Outside Xiangyang City, there are a large number of trenches for giants, and giant horses are everywhere.

The gaps between the giant horsebacks that are directly supported by tree trunks can even be crossed by people on horseback, specifically targeting giants.

For ordinary giants, it is indeed easy to fall into this trap.

The giant's idiot-like expression was hanging on this rebellious horse, and part of it had begun to emit steam and evaporate.

Groups of cavalry shuttled through the gaps between these horses in an orderly manner.

"Alan, don't you feel it yet? Uncle Tao said the key lies in you."

On top of the three fast horses, Yang Guo, Allen, and Mikasa ran quickly. Looking at the tripped giant in front of them, they rushed over to let Allen finish the attack.

"I don't know. I feel a lot stronger, but I really can't control the giant."

Allen was also feeling a little bitter at this time, and then he jumped up and used the spiral nine shadows to land behind the giant who was trapped in the trap and stabbed him.

At this moment, several strange species suddenly appeared in front of them and rushed towards the three of them quickly.

It's almost like having a purpose.

"It's a strange species. It's a bit troublesome. Why are there so many this time?"

Allen looked at the Qixingzhong who suddenly rushed out from the front, and looked at the dust raised on the ground, and he felt a little solemn.

Then, under Ling Qi's control, they quickly retreated. The nearby cavalry team separated into several teams and began to weave a formation specifically designed to deal with the fast giants. The ropes were pulled up in an orderly manner.

However, at this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and several boulder fragments flew in with the sound of breaking through the air, hitting the grassland army formation heavily, setting off waves of dust!

The entire cavalry position seemed to have been wiped out by artillery fire.

The boulders continued to roll on the ground, and the ground shook. Horses and people hit along the way were either dead or injured, and blood appeared one after another along with screams.

Not only did it kill a lot of people, it also dealt a huge blow to morale and messed up the original formation.

The originally pulled rope began to entangle, which in turn affected the cavalry formation, causing Zhao Min and Almin, who were commanding from behind, to change their expressions.

"Let them withdraw! Sure enough, these giants are controlled! Unbelievable! Can anyone really control giants?"

Zhao Min's pretty face showed a look of shock, and so did Almin.

Tao Yu has always said that maybe intelligent giants can control ordinary giants and ask them to take more care of Allen, but now that Allen has become a giant and can crystallize, there is no sign of controlling the giant.

As a result, this abnormal siege and attack, as well as the obviously purposeful stone throwing later, made them completely confirm that these giants were controlled!


Barrett immediately stopped Huang Yaoshi, who had been guarding the city wall, and then pulled the trigger.


The neck of a strange giant was broken in response.

Guo Jing also jumped down at this time, leading a group of masters to gallop forward.

The expressions of several pioneers present also changed slightly at this time.

"Can this giant still be controlled?"


"If the giant can control it, it will be a perfect war weapon! It is easier to use than aliens!"

"This information can always be sold for money, right?"

There was a hint of excitement on several people's faces.

They didn't go down to work, they just kept watching on the city wall. In fact, there were always several martial arts people with guns around them who were on guard.

Because Tao Yu had always spread the idea that the pioneers were dirty, and there were conflicts among martial artists when they were searching for supplies in Alaska and Canada, he had never trusted these people.

If they wanted to learn some skills, they were dismissed.


Huang Yaoshi, who was about to shoot again, suddenly had a look on his face, then put his feet on the ground and quickly retreated.

Suddenly, several large boulder fragments were enlarging in front of them, and they were densely packed and smashed towards Huang Yaoshi's position.

The hit is extremely accurate!

The key is the attack mode of the fragments, which has a huge range of damage.

Several martial arts people nearby were instantly killed by boulder fragments.

Several pioneers also seemed a little embarrassed to avoid it.

"Damn, what the hell, a trebuchet?"

"I saw it, it's a giant gorilla!"

A pioneer who was controlling the drone looked at the images transmitted back from the drone with a look of shock on his face.

This giant was nearly twenty meters tall. He stood behind a hill and kept throwing stones without showing his face at all.

It seems that the threat of sniper rifles has been detected.

There is also a crawling giant on all fours who is constantly sending him suitable throwing stones.

After secretly observing them several times, they saw Guo Jing and the others starting to arrive, and then they actually started to turn around and leave.

Undoubtedly wise!

"It turns out it's just such a monkey. We need to catch him."

Huang Yaoshi also came up from behind at this time and saw the picture on their drone. Then he also jumped down and rushed forward, preparing to inform Guo Jing of their main target this time, and at the same time, he shot several strange species. .

Seeing these martial arts people coming and going with ease, the faces of these pioneers were filled with envy.

"This ability is great, damn it! Why is it so slow? What a fortune it is!"

Controlling the drone, the inner city pioneer with traces of mechanical transformation hammered the wall next to him unwillingly.

Chosen one, inner force intelligence, if you can get some learning methods of inner force skills, you can get more!

If the inner force does not conflict with the existing system, setting up a gym in advance is simply picking up money!

"No, we still have to try to learn the inner force. If we can't eat meat, we have to drink soup!"

The white-faced and beardless inner city pioneer who led them also said unwillingly.

We have strength, ability, and vision, but we can't get anything if we are a beat slower. We are unwilling!

But at this moment, a pioneer suddenly pointed to the sky

"Look, it's a flying vehicle!"

At this time, something that looked like a large drone, hanging a cage, flew from a distance, and it seemed to have seen the giant gorilla, and went directly in that direction!

"It came from a deeper direction. Could it be that he took all the benefits?"

"He must have said something bad about us!"

"Only one person?"

"Maybe a scout, a personal flying machine, seems to be portable, worth hundreds of thousands, a bit valuable, but not someone you can't afford to offend."

The white-faced, beardless leader looked at the flying device, and his eyes flickered.

This is a low-end product with a very bad experience. Although it costs hundreds of thousands, it is all about function.

His brother is now one of the seven kings of the inner city of the newly developed area, and his family is also one of the top five families in the inner city!

When he saw the flying machine for the first time, he had already made a lot of judgments in his mind.

This thing is actually a bit practical, but it has too many limitations. When a person can only carry a limited amount of supplies, many other supplies cannot be taken. In fact, it is not as good as it looks, a pure travel thing.

And the other party used this, although it was confirmed that he was not a mediocre hand, it was also confirmed that the other party's upper limit was limited!

"Hmph, no matter what, he can't be a senior partner. Even if he is a lone ordinary senior partner, we can still confront him as long as we don't get ambushed."

"We have learned that there is only one person, but there may be more in secret. Don't be careless first, and understand everything clearly."



Tao Yu, who had been blown by the cold wind all the way, was a little wet in his clothes. People with poor physical condition really couldn't hold on for so long.

However, looking at the monkey below, Tao Yu also had some impression. It appeared in the animation. It seems that he can also command the giant? I just don't know what's going on.

But now looking at the giants at the gates of the city, those who fell into the trap, were controlled by long-handled weapons and were waiting to finish off the pure giants, and the abnormal species shot by sniper rifles.

Tao Yu knew that Allen had not mastered that ability yet, and then he also locked his target on this monkey.

"He should know what it is, catch it alive."

Tao Yu quickly controlled the aircraft to descend, and his appearance also attracted the attention of the monkey who was about to retreat.

He didn't know what Tao Yu was, but he didn't hesitate to pick up the stone brought by the giant car, then crushed it with his hands and threw it towards Tao Yu in a scattered manner.

"So accurate, shit! Don't break it!"

Fortunately, the personal aircraft itself is very small. Tao Yu's dynamic vision and reaction ability, after controlling and shaking for a while, he still avoided the thrown stones, letting the boulders pass by with a whistling sound.

The messy airflow made the aircraft unstable for a while, but it finally landed safely.

After landing, Tao Yu hurriedly began to disassemble, quickly turned the aircraft into a box and carried it on his back.

Then before the next wave of stones landed, he stepped on the spiral nine shadows and quickly avoided this wave of attacks.

Boom boom boom~

Looking at the dense dust raised next to him and the holes made by the stones, Tao Yu was also secretly shocked.

This guy is so accurate, and the force of the swing is so strong!

"I haven't attacked you yet, but you hit me first? Too much!"

Tao Yu tapped the ground lightly and rushed forward like a sharp arrow. Facing the several subsequent interceptions, he easily avoided them.

The speed was so fast that even Zeke was quite surprised.

What's going on? !

This is running too fast!

He had seen martial artists along the way, but most of them couldn't run faster than horses, but the one in front of him was too fast.


Such a fast speed and agile body made Zeke think of a dwarf with a little psychological shadow.

Obviously, this one in front of him is much more difficult to deal with!

The three-dimensional mobile device is not as fast as he runs directly!

In fact, you are the non-human!

And the cart-powered giant Pico, who was following next to him, immediately took on the job of protection.

As the cart-powered giant second only to the Jaw Titan in terms of agility, Pico also has the best endurance among the giants, and can maintain the giant form for a long time. Even without the blessing of the world's power, it has extremely high endurance.

When Zeke's strength began to decline after throwing a few times and he was about to lose his giant body, she was the last line of defense to ensure transportation and protection...

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