"I will give you small classes for three days. If you don't understand anything during these three days, feel free to ask me, but I will only answer repeated questions once. After three days, whether you are beginners in Zhuang Gong or not, you will go directly to the big class to practice together. , until the skills are introduced..."

Smith's expression was very cold, which made everyone feel nervous. A few people who were not talented in combat even felt a little regretful. They didn't have free places, they got half-price loans.

I originally wanted to give it a try, but it seems it's not that simple.

"It's not too late to regret now. Do you want to quit?"


Three students raised their hands directly, and a fourth person raised his hand a moment later. They are all students with non-combat talents!

Originally, after adding two people, there were nine, but now it is almost halved.

"Okay, you can leave now. It's time to understand the current situation."

Smith wasn't mocking anything. It was good to be able to stop the loss in time. He looked at the remaining five people and continued.

"I know that you all should have fighting talents, and there is one who has a good talent, but whether you can match it depends on you. Let's start directly today. Follow my previous moves and perform as much as you can... …”

As his voice fell, the five of them also separated from each other, standing on the cinder training ground and began to recall their previous actions.

But how can ordinary people's memories remember a whole set of boxing techniques that can last for a quarter of an hour?

It is difficult to remember all the simple repetitive movements of radio gymnastics!

If you don't dismantle it step by step, this will be a rollover scene.

There was even a person who fell down because many of those movements were weird and violated the human body's strength.

These did not exceed Smith's expectations, so he just looked at it with a smile.

But soon his expression hardened, he stared at Tao Yu and frowned.

Although Tao Yu cannot be said to be a perfect replica, he relied on all the movements recorded by his dynamic vision, combined with his physical fitness that slightly exceeds the limit of the human body, and his level of [Basic Combat·Modification] lv2, but he is the only person on the scene who can fight like this That's what happened.

Not to mention how the fight went, but it continued smoothly. After the other students had stopped, Tao Yu finished the fight with bumps and bumps along the way, and even made a decent closing move.

Tao Yu was originally able to sense Qi and blood because of his deified breathing method. After this set of movements, he unexpectedly found that he could provide side auxiliary bonuses.

It's obviously not up to standard, but it already makes my body feel a little numb, and my whole body is soaked with sweat.

Because of the [One Permanent Certificate], his body should have improved slightly. Although it was not much, Tao Yu also felt very excited.

This is something that complements breathing techniques.

"What is your talent?"

Smith looked at Tao Yu after finishing the beating with complicated eyes.

"A-level [Dynamic Vision]."

It was originally meant to be shown to others, so of course Tao Yu would not hide it.


"It's actually A-level, no wonder!"

"Good guy..."

Several other students who had the same mixed feelings and even some jealousy suddenly felt balanced.

A-level talent should be like this!

Zhang Wei also sighed in his heart at this time. He originally thought that his physical talent should be more advantageous, but now it seems that there is really no comparison!

So what if the physical talent is not as good as mine?

Level A [Dynamic Vision] can memorize all movements in an instant!

And his physical fitness is much better than mine!

It is obvious that he is the owner of his physical talent...

"[Dynamic Vision]? No wonder, your physical fitness is also quite good, I'm afraid it's no worse than mine. The [Basic Breathing Technique] and [Basic Fighting] levels should be both high. You've put a lot of effort into it, right?"

Smith was a little emotional, this is an absolute newcomer who has just completed his awakening! I've only been to the abyss once to achieve this level.

There are only a few people from outside the city who can make such a big deal, maybe because the opponent's A-level talent has received some investment, or because of the conditions for joining certain forces.

But he couldn't care about this, so he said directly without waiting for Tao Yu's reply.

"If you have the willpower, this skill is actually easy to learn. It looks like you can get started today. I will correct you, and then try to use the willpower to raise it to lv2. After three days, they will go to the big class, and I will teach you boxing skills."

At this he paused.

"This skill is a basic ability. It doesn't cost much to accelerate your willpower. Don't worry."

Compared with before, although Smith's mood was a bit complicated, on the surface he was more enthusiastic and continued to tell Tao Yu

"But practicing is very physically demanding. If you want to get started quickly, you have to take supplements. The canteen of the Taoist temple sells medicinal food. A bowl of Qi Bu Qi Decoction costs 10 units of willing power. It is a welfare price of the Taoist temple and cannot be bought outside. "

10 units of willingness is the daily income of Tao Yu's parents. Just buying a bowl of qi-boosting soup will probably consume many bowls a day, which is actually a lot of money.

Fortunately, Tao Yuxin made a lot of money, so he could afford it.

When he was practicing the basic breathing method in the abyss, he could actually feel that even the nutrition of meat could not keep up with his digestion speed. It’s exhausting to practice all the time.

That kind of qi-boosting soup should be similar to the recovery effect of eating raw blood orchid, supplementing more nutrients with a smaller amount that is easier to absorb.

After hearing this, Tao Yu also humbly asked Smith for advice.

"Senior brother, I wonder if the gym has any skills to improve digestion."

"Haha, you are a little naughty. If you have the ability to improve digestion and eat more diligently, that would be enough, but in fact you won't save much. You have to spend money to eat meat."

Smith immediately understood what Tao Yu meant, but then explained

"There is a class in the gym called [Tin-Swallowing Technique], which helps with food and promotes digestion. However, although the learning fee for this class is only 1,000, it is best to have a core boxing skill of level 3 before mastering it, otherwise you will not even be able to control your stomach. Control is difficult to learn.”

Because of Tao Yu's talent, Smith was obviously much kinder.

"Furthermore, the original purpose of this skill is to meet the needs of stronger consumption. It is usually combined with the consumption of Qi Bu Qi Decoction. It is a bit early to consider this during the Zhuang Kung Fu stage."

"Thank you, senior brother, I understand."

Tao Yu nodded, just have it!

All your various deification skills will greatly increase your physical or mental consumption. Relying on the recovery effect of [One Permanent Certificate] to supplement your energy is the most cost-effective.

Tao Yu Qianqian tried to replenish the willpower with more than a dozen points of willpower. The speed was really fast. Both recovery and healing were far faster than eating. However, the cost-effectiveness was extremely low.

The current physical fitness is probably a few hundred points just to restore physical strength. The stronger the physical fitness, the greater the recovery cost, let alone healing. It can only be used for emergencies and cannot be used on a regular basis.

Therefore, for Tao Yu himself, the priority of learning this digestive skill is higher than the advanced breathing method that is secretly taught in this dojo.

But the prerequisite for all this is to master the boxing technique first!

Tao Yu slowly exhaled, then cupped her hands to Smith.

"Senior brother, please correct me."

"Okay, let's also save time. Come and watch together. I will explain it when I guide Junior Brother Tao Yu. Remember it all. I don't want to make repeated mistakes."

As Smith finished speaking, he signaled Tao Yu to start, directly using Tao Yu as the general teacher of teaching.

"Although it looks standard, there are still many things that are not in place. This is a pile of skills, not a fighting style. Don't consider speed and power at all. The purpose is to train every muscle. Some movements even have to be slowed down... …”

As Smith spoke, he kept patting Tao Yu's body to correct some flaws.

From time to time, there would be creaking sounds of bones and joints, and Tao Yu could also feel that every part of his body was burning.

But with the cooperation of Qi and blood, the effect this time is at least several times that of the first one!

After the second set, Tao Yu was very tired and his clothes were all soaked, but he did not rest.

I am not afraid of losing my body through training!

It’s only right to take advantage of the feeling and work hard!

"Junior brother, you should take a rest and don't rush for success. Although your physical fitness is good, it is not a physical talent after all."

Smith couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard that Tao Yu was coming.

It seems like only two sets, but the load on the body is not light!

"Brother, I am sensible. I took a lot of special herbs in the abyss. The potency of the medicine may not be digested yet, and my whole body is warm."

Tao Yu "accidentally" revealed the information that she had finished eating the blood orchid again without any care.

This made Zhang Wei look a little confused. What kind of herbal medicine? At the beginning, he did remember that the other party had a lot of red flowers. Is that that kind of thing?

This gave Zhang Wei some thoughts.

"Okay, just count it yourself, do it one last time, and then take a rest. The gym has a special blood-activating ointment that costs 20 Vows per jar, and the price is internal."

After finishing speaking, Smith signaled Tao Yu to start again, and he also admired the other party's perseverance in his heart.

Let’s not talk about whether the body can hold it or not. The soreness and soreness that come on as soon as I start using it are quite uncomfortable!

Tao Yu's persistence also paid off.

He had memorized the movements clearly and had developed a good feeling. After receiving personal correction from Smith for the third time, he had a vague understanding in his heart.

Then the [Wanliu Zhuang Gong] lv1 skill light group appeared, and the skill was introduced!

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