it didn't mean that there was no one at all, so there was a chance for mediation.

"Sir, you are very sincere when you are still willing to give me your strength after being caught. I am really blind and blind. I will be on call for any orders from now on. I don't dare to trouble you anymore, sir. What if I get caught again?”

‘Deadly Bullet’ is also based on emotion and reason.

Tao Yu also fell into thinking, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"No, since it's a misunderstanding, let's clear it up. Since you only have 230,000, then keep 1,000 for yourself and give me 229,000."

Tao Yu stretched out the magnetic card and unlocked the acupuncture points on the opponent's arm, and the 'Fatal Bullet' injected the power of will without any hesitation, and at the same time expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you sir for your kindness and leaving me a thousand dollars. Otherwise, I would have had to borrow some money at usury first."

"Eh? How about I lend you another 100,000 yuan? It's cheap. If you go out nine times and come back thirteen times, you will be robbed by me."

Tao Yu's eyes lit up slightly, making 'Fatal Bullet' want to slap his mouth to pieces.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, relax, I'll put in the insurance."

Tao Yu said to 'Fatal Bullet' with a smile, making the other person's face change slightly.

"Don't worry, you are pretty good at meditating yourself. You should be able to judge by then. I just don't let you be my enemy. Once you have this idea, or want to dispel the seeds I planted, you will detonate it." , It won’t kill anyone, it’s just a warning to me. Next time I see you, if the seeds are gone, then I’ll know.”

Tao Yu was also quite sincere, which made 'Deadly Bullet' sigh helplessly.

He didn't know what methods Tao Yu was planning to use, but it was definitely something dangerous when it came to mental power.

But at this time, the fat meat on his chopping board is at the mercy of others. If he wants to survive, he can only listen to Tao Yu's words and let go of his spirit.

Because of the spiritual cultivation of 'Deadly Bullet', Tao Yu also specially prepared a spiritual seed and implanted it into the opponent's mind.

First, use the modification ability of [Spiritual Thorn] to turn it into an image similar to an anchor, and firmly fix it, then use [Soul Transfer] to write the corresponding rules, and finally inject Beidou's death intention with fist intention!

Although the opponent's spiritual cultivation level is high enough, once violated, even if he does not die, he will have to shed a layer of skin.

However, precisely because of the other party's spiritual cultivation, Tao Yu could not implant it purely with [domesticated] seeds, so he could only be simple and crude, otherwise there might really be another migrant worker.

Now, he can barely be regarded as an informant.

"You can't eliminate it by yourself. Keep the communication open. Leave me a message in the mission hall every month. Don't worry, I'll ask for news occasionally at most. I don't mean to exploit you."

Tao Yu's words made 'Deadly Bullet' nod numbly.

His spiritual cultivation is not weak, and he can vaguely feel the threat to himself like this!

It's so weird in the core area of ​​your body that even if you ask a meditation master to help, it's probably of no use!

If, if the other party is really what he said, it is not unacceptable...

At least I survived...

"Come on, add me as a friend."

Tao Yu stretched out her watch and added a private channel with the other party.

Very few inner-city pioneers have access to communication chips, so they usually just use wireless radios or run a phone line at home.

But senior partners are obviously not in this category.

"This is my partner code. Remember to leave a message on time in the mission hall."

Tao Yu did not hide his identity. He did not wear a mask to cover his face when he went out for investigation. It was very easy for the other senior partner to inquire.

It's better to be direct.

"New, new pioneer? New pioneer area?!"

‘Fatal Bullet’ looked at the numbers in the partner number and understood the meaning of the key numbers above, with a shocked expression on his face.

How is this possible? !

The boss of the floating city? !

I'm a senior partner!

"Nothing is impossible."

Tao Yu said calmly. This was the limit of his current strength.

Before, he relied on the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art. After the teaching of internal strength began, he naturally understood what it was.

The problem of improving his strength and obtaining resources was solved! It would appear ‘normal’!

And if ‘Fatal Bullet’ really had second thoughts and endured the heavy damage of the explosion to contact someone else or his ‘union’ to deal with him.

Even if we don’t count the little rich woman, the remaining strength of himself is enough to give them a surprise.

However, at present, this possibility is also very small.

As a mature senior partner, ‘Fatal Bullet’ knows how to weigh the pros and cons. Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is still far from going crazy...

“Did you want to sell An Nan to the black market before?”

After the problem was solved, Tao Yu also untied the acupuncture points of ‘Fatal Bullet’ House, and at the same time took out his partner mask and put it on. He is the ‘Eight-armed Vajra’.

"That's not the case. The black market is disgusting and I don't like it either. But recently, several inner city families are gathering these desperate criminals. I sold two before and the price was raised by 20%. Anyway, my points are useless now."

House said with an indifferent expression, which made Tao Yu's eyes move slightly.

This again.

"I know. Give me your partner badge and I'll make a new one myself."


House was a little confused, but he still took out the partner badge and gave it to Tao Yu.

The senior partner badge is much more exquisitely made. House's is a pistol symbol, which looks very similar to the two guns seized by Tao Yu. It should be that senior partners can customize it privately.

"Well, it's okay, so be it. Sometimes I'll borrow your identity to do something. Don't worry, it's not an unforgivable crime. Just be calm."

Tao Yu said so, House naturally didn't dare to complain, and finally he could only leave in disgrace, just wanting to go as far as possible...

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