All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 354: Incorporation into the Territory

Tao Yu's words did not make Xi Chuang angry.

If he was so young and had such strength, he could be more arrogant than the other party.

It's not wrong for men to like beautiful women.

Isn't he the same?

But as a person who has experienced it, he still smiled and said

"I have heard some rumors about you. There are many confidantes among the aborigines. These are actually not a big deal. We are all men. They won't care about you. But you must have a wife who is married in a formal way, right? You have to do this if you want your family to grow slowly in the future.

"And this kind of wife must be able to help you. There are not many people who can match your talents and achievements. You can look at it from the material point of view. Finding a rich woman can save you many years of detours. Don't worry, after you marry us, we will not only not interfere with you, but we will even give you enough financial support immediately. There will be a betrothal gift of 500,000 willpower for engagement, and 5 million free resources after entering the door. If your growth rate reaches the standard, there will be subsequent additional investment..."

It must be said that from the surface alone, the sincerity of the Longxi family this time is not bad.

After all, they are not a family from the floating city. They must have accumulated a lot of family heritage, but 5 million in liquid funds is definitely not as easy as a rich woman.

Especially now that the Dragon Lizard family is in trouble.

However, if Tao Yu's worth is taken into account, it seems a bit subtle.

The equity value of the three places, "Scripture Pavilion", "Dada Company" and "Alien Breeding Farm", is at least tens of millions, and it is still bullish in the long run. If you want to buy it now, you must pay a premium.

If there is really an engagement and Tao Yu has something wrong, Tao Yu really doesn't think that his family can compete with such a family.

Although he did not feel this kind of hostility from Lizard Chuang, it is indeed a potential threat, and he would never agree to it.

"Sorry, I am not interested in this. I also want to find a beautiful wife."

Hearing this, Lizard Chuang still did not give up, and then said

"I also have a niece, who was not implanted because she resisted this change. She is a beautiful woman who studies combat skills. How about meeting her? The conditions remain the same! ”

If he has the conditions, he would certainly like to send his daughter to the position, but if he really can't, he has to settle for the next best thing, and the good meat will rot in the pot.

He even gave an example and said,

"I don't know if you know that the current captain of the inner city, Sekai, has risen to prominence by holding on to the thigh of the Gan family. He..."

"He was just beaten by me. Thighs are thighs, and strength is strength. In this day and age, you still have to rely on your own fists."

Tao Yu said in a flat tone, looking at Xi Chuang and said faintly,

"In addition, I also learned from him that more than ten senior partners died yesterday, and there was even a boundary breaker. The head of the family was so anxious to come to the door, could it be your ancestor?"

Tao Yu's words made Xi Chuang's expression freeze, and then he sighed and admitted generously,

"It couldn't be kept secret for long, but I didn't expect you to know it already. Okay, I understand what you mean, but I just hope that nephew Tao can think about it more. The conditions can still be discussed. You should know that without our ancestor, we will want to quickly use resources to pile up a boundary breaker, a huge amount of resources! "

Xizhuang couldn't resist the temptation.

Tao Yu didn't doubt his words, but unfortunately, the vast resources would most likely be thrown to him. After all, he had this potential, but his foundation was damaged before.

Now, he might choose to ignore the cost.

"After all, I am not a direct descendant of the Dragon Lizard Family."

Tao Yu's sober words also made Xichuang retract his last thought, and then nodded.

"In this case, I will take my leave. Please accept these gifts for your presumptuous visit. I hope that nephew Tao can take care of our family in the new development area when he is free."

"No problem."

Just like when they went to find Master Wang, although the matter was not done, some gifts were left.

The things may not be expensive, but it is also a gesture of goodwill to maintain the relationship.

Wouldn't it be a bigger loss if they couldn't talk about it and tore their faces apart?

But Tao Yu didn't know what he would think if he knew that their ancestor was killed by himself...


"Seventh brother, are you okay? "

Tao Long was a little worried. The Dragon Lizard Family! This is the top ten family in the inner city.

"It's not a big deal. Their ancestor has passed away. I guess they are busy shrinking and making concessions. It's okay for Uncle Hu. It's done. "

Tao Yu made an OK gesture, so that Tao Long could not keep up with the changes in his son.

That was the head of the Dragon Lizard family!

They could actually talk about it relatively, and even if the talks broke down, they actually left gifts!

Tao Yu even checked these gifts.

The Dragon Lizard family was also sober, and the things they left behind were not tampered with. They were all uncontaminated wish-power herbs, which could directly read relevant instructions and information through the world's will, and some common supplements...


Slowly as time went by, what happened that night began to ferment and spread, and then intensified!

The Inner City Family Alliance took advantage of Gu Qiu's absence to launch a surprise attack, but ended in a miserable defeat!

The Dragon Lizard family's supreme elder, the top ten boundary breakers in the inner city, died!

The old patriarch of the War Lion family was captured by the Supervisor, and because he had been warned once before, this time he directly arranged a mission for ten fear-level evil spirits.

I'm afraid they won't be free in the short term.

At the same time, news also came from the old pioneer area. Guqiu severely damaged the current patriarch of the War Lion family and turned the tide.

Coupled with the dozen or so senior partner-level experts who died, in comparison, this incident in the Lewis family was completely insignificant.

And there is no doubt that what cannot be defeated will eventually make a person stronger.

Although the Chaoyang Society headquarters was burned down and suffered heavy losses, the original silent terror effect was instantly broken after becoming famous this time.

Many people who were originally interested in Chaoyang Society but did not dare to do so were encouraged, and they actually showed a tendency to expand after this incident.

On the other hand, the family alliance seems to have been discouraged.

In the end, the Gan family, which had always maintained neutrality, came forward to mediate, and the two sides initially reached some agreement on a ceasefire.

The 'happiness' channel from the inner city to the outer city is limited to the northern part of the outer city.

Many people who are infected with 'happiness' and cannot escape have no choice but to move towards Beicheng District...

It's night, Thieves Guild.

Tao Yu looked at the closed bar and the temporary sign outside the bar and felt a little speechless.

"So cowardly? You didn't keep silent last time, and you definitely won't do it this time. There's no trust at all, hey~"

After sighing, he jumped into the shadows again and returned home.

The demonization is really useful after the second deification. It can make some changes in form, which is really a useful tool for changing the vest.

"In the future, if you use demonization regularly, you have to go back to your previous image to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and associations among others."

Tao Yu also made some relevant decisions in her heart, and then spent the remaining days peacefully.

The little rich woman will come back one day later than me, but I can go over first to see how the situation is over there...

Back in the world of the Tang Dynasty, Tao Yu took the lead in dealing with the problem of zombies. Relying on the second deification of the [Corpse Refining Technique], he summoned Cao Shaolin and Wei Nuo to eliminate their quotas.

Then the demonized BOSS on Wei Nuo was transferred and installed on the strongest zombie under Shi Shaojian's command.

He didn't know where he got this zombie, but it was stronger than Qu Ao and others, his actual combat ability was comparable to that of a top grandmaster, and he could emit evil auras of various filthy energies.

His movements are also much brisker. Although he still seems a little stiff, but combined with the filthy evil spirit, he is still a first-rate master in containment, and he is more than enough to provide support.

Named Ada by Tao Yu, he directly became the zombie leader, blending into his own shadow with Dugufeng's zombies.

The other five are Qu Ao, Huang Gongcuo, Li Mi, Dugu Feng and You Chuhong. All seven zombies are alive.

Those that couldn't melt into the shadow were buried directly in the wild by Tao Yu. Anyway, they can be summoned remotely. Just summon them when they need to work in a stable place.

Otherwise, it would be easy to scare other people if you follow him around on weekdays.

"If there is a chance to catch the resentful spirit, we can strengthen it again. After the Beidou Lord dies, it seems just right for them to form the Tiangang Beidou Formation. However, it is a pity that it is almost impossible to contain the old lizard. The old guy is too brute force. Break all laws with one force..."

When Tao Yu came back after dealing with the problem, some results could be considered...

"Sect Master, the regulations have been made. Please review them for confirmation."

Bai Qing'er delicately presented the results of these days' discussions to Tao Yu.

It's still a draft, but it already has an outline.

Kou Zhong became emperor and married Song Yuzhi as his queen.

The cabinet is currently controlled by several major separatist forces. The resources dedicated to Buddhism are used to save all sentient beings and quickly bring peace to the troubled times. The distribution of power has initially taken shape.

The Yingui faction also has a representative in the cabinet, who does not do anything but has veto power on major proposals. He represents Tao Yu and the new development area.

"Okay, let's do it. My boss will start his journey tomorrow. He will bring a set of Yuanli communication devices. There are restrictions on the frequency of use. It can be used in emergencies. If not, you can simply report safety every month and summarize it. ”

Tao Yu modified it slightly and took it back.

The manpower in the development area is destined to be impossible to completely rule. Even if the puppet regime actually needs to give up a lot, it is better to stay as it is now and be able to grasp the direction.

And his personal relationship with Kou Zhong is also good, which is even better.

Before, Tao Yu was thinking about pulling out the optical fiber, but the little rich woman directly took out a willing device specially designed to deal with this situation, which made him realize that he was a bit of a country boy.

Two sets will be brought here this time, one set will be placed in Luoyang and the other set will be placed in Guangmingding. The three martial arts worlds can be said to be officially included in the sphere of influence of the new development area.

They have full autonomy, but for the indigenous people who are unable to use their willpower, many benefits will eventually be absorbed by the new development area...

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