"Sir, just come back to the abyss to get it. We will also fully charge the battery for you."

Tao Yu handed the flying machine to the store for maintenance, and received a very enthusiastic service in return.

In addition to delivering the flying machine, he also put the wish items of the 'Cart Titan' on the auction house on the way.

According to the words of the old man who appraised it last time, the 'Cart Titan' emphasizes dexterity and endurance, and is very adaptable in the abyss. The price may be second only to the bomb giant that cannot be fully transformed.

"Let's go, I really have money to treat you to a meal this time."

Tao Yu pulled Wang Goudan and treated him to a good meal this time...


Someone was playing a harp instrument in the elegant hall. The beautiful and light music was completely different from the rock and heavy metal that often appeared in the inner city. The surrounding environment was also simple and elegant.

It has a petty bourgeoisie atmosphere.

It can be seen that most of the guests here are also gentle and polite, and they are all the audience of this store.

But there is no doubt that most people who can spend hundreds of wish powers just to have a meal are quite wealthy.

Tao Yu and Wang Goudan also enjoyed the meal.

There is a reason to spend money. This is better than the food made by Wang Goudan's cooking chip. The chef has processed it differently according to the details of different ingredients.

A liver of an unknown wish creature wrapped in crisp bread was stuffed into the mouth. The bread absorbed the fat overflowing from the liver. The full internal organs tasted fresh and sweet, fat but not greasy.

"It's expensive for a reason."

Tao Yu was very satisfied with the meal, and at this time the waiter put two bowls of thick white hot soup on the cart and pushed it over.

The thick white fish soup was tempting, and just smelling it made people salivate.

"Haha, I didn't want to come to such a good place before, it tastes really good."

Wang Goudan reached out and took the soup bowl and stirred it with a spoon and was ready to try it, but the next moment he was grabbed by Tao Yu's wrist.

"Good guy, you have one yourself, do you want two?"

Wang Goudan looked at Tao Yu with some curiosity.

But Tao Yu didn't say anything, just frowned at the fish soup.

"Wait, there's something wrong with the fish soup."

Wang Goudan was stunned by Tao Yu's words. The waiter who came over with a cart also looked at Tao Yu with a suspicious and vigilant look on his face, and spoke first

"Sir, do you have anything to say? If the taste is not right, I'll go to the kitchen to talk."

From her appearance, it seems that she is worried that Tao Yu is the kind of person who is trying to scam people.

A meal costs hundreds of willpower, which is not cheap!

"It's poisonous."

Tao Yu didn't try it, and let go of Wang Goudan's hand, which scared Wang Goudan.

He still trusts Tao Yu quite a lot, and the other party is unlikely to make such a joke at this time.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know."

Tao Yu has a spiritual sense reminder, and at the same time, he also has his auxiliary ability of identifying herbs, and he can feel the problem in the soup.

It's in both his and Wang Goudan's soup!

And the toxicity is so strong that even if his swallowing skill has the ability to resist poison, coupled with a strong physique, it seems to be enough to cause considerable damage to his body.

Even if he could recover with the [One Certificate, Forever Certificate], Tao Yu couldn't make himself uncomfortable.

"Sir, you're joking. Although the porgy is indeed slightly poisonous, it has been carefully prepared by our chef, using herbs and seasonings to completely neutralize the toxins. Instead, it can bring out a tingling taste bud stimulation. It is our signature dish."

Looking at the beautiful waitress in her early twenties, she introduced it with a slightly proud tone.

The situation here also attracted people nearby to look over.

There was also a table of people who sneered. Although they didn't say anything, they might have regarded Tao Yu and his friends as bumpkins who had never seen the world.

"Brother Jingang, report the case, contact the security team, don't move at the scene, I'll go and retrieve the surveillance."

Tao Yu ignored the waiter. His spiritual perception told him that the problem was not with the other party, or the person who secretly poisoned might have already fled.

But this restaurant itself belongs to the second-tier security zone, which can be said to be a necessary condition for these high-end restaurants. There is surveillance coverage almost all the time.

Even though this time it didn't cause any damage or trouble to him, Tao Yu wanted to know who it was!

It wasn't that he looked down on Wang Goudan, this guy shouldn't be able to attract anyone to take the risk of doing such a thing in the second-tier security zone.


The waiter still seemed a little flustered, and at this time the restaurant's security also walked over here, as if he wanted to see what happened.

Tao Yu was too lazy to waste time on them. The boxing intention combined with the master's artistic conception, and in an instant everyone in the restaurant felt a piercing cold, as if someone was holding a sharp blade against their throat.

It brought a suffocating sense of death!

The consumption is here, and those who can come here to eat are not weak, and they are comparable to the existence of the intermediate partner level.

Their knowledge naturally knows the horror of Tao Yu's move, and they immediately became honest.

The table that laughed before was even more pale.

It's worth it to be beaten for provoking a strong man in the inner city!

But it's obvious that Tao Yu doesn't care about such a small matter.

"Everyone present please stop moving and wait for the security team to come over. You guys are just in time. Take me to see the surveillance."

Compared with the waiter's persuasion at the beginning, everything went extremely smoothly after Tao Yu instantly used his aura to suppress everyone on the scene. The security guard took Tao Yu to the control room without saying a word, and soon the lobby manager also arrived. The same person came over wiping his sweat.

And he is not here to stop Tao Yu. No matter where he is, strength is the strongest pass!

People who open this kind of store naturally know this, so they apologized to other customers while wiping their sweat.

"Sorry for your cooperation, all orders are free this time, and we will also send out coupons afterwards."

He didn't know the cause or what happened specifically, but that didn't stop him from starting to resolve the conflict as soon as possible.

As long as the contradiction is eliminated at the source as quickly as possible, many things will not happen.

Even though everyone else at the scene was worth a lot of money, after feeling Tao Yu's aura, they were very sensible and didn't say anything, being honest and well-behaved.

"A strong man like this doesn't make lies out of thin air. What happened?"

"Yes, did you say poisoning before? What happened to your 'Shi Zhi Xuan'?"

The two people who spoke were not just flattering Tao Yu. Tao Yu could vaguely feel that their strength was not weak. They were either top-notch mid-level partners or comparable to senior partners.

This guy is probably a regular here.

The poisoning in this kind of food is probably something they are very concerned about.

You would choose this place because it is delicious and safe, but a poisoning incident occurred?

This made the manager complain in his heart, and he very much hoped that this matter would be an own goal.

But the simple performance of the person before showed that things were not that simple.

At the very least, some competitors and the like won’t hire such masters for their secret tactics, and the restaurant is monitored everywhere...

But the next moment, his expression changed slightly, and he heard the message from the monitoring room.

"Manager, the monitoring is broken..."

There is really a big problem!

"It's the 'preserved fruit' of the wishful toxin. This toxin is hidden, colorless and odorless, and expensive. Moreover, it will not attack immediately after being poisoned, but will gradually eat away at it. Even those with highly resistant allogeneic implants will Affected..."

The security team in charge of this area arrived, and the captain determined the type of toxin on the spot.

"According to past experience, they should ambush you somewhere when you return from the meal. Now that they are discovered, the clues may be cut off. The method is very skillful and leaves no trace. It should be someone from the Thieves Guild. According to From past experience, someone may have put a reward on you. Who was the most recent sin?"

It has to be said that the people in the security team have seen a lot of things.

Although no one was arrested, the clues were quickly smoothed out.

They found the body of a waiter in the trash can on the back street. If nothing unexpected happened, it was the other party who had assumed this identity and found the right opportunity to poison him.

Then I left directly with the excuse of going to the restroom.

The process was pretty smooth and everything happened very quickly.

"Who hasn't offended anyone yet, but I came here to dine impromptu, and I didn't notice anyone following me on the way."

Tao Yu said casually.

"If your strength can ensure that no one knows your whereabouts, then this assassination may be impromptu, and your reward may be more public. After killing, you can go directly to receive the reward, similar to the reward mission in the mission hall."

Good guy, this unshaven captain of the security team is also familiar with the Thieves Guild model. I wonder if he has any part-time jobs.

"Oh, you know quite clearly. Do you have the address of the Thieves Guild? I'll go find them to discuss it."

"We don't know the address of this illegal organization, otherwise we would have banned it."

Although he has no knowledge of the Thieves Guild, the captain of the security team speaks in a flawless manner.

Tao Yu stuffed some wish metal into his hand and asked him to change the subject.

"However, we often receive some reports. There are always people in Area C17 who like to drill into the sewers. However, the Thieves Guild is a loose organization. The reason why it was not banned is because they have no core at all. After doing something big, they were banned for a while. It will still pop up, sir, please take note..."

When Tao Yu heard this, his expression moved slightly.

If it is banned, will it still pop up? Others in the name of the Thieves Guild? Or some other reason...

Seemingly seeing Tao Yu's confused expression, the captain who took the money continued to explain to him.

"It is said, just said, that the Thieves Guild may come from other cities. Most of the people in charge are ruthless people who came across the gray fog. Usually there will be both light and dark lines at once. They even have the ability to contact other cities. One place was banned. , the reserves will be on top, just like weeds..."

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