The three-story boat moved very quickly in the canal. It arrived in Jiangdu a few days after being separated from the Yingui sect, and then led by Shuanglong to the valley...

"Is this the secret of longevity..."

Tao Yu held a secret book that resembled a silk cloth in her hand, with a complex look in her eyes.

Finally got it!

The "Secret of Immortality" in his hand is made of black gold threads. It does not get wet when exposed to water and does not burn when exposed to fire. It feels neither like a piece of paper nor a piece of cloth. It is covered with incomprehensible oracle bone inscriptions. In addition, there are seven pictures of the human body.

Originally, the book had a total of 7,400 glyphs, but Tao Yu had the translation advantage given by the will of the world. Although oracle bone inscriptions are difficult, there are no extraordinary characters involved here, so the meanings of the words are all reflected.

Tao Yu translated and wrote it word for word...


"What kind of ghost word are you talking about? How come you have simplified it so much and you still need us to translate it again?"

Zhang Sanfeng was speechless looking at what Tao Yu wrote, and Tao Yu also looked embarrassed.

He can do translation, but he doesn’t know traditional Chinese!

Unless I get another traditional Chinese dictionary.

Then he could only start dictating, explaining word for word.

Even SsangYong benefited a lot from listening to it!

They all practiced it in a daze, but now when they heard Tao Yu's slightly awkward sentences, they had an inexplicable sense of erraticness, and they always felt that it was important.

Zhang Sanfeng was also a true cultivator. The more he listened, the more solemn he became, and later he also fell into a sudden enlightenment.

Tao Yu didn't urge him, he just picked up the secret book of longevity with a complicated expression on his face.

[Longevity Secret]: It can absorb and obtain the complete cultivation knowledge of Longevity Secret, and can absorb 10,000 aspiration power.

This longevity secret is a wish-power item, and because there is no contaminated information, it can be absorbed directly!

However, when Tao Yu himself had the second deification of Beidou, he did not choose to absorb it immediately. Instead, he first translated it with Zhang Sanfeng, an old man with treasures, to sum it up.

Everyone was studying the longevity secret in the small valley, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye...

"It is indeed a wonderful skill in the world. It is the essence of seizing the world and consolidating the essence. However, it has extremely strict restrictions. The two little friends can succeed in practicing by chance. This is because you are very lucky..."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed a little.

He had already begun to follow the path of Tai Chi and had a deep understanding of the secret of longevity.

"To practice this skill, first of all, the practitioner must not have any internal strength, and secondly, the practitioner needs to practice it unconsciously.

"People who practice martial arts get this book because they already have internal energy in their bodies, and the two martial arts conflict with each other, so they cannot practice.

"People who are not martial arts practitioners get this book because they know that this book is extraordinary, and even deliberate efforts cannot achieve its unintentional meaning.

"In addition, the introduction to practicing the "Secret of Immortality" is to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through the acupoints, replenish oneself, and directly cultivate the innate true energy.

“During this process, cultivators will experience various situations that look like they are going crazy.

"Ordinary people will definitely regard it as being obsessed and will not dare to continue practicing.

"Therefore, although it has been passed down from generation to generation, those who have obtained it will not dare to practice it again because they have already had prejudices and failed to practice it properly after trying it."

Zhang Sanfeng has indeed accumulated a lot of experience. After getting Tao Yu's complete translation, he also saw the biggest feature of this skill.

Even for Zhang Sanfeng, he could only use some of these concepts to integrate them into his own system, but it was impossible to cultivate.

And Tao Yu, after half a month of repeated deliberation and understanding of the Secret of Immortality, picked up the original and said to Kou Zhong.

"Are you okay if I smoke it?"

"It's as if you won't smoke if we have an opinion. It's hypocritical."

Kou Zhong rolled his eyes at Tao Yu, making Tao Yu laugh.

"You really understand me, so I'm just going to be polite."

"Suck it, suck it."

Xu Ziling also smiled and waved his hand.

They really have nothing to miss about the Secret of Immortality. Now that Tao Yu has translated the contents inside, they are both touched, and the future path seems a little clearer.

And Tao Yu completed the absorption of "The Secret of Immortality" without hesitation!

The knowledge that poured in with the will was free from any pollution or impurities, and the contents of the seven volumes of the Secret of Immortality emerged one by one.

Yin Yang and Five Elements!

The seven chapters of yin, yang, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth can also be combined with each other to be all-encompassing and ever-changing!

This related theory has been completed, coupled with the accumulation and mental outline in the previous half month, plus the study of the Heavenly Demon Dafa on the ship, and the understanding of Beidou and Nine Yang Divine Art.

All the knowledge comes together.

The true energy running inside the body kept rolling, suppressing the original flow of the Immortality Art.

Because of the high quality of the true essence and the ability to directly absorb it, Tao Yu skipped the condition of not having internal power.

The second deification of [Basic Breathing Method] brought about an increase in the ability to absorb free energy, and Tao Yu brought out wisps of white mist between his breaths.

This surprised both Shuanglong and Zhang Sanfeng next to them.

And the original [Longevity Technique] skill also began to undergo transformation.

Several different skill light groups seem to be merging because of Tao Yu's theoretical understanding!

"We're still a little short of deification of the [Secret of Immortality]!"

Feeling the gap, Tao Yu did not hesitate, and forcibly completed the deification of the Immortality Technique for cultivating Xiantian Qi. The cost was as high as 50,000 yuan!

But after the [Eternal Life Secret] was deified once, it immediately began to merge with Beidou and Jiuyang, which were originally functioning perfectly, and the rich true energy moved in an extremely strange way.

Originally, [Beidou] was an orthodox Taoist technique that combined hardness and softness, but at this time, the yin and yang lines were directly separated from the true essence.

And each derived the five elements of 'metal, wood, water, fire, and earth'!

The five elements of yin and the five elements of yang are all-encompassing!

The original true energy of the Beidou's yin and yang was transformed into twenty-two branches that circulated in the body in different ways, supporting and inhibiting each other, and finally converged in the Dantian.


Tao Yu couldn't help but look up to the sky and scream, and the thatched house built by the water collapsed in response!

A strong energy spread out, as if spinning around Tao Yu.

Kou Zhong and others hurried away, surprised and confused.

After sipping a cup of tea, Tao Yu's white air began to subside, and was then sucked into his body.

At this time, Tao Yu felt that every time he opened and closed his pores, he could exchange free energy with the outside world.

It has a long history and is endless!


As Tao Yu raised his palm toward the sky, a golden flying dragon about ten feet soared into the sky. It reached back and forth under Tao Yu's control only ten feet away, and then the second, and the third!

In the end, twenty-two flying dragons of different colors rotated and circled around Tao Yu, making both Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have their mouths wide open.

Damn it!

Are we practicing the same longevity formula?

Can pioneers be lawless? !

It’s so unreasonable!


Tao Yu laughed three times, and then sucked all the hovering flying dragons back into his body.

The huge consumption of the true energy that had been separated from the body, along with the vomiting of the pores all over his body, was actually recovering at a considerable speed.

This effect is as if I have been chewing meat slowly without stopping for a moment!

Although it is not as good as the will power, nor is it as good as eating nutritional cream, the key point is that it is almost a constant state!

As long as it is not a place where the vitality of heaven and earth is exhausted, there will be no impact!

And because of the effect currently anchored by [Power: Price], this recovery can be spun quickly and superimposed again.

In the past, the delay cost caused by [power] usually had to be filled by eating afterwards, but now you can just swallow the energy!

This chemical reaction is simply as powerful as a tiger.

"If we have another battle at Jing Nian Temple, I can beat them all to death without using my will power!"

Tao Yu clenched his fist, feeling the addition of the artistic conception of power, and his face showed joy.

The Secret of Immortality is indeed one of the three great books. Because it is all-encompassing, it has successfully integrated the artistic conception of power and roots into the artistic conception of the master. It is like being able to split mountains and rocks with just a move of your hands, and being motionless when standing on the ground!

"Actually, in terms of absolute strength, I haven't improved too much. The main thing is that I have integrated into the new artistic conception. Now I can directly kill the master instantly with the seven-star unification, but my recovery ability has indeed improved significantly. Now I can still do it after the seven-star unification." We have the ability to maintain normal combat effectiveness for a long time.

"If you don't continue to fight, you can rest for a while and release it again without using your willpower. The third time you don't eat, you can probably continue releasing it after a quarter of an hour of rest!"

This is the explosive ability of Seven Stars Guiyi that is close to emptying oneself, which means that one does not have to do anything, and most of it can be recovered in about a quarter of an hour. The upper limit of the amount has been increased generally, but the recovery speed can be said to have increased dramatically.

It is equivalent to the original 150 blue bars recovering one point per minute, but it has become the 200 blue bars recovering 10 points per minute!

Tao Yu closed his eyes and sensed it carefully, and then his whole body was wrapped in black mist and entered [Demonization]!

With the current ability to absorb the power of heaven and earth, he has been able to maintain his [demonized] posture for a long time!


Tao Yu looked at his [Longevity Secret] with burning eyes. ? 】, after integrating the second deification of Beidou, this new longevity secret still only belongs to the category of one deification!

You can also perform a second deification!

However, Tao Yu's mouth twitched when she saw the fee.

Originally, [Everlasting Life Technique] cost 50,000 yuan to deify once, and about 10 million to deify it twice. But now after integrating some of my abilities, the cost of deifying it again has increased to 2 million. Now it needs A huge sum of twelve million.

But there is no doubt that the effect is stronger than the original!

The money I currently have saved is really only a fraction...

"But fortunately, it's still much cheaper than the triple deification that's a thousand times better. Besides, it's not like I can't afford the deification!"

Tao Yu thought in her mind that if she sold her shares in the 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion', she would definitely be able to fill the vacancy, but in the long run it would be a bit of a loss...

"How about selling half of it?"

Tao Yu was a little hesitant. He must be the first to complete the second deification. This is his fundamental method!

"Brother Tao, have you become an immortal?"

"I just turned into a dragon. I must have become an immortal..."

The words from Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling made Tao Yu wake up.

Let’s talk about it when we go back. First, ask the little rich woman how much she can sell it for...

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