“The development of a new gathering place is difficult and may bring dangers, but this is not only to develop a gathering place for the company, but also to save yourself!

“The company has supported you until now, and it is time for you to repay the company! The company is generous and has given a special gift for this development mission! There is even a quota for the inner city! ..."

Zechuan, like Uncle Hu before, first gave some poisonous chicken soup, and also gave some benefits and promises.

When the words "inner city quota" came out, it was obvious that many people's expressions changed.

Many people from the outer city who came here may have just lost their relatives, but now they pricked up their ears and began to listen to Zechuan's words.

Tao Yu also listened. The environment in the inner city is better. If his strength is really enough to stand on his own, he certainly wants to move in with his family, but this is not what he wants to consider for the time being.

Because the so-called inner city quota is just put out as a lure, it is too superficial for the time being. Even if he really gets it, compared with the gap in strength between himself and the two inner city young masters, Tao Yu doesn't want to go in and suffer.

In comparison, some other related favorable conditions may be more practical.

The first is "skill learning"!

There are many gyms in the outer city where skills can be learned, but Tao Yu's family has no money to send him there, so he can only rely on his third brother to teach him [Basic Breathing Method].

This time, the first more practical reward is that the owner of the combat talent, or the recognized Auxiliary talent, you can choose a skill to learn for free in many gyms in the outer city!

If the combat talent is not low, you can also choose two free skills!

In addition to the free skills, the first skill is half price, and this half price is not limited to talents, applicable to all pioneers who survived in the new settlement.

The loan interest rate for learning the first skill has also dropped, becoming 9 out of 11, and you can't choose according to the dish. As long as you are a pioneer in the new settlement, you must be allowed to repay in installments if you don't have a loan.

In addition to the money that the siblings mentioned before, you can get 1,000 units of willpower if the conditions are met. If you just choose ordinary skills, the half-price learning fee is equivalent to paying for it.

It can be regarded as giving some benefits.

Because of the bitter environment on weekdays, now suddenly giving such a degree of benefits, the scene is really full of praise.

"... In addition, the company's urban construction department has set up a new sub-department "Reclamation Department", which also has a newly established outer city department under the Reclamation Department, divided into combat brigade and auxiliary brigade. Anyone who comes back alive from the new settlement can join regardless of talent! Note that it is ignoring talent! "

When this voice came out, Tao Yu even heard the exclamations of the people around him, and many people's eyes lit up.

In this regard, Tao Yu also understood the reason for their exclamation.

Don't look at the fact that his parents' combined income is only 300 units of willpower per month, but considering their relatively safe environment, this is definitely an ideal job for many people from other cities!

Tao Yu's family income is only middle-low, and another reason for their hard life is that there are too many people, and his parents attach great importance to the awakening day, and almost every child will make similar preparations.

I just saved up for Tao Yu here, and I will definitely save up for the eighth child. In two years, the eighth child will be 18.

On weekdays, some relatively stable jobs are required. Fight for it.

You have to take the initiative to find work in various departments or factories.

You can only be admitted if you have the right talent and ability.

Otherwise, you have to find a way to adventure in the world fragments outside the gathering place.

Maybe some low-level pioneers can occasionally earn a lot of money through adventure, but both the danger and stability are here.

Many times, the children cannot be taken care of, and then they become cannon fodder because of insufficient points.

Tao Yu's mother works in the leather factory. His sturdy and durable cowhide armor was made by his mother. His father is a sentry in the city guard of the abyss gathering place.

The city guard of the abyss gathering place is not the security team of the outer city. The conditions are much worse, but compared with other outer cities, The job of the person is not bad.

But now according to Zechuan, it seems that as long as you can choose to go to the new gathering place and come back alive, you can join this department under the company!

Many factories in the gathering place are not actually affiliated with the company. They are opened by some people in the inner city, and they just pay taxes regularly!

This is the case with the factory where Tao Yu's mother works.

It can be said that it is quite rare to be able to enter the company's direct department.

At least a fixed salary is something that many people cannot refuse, and you can also earn cannon fodder points.


The danger of opening up a new gathering place is also beyond doubt, and the cannon fodder points themselves are based on rankings. If everyone can earn, then if there are not many people, then There is no point.

However, the new development area has not yet come up with the cannon fodder mode because of insufficient number of people, which is good news.

Tao Yu was also weighing things quickly in his heart. He was very satisfied with the free skills. He could deify the skills, and he could get two for free with B-level talents.

But Tao Yu was really not interested in joining the urban construction department, the reclamation department, the outer city department, the combat brigade, etc. of that company.

It is true that he needs a place to settle down and rest in the abyss, but after experiencing an unsuccessful team formation, he is still more cautious about this aspect.

He has a lot of secrets. He is not opposed to occasionally forming a temporary team to do something, but it is better to forget about joining a restricted place for a long time.

Because he had little experience before, Tao Yu was a little unclear about some structures, work and modes.

The biggest expectation of his family before was that he could awaken his C-level combat talent and join the outer city security team to bring honor to the family. At the very least, he had to find a stable factory to screw screws.

Well, this is naturally no longer an option.

"I'll ask Uncle Hu for advice later, and I have to find a place to sell the goods I carry."

Tao Yu, who was carrying two wolf legs and a bulging backpack on his back, also determined what to do next.

"Hey, brother Tao Yu, it's great that you're okay. The backpack is so heavy, I'll help you carry it. After all, Uncle Tao Hu asked me to take care of you..."

At this moment, a joyful voice came from the side, and Li Le came over immediately. Looking at Tao Yu's backpack, his face was full of heat, and he reached out to grab the backpack.

Li Le was full of surprise and excitement at this time. He didn't expect that this kid would come back alive!

Only he and he knew the properties of the blood orchid!

Relying on the previous relationship in the inner city of his family, it can definitely be sold at a good price!

He didn't think the other party would resist, and he would definitely give some benefits.

To put it bluntly, do you dare to sell this thing?

Aren't you afraid of being stuffed to death!

Tao Yu glanced at it and knocked the other party's hand with the wolf leg in his hand

"Don't look at it, I ate it all."

Feeling the pain in his wrist and being surprised at Tao Yu's strength, Li Le was dumbfounded when he heard this, and his eyes were red

"Eat it?! How can you be so wasteful!"

Li Le didn't believe it, but the pain in his hand told him that the other party's strength was indeed very great!

Looking at the eyes around him, Li Le didn't want to say much. While suppressing his anger to calm himself, he walked over and lowered his voice

"I was wrong in the team before, but I couldn't do anything about it because Brother Neicheng was suppressing me. You can't eat that thing! Let's cooperate!"

"If you really eat it, I know you can't keep it, and absorbing the willpower feels extravagant, so you naturally eat it."

Tao Yu said with a smile, as if he didn't care about Li Le's attitude at the time and now.

Back in the real world, even though it's a bit chaotic here, there are still basic rules. It's impossible to kill someone in broad daylight, and saying nice things won't hurt...

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