"It's also two months, almost~"

Even though he had obtained the Evil Emperor's relic, which was equivalent to a fifteen-year improvement in cultivation, Tao Yu could not look down upon the two months of hard training.

Now it takes less than half a month for my normal five times acceleration, and the Secret of Immortality has successfully passed the lv3 threshold and become lv4!

Looking at Shi Feixuan who fainted indescribably beside him, Tao Yu dug out a set of his own clothes from the shadow and threw them on her.

Now that I have the [Corpse Hiding Mirror], I can carry more daily necessities in the future.

Tao Yu then directly controlled the spiritual seed stimulation and forcibly awakened the unconscious Shi Fei Xuan.

"I can't wear that suit anymore. Let's change to this suit."

Tao Yuzhen had no pity or pity for her, so she stood up and started kicking, so the scene was a bit hard to describe.

Hearing his words, Shi Feixuan looked at the set of large T-shirts and sighed as she felt the spiritual seeds suppressing her.

But she didn't say anything, she just silently put on the T-shirt empty. Her tall figure and the elastic material of the clothing created an indescribable picture.

Tao Yu was also stunned for a moment.

Seeing Shi Feixuan standing there obediently and pretty, she was also a little speechless.

It seems that this makes me suffer even more.

Then Tao Yu thought of something and took off his inner scale armor.

Now this thing is of little use to me, so let's cover it for her.

This change of clothes directly transformed Shi Fei Xuan into a white dress and bare feet, and her legs were also bare...


When Huanwan saw her master Feixuan come back with a unique set of clothes, she couldn't help but let out a sigh, as if she felt what Bai Qing'er felt back then.

This guy is indeed his lifelong enemy!

"What are you looking at? Then I'll let you compete to determine the winner."

Tao Yu knocked on the bun, looked at her curled mouth and couldn't help but stretch out her hand and scratch it.

"How's the situation over there?"

"Master has already killed the Seven Immortal Immortals, Shi Zhixuan, and the body is still there. We don't know what the special item the sect master mentioned is. I guess the sect master has to find it himself.

"Now the master is watching the meeting together. She has a special status, so she can give some guidance. Now it seems that everyone has acquiesced in the way that the Song clan takes the lead, and then all the major forces send representatives to form the cabinet. The emperor should have been Song Que, but He doesn't seem to care, and now he seems to have the intention of giving it to Kou Zhong."

Even with Tao Yu's endorsement, external suppression of the Living Dead and Luck Stealers incidents, and the reality of the abyssal environment.

But if you want to finalize this kind of thing by simply 'talking', it will definitely take a lot of time.

It's just for the time being to finalize the general direction and outline, but it's still not a big problem.

The Song Clan was already strong, and the Li Clan had been able to compete with the help of the Turks and Goryeo before, and might even have the upper hand.

But after what happened in Chang'an, there was no doubt that all thoughts of them were cut off.

Then it was logical to choose Song Clan.

From this era, it is impossible to make any strange progress in one step, and it is impossible without the core of the emperor.

But I don’t know if Song Que was considering not wanting a too powerful emperor, or if he simply didn’t want to waste time being an emperor, and in the end he really wanted to fall to Kou Zhong.

It seems that Kou Zhong did not know how to govern a country and had no culture.

However, some specific measures are finalized by the cabinet. Representatives of all the major families in the world have an interest in it. As a smart and intelligent Kou Zhong who comes from a lower class background, it will be enough if he can achieve a balance.

This is indeed the fastest way to complete the integration.

After actually coming here to experience it personally, Tao Yu also knew that in this era, it was indeed impossible to ignore the wealthy and powerful.

So what if you are stronger?

So what if the little rich woman comes to take charge?

Killing a person will only make things more chaotic.

However, with the pressure brought by the abyss itself and the integration of multiple worlds under the influence of each other, this side will always find the most adaptable way.

But judging from the situation in the old development zone and Star City, the new method may not necessarily be better...

For a moment, Tao Yu actually felt a sense of powerlessness that even with extraordinary strength, he could not solve the problem.

It is impossible to avoid selfishness as a human being, and it is indeed human beings who actually do things.

There may be a small number of saints, but that number is too small to cover all the key locations.

"Perhaps, the emergence of some super AI can solve many problems, but unfortunately, the people who make AI are also humans. Who knows what database is fed and what backdoors will be left..."

As for the situation here, Tao Yu did not interfere too much.

I am just a small shareholder, so these are not things I need to consider. To put it bluntly, it is my own fault if I intervene and fail to do a good job.

If they don't do a good job in what they choose, that's their own problem. It has nothing to do with them...

A ball of thunder is constantly changing colors in Tao Yu's hands. The five elements of earth, metal, water, wood, and fire are constantly changing, and they can be transformed by Tao Yu in a relatively natural way.

"Tao Xiaoyou's grenade technique is really amazing."

Zhang Sanfeng only had a few small electric arcs pulsing in his hands. Looking at Tao Yu's grenade technique, he couldn't help but sigh.

The discussion over the follow-up situation of Datang continued to be discussed by them, but Tao Yu and Zhang Sanfeng, who did not want to participate, began to tinker with the thunder method of Lightning Running Thunder Fist together.

Tao Yu did not hesitate to explain some principles and uses.

As a hundred-year-old true cultivator, Zhang Sanfeng could understand the principles of the ordinary version of the Lightning Thunder Fist, and made some superficial attempts.

He could not put it into practice, but he could make some small arcs like "magic tricks".

At the same time, he verified the Taoist doctrine with Tao Yu, and the two learned and improved together.

"Unfortunately, I still can't return to chaos. I think my true energy reserves are enough, but it's still a little short of it."

Tao Yu even wanted to make the Lightning Thunder Fist a second deification.

Unlike the fundamental method, the Lightning Thunder Fist is a bit like Yijianshu, just a skill. The first cost is also 10,000, and the second deification cost is 2 million.

Although I don't have so much money now, it should be enough to rely on dividends after I go back.

And the skills dropped by zombies can also be sold in batches to make money, as well as vampire ashes.

There is no need to count these in the tasks that the rich woman gave me in advance.

If we really want to make up for the advance payment, the Cihang Sword Classic and the coaches who are about to leave are enough.

After all, the Cihang Sword Classic is more famous!

The Daoxin Planting Demon Method can be kept for observation by oneself. It is not famous itself, and if this thing is obtained by the low-level guys like the pioneers, it is guaranteed that there will be a lot of trouble. Since it is enough, it is completely unnecessary.

"There are also Yanyang Qigong and Jiuxuan Dafa. Although they are inferior to the Qishu, they are relatively simple to get started. I guess they are more practical and easy to sell."

He solved the thief team by himself, provided many magical skills including the Cihang Sword Classic, and had this group of coaches, and stabilized this world with more active energy in the world.

It is more than enough to offset the part of the advance payment made by the little rich woman.

The remaining income from the sale of some props, plus the dividends, is enough to maintain the practice and deify the Lightning Thunder Fist.

However, because there were seven more carefully selected zombies, and he wanted to get a flying mount, Tao Yu also wanted to deify the [Corpse Refining Technique].

"Hopefully, I can sell more money. It's almost time to go back..."

While discussing here, the army under their command did not stop, and began to gradually calm down the chaos in various places and began to suppress bandits.

In this end of the dynasty, suppressing bandits is a very hard job.

And even if the general direction has been discussed, there will probably be many more interests and negotiations to fight for later. Tao Yu discussed technology with the demon gate demon women while discussing thunder magic with Zhang Sanfeng, although he was also living a comfortable life.

But after more than half a month, he still felt that he could let this group of people talk slowly first, and go back to hand in the debt task first...

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