"Brother, you are their important target, and you are injured. Hide quickly."

Lin Xue entered the half-demon state, and bone spurs popped out of her body, and she also formed an exoskeleton armor, which looked a bit majestic.

At this time, looking at Lin Chao, who was hastily bandaged and given an injection of painkillers and forced to come to command, he also felt very anxious.

"I have [intuition], only I am most suitable for commanding in this environment, I won't go to the front line."

Lin Chao said two sentences with a little panting.

A shot pierced his body before.

Even if he relied on [intuition] and combat skills [flexible body] to forcefully choose the mode with the least damage.

But he still injured part of the lung lobe, and the painkillers temporarily suppressed the injury.

After dealing with his sister casually, he continued to command the direction of the personnel like a backbone.

There are many guns in his hands, and there are various tunnels here.

Even if there is indeed a gap in overall strength.

But they still relied on the deterrence of guns, explosives and traps to stop the enemy with difficulty.

There were constant gunshots and explosions from time to time.

And every time Lin Chao commanded, he could just make his side gain a local advantage.

Although they have been shrinking and their space for activities has been squeezed.

But from the sudden attack to now, it is quite rare to be able to form the current situation.

It's just a huge gap in strength, plus they have suffered surprise attacks and long-range bombardment.

The defeat is already obvious.

No wonder those gangs have been allowed to come and provoke, it turns out that they want to relax the guards and get used to having gang members nearby to observe at night.

As a result, such an unprecedented attack came today!

"I am Chaoyang Society, this is an honor..."

Lin Chao sighed, reached out and took out a piece of paper, looking at the crooked words on it.

This is someone helping his family, and the previous explosions outside were also obvious, someone was attacking some mechanical modifiers!


"I don't know if those old immortals will come."

Lin Chao's face was also solemn.

Unlike the president who was unable to handle everything at once, those guys were not as strong as the president, but they could disgust him everywhere. Moreover, since it was already such a big scene, it was not impossible for a few old immortals to suppress their strength a little!

If such a master came, the defensive position in front of him would be a joke...

"Qi'er! Damn it! You deserve to die!"

Suddenly, a violent roar appeared. The low and penetrating voice seemed to suppress the flames burning around. Just the sound made people feel terrified.

It was the supreme elder of the Dragon Lizard Family!

This old immortal actually came too!

However, Lin Chao also heard the voice he was talking about.


Could it be Xiqi?

At that time, the original head of the Dragon Lizard Family had the strength close to that of a boundary breaker, which was already the top in the inner city.

And he had excellent dragon blood implants, and at the same time practiced Gangqi, so his strength was extremely strong.

He is known as the most promising person to transform into a dragon in the Dragon Lizard Family in the past 20 years.

However, because of what the Dragon Lizard Family did, the president came to argue with him and he was seriously injured. It seems that there are hidden dangers that are difficult to cure. It is very likely that he will never be able to transform into a dragon again in his lifetime.

Therefore, the Dragon Lizard Family hates Chaoyang Society the most.

This Lizard Qi is a genius second only to the head of the Dragon Lizard Family, but he is a little younger.

After the head of the family had no hope of transforming into a dragon, he concentrated the resources of the family to start training.

As a result, he came this time too? Something happened? !

"Old Lizard, pay attention, don't attract the Inspector."

Another powerful voice came from the other side, which made Lin Chao's face change again

"It's the old lion of the War Lion Family who is here..."

Two of them came at the same time. This is really too much respect for the Chaoyang Society without a president!

Although the War Lion Family also has blood implants, their blood implants are only auxiliary and specially optimized. The main practice is still combat skills.

But their family head is extremely talented. Both the family head and the old lion have cultivated their combat skills to the level of a boundary breaker!

In terms of one-on-one strength, he may be inferior to the old lizard, but when his power is restricted and he dare not provoke the appearance of the Inspector, he can exert a stronger power.

Because of the long-term hostility, there are many people who have witnessed the president's power and can recognize the voices of both. At this time, despair appeared on their faces.

Soon, even the flames began to extinguish and give way. Two passages appeared on the left and right in front.

On the left is a thin lizard man who looks like a dragon man, with fangs in his mouth, wrinkles on his lizard skin, and a white beard on his chin. Although he doesn't look good, he is the supreme elder of the Dragon Lizard Family and a strong man who can be ranked in the top ten in the inner city.

On the other side, there is a tall and burly man with golden hair and a full beard. The rest looks like a normal man.

The powerful momentum of the two made the flames give way.

Before they even got close, the Chaoyang Society members who were hiding near the headquarters felt tremendous pressure.

They didn't even dare to shoot!

However, Lin Chao also knew that it was meaningless to shoot such a strong man, and the rockets were too obvious, which was quite difficult to deal with!

"Who killed Qi'er!"

The old lizard's cold vertical pupils swept across the people in front of him. Except for Lin Chao, no one dared to look at him, and everyone avoided him.

Even Lin Chao, who looked at him, felt a chill in his heart. This might be some skill of the other party, and there was also mental probing just now.

"Hmph, not here."

After looking around, the old lizard seemed to have made up his mind.

"But, Qi'er died here, and it was your Chaoyang Society. I want you all to be buried with him!"

The anger in the old lizard's heart was completely written on his face.

He only had less than 30 years to live. If he didn't have any adventures, he should end here.

If the family couldn't have a new boundary breaker before he died, it would inevitably lead to the sudden decline of the family.

Obviously, there were two people in the family who had a chance before, and they would have a place to go anyway. It was even possible that two boundary breakers would emerge after they died of old age and obtain more resources again.

With the resources of the family, it was already stable.

But who would have thought that one was injured and one died today, and it was all thanks to the Chaoyang Society!

This made his lizard nostrils start to emit white smoke, and a sulfur gas came out of his mouth.

Even if you restrain your strength, you will all die!

He took a deep breath, and his stomach seemed to swell up.

And the extreme warning sign was beating in Lin Chao's heart.

Oops, I can't avoid it!

But the next moment, his warning sign quickly faded.

The old lion on the other side changed his expression and reminded

"Be careful!"

The old lizard's own strength is not to be underestimated. Although the lv5 meditation technique cannot make him a meditation master, with his own sensing skills and blood talent, this perception between life and death is also very strong.


The flame that was originally prepared to spray forward suddenly turned and began to spray around him.

The flame like liquid magma sprayed out of his mouth, and when it came into contact with the air, it instantly exploded and expanded into plasma. The high temperature of thousands of degrees was enough to vaporize steel!

As he turned his head, it seemed as if a fire tornado wrapped around him was formed, and the air made a whistling sound of being heated.

Even if Lin Chao and the others were not sprayed, they felt a heat wave coming.

But inside the fire tornado, the old lizard with wrinkles on his skin had a solemn expression.

He suddenly raised his hand.

Almost at the same time, the fire tornado surrounding him quickly deformed, and a fire dragon head pressed towards him with a dragon roar.

The surface of the seemingly dry palm suddenly flashed with blood, as if covered by sticky blood plasma, and he also muttered some strange dragon roars.

The next moment, it intersected with the dark claws in the fire dragon head.


The fire tornado shattered, flattening all the burning ruins nearby, and sparks flew!

The broken debris poured around like shrapnel, making a whizzing sound.

Then, in the unbelievable eyes of Lin Chao and others.

The powerful old lizard actually stepped on the ground and kept sliding backwards.

Obviously, his legs had been pressed into the ground, and two scratches were plowed out, and the pile of soil behind him kept accumulating and almost covered his thighs.

Tao Yu, who also floated and fell, could not help but take several steps back after stepping on the ground.

His shadow seemed to crack, like glass breaking with a crackling sound, shattering into pieces, and the ground covered by the shadow also broke and shattered continuously, transferring all the excess physical pressure.

Even though most of the force had been transferred by the shadow, Tao Yu's palms were still numb, and even his bones felt a pain, and his blood was surging.

That blow just now didn't seem to hit a skinny old man at all, it was like hitting a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

That skinny palm was harder than steel!

The brute force, coupled with the opponent's unknown blood-colored energy, I, who didn't use the small three-in-one, was actually at a disadvantage!

If it weren't for the phase transfer that deflected a large amount of force to the shadow side, I would probably be more seriously injured by this blow!

Although I didn't use the small three-in-one, the opponent didn't transform either.


After watching the old lizard over there spit out blood, Tao Yu was slightly relieved. So you were injured, you scared me.

Then it seems to be a draw, evenly matched.

Since both of them have trump cards, let's see whose is stronger...

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