On a dilapidated street, all kinds of houses are in dilapidated condition. One after another, innocent giants with strange expressions on their faces are walking aimlessly on the street, looking for humans.

Their bodies, which range from several meters to more than ten meters tall, and their weird expressions really make this place look like hell.

The Innocent Titans have only one purpose in their lives, which is to eat the owners of the Intelligent Titans and turn them back into humans. However, they cannot distinguish between them, so they will only prey on humans indiscriminately.

It seems extremely penetrating.

"Is this the world you live in?"

Yang Guo looked at the giants with various strange expressions wandering aimlessly in the city, and seemed to sigh a little when he saw the density of these giants.

"That's right, a hellish world."

Mikasa's expression was extremely cold, and she didn't seem to be affected at all by Eren's death.

"But, there are also giants here! Once we kill all the giants here, our strength will be able to avenge the dead!"

Zhang Hao, who had become bald and wearing a cassock, was now full of murderous aura and began to go to extremes.

Kill to protect life! I am still too soft-hearted!

This time the martial arts guard team was led by him, and something like this happened.

The violent explosion knocked them all unconscious. They could only hear the perverted laughter of the pioneers and vaguely saw Allen's death.

As the eldest among the survivors, Zhang Hao immediately felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders. At the same time, they did not choose to go back, but chose to come to the world of giants to complete their improvement in strength!

Even if it means death, we must take revenge!

Ymir didn't say anything here. Unlike the chosen ones, she had luck to protect her. Her survival depended on the resilience of the giant's power. No one knew that she was also a giant before.

But Armin looked at several people with worried looks in their eyes, especially looking at Mikasa. He had no idea what Mikasa was thinking.

He felt something was wrong with the other party.

"Don't worry about me, I'm mentally prepared for Allen's death."

Mikasa's tone was calm, as if she had read Armin's thoughts.

Allen drank the giant's spinal fluid and his lifespan was limited. After several years of training in the training corps, his lifespan was less than ten years.

But Mikasa couldn't accept it. After Allen finally found a normal ideal in life, walked out of the shadows, and was no longer bound by the past, he died halfway out of frustration!

The freed bird was shot when it came out of the cage. It is unforgivable!

But at this moment, several of them suddenly changed their expressions and turned their heads to look at the huge gap behind the city.

Suddenly, lightning flashed, and several giants with various characteristics appeared over there.

And every giant actually speaks human words.

"Pete! Are you crazy!"

"What are you doing?"

"Damn it! I noticed something was wrong with you on the way!"

The giant's voice was deafening enough for them all to hear.

When they saw traces of the female giant and the armored giant among them, their expressions changed.

"It's the pioneers. They should be the pioneers who bought the power of the giant."

Yang Guo and Armin both thought quickly. After knowing the situation of the Blazers, they immediately made a judgment.

At the same time, he also said to Mikasa next to him

"Mikasa, don't be impulsive. They probably didn't kill Eren."

"I know, but I feel that Allen is over there..., I feel that Allen is not dead yet..."

Mikasa stared blankly in that direction, her tone of voice was unbelievable, she even thought it was her own illusion!


Unlike those pioneers who could make human voices, they only responded with a roar of giants.

Then a behemoth that far exceeded the size of a normal giant began to appear.

Bones were outlined out of thin air, and a huge, deformed body began to rise from the ground.

Even the super giant looks small compared to this giant with only a skeleton frame.

The originally tall city walls became vulnerable under this giant that looked like it was made of giant ribs.

Just the airflow of transformation instantly knocked away all the other giants next to him!

The air waves caused by the terrifying size caused rows of houses to be directly destroyed and razed to the ground!

Mikasa and the others felt a strong wind coming even though they were so far away.

The entire giant is like a mountain!

The key is that on the head of this giant, there is actually the head of Attack Titan, and it is Eren's head!

Because the head is relatively small, it looks extremely grotesque compared to the entire deformed body.

After the transformation, everything seemed to be in chaos.

It was obvious that he had just transformed and knocked the others away, but now he was sticking out his tongue, turning his head, roaring, and occasionally making inexplicable mutterings.

You can vaguely hear some gibberish saying 'Go away! ''don't want! ''Who are you! ’

In this case.

Looking at that head, several people here had expressions on their faces.


"How come?"

"What's going on?"

They were completely stunned and had no idea why this was happening.

Zhang Hao witnessed Allen's murder with his own eyes!

At this time, his face was even more confused. What was going on? What's going on!

"No matter what it is, we must help Allen now!"

Mikasa's face turned fierce. She picked up the three-dimensional mobile device she had replaced after entering the city, and rushed forward with her own light skills!

Then, before the blown Kai Titan could stand firm, she cut off his neck first, and instantly separated the pioneer inside from his head and body.

"Be careful! Enemy attack!"

The female giant holder noticed the strangeness of the Armored Titan, and her face was filled with fear.

Such a monster giant suddenly appeared in front, and now there is a life-seeking ghost behind. What should I do!

"So fast!"

Mikasa was originally a master with only the three-dimensional mobile device, but now she has the blessing of the Nine Yin Manual, and even worse, as the Chosen One, she has killed many giants.

With a terrifying fighting mentality and psychological quality, coupled with this kind of combat power, the female giant holder has no room for resistance at all!

After being killed, the Cart Titan rushed towards this side, and it became a one-on-one situation with Mikasa.

Two people were reduced in an instant, and now the one-on-one situation directly made him tremble.

The Beast Titan on the other side was in the shape of a lion, and was bounced far away with the Colossal Titan. With their agility, they could not come quickly.

But just when Mikasa finished killing the Cart Titan, the mountain-like Founding Titan in the sky suddenly roared.

The earth shook for a while.

Everything here seemed to happen very quickly, but Allen, who had been in the coordinate land since his death, used the power of the coordinates of the Titan's original world to overlap with his future self and was bound to his own destiny again.

And once again, according to the trajectory of fate, he launched the rumbling!


The remaining towering walls suddenly cracked.

It was not because of the earthquake, nor because of the power of the mountain giant. With the falling of pieces of wall skin, the scarlet tendons and hideous faces of the Colossal Titans were exposed inside.

This towering wall was actually made up of countless Colossal Titans!


The sleeping giants awakened one after another, shaking down the city walls, and bursting out clouds of smoke like dominoes.

The scarlet giants began to step out of the smoke.

Even if half of the city was directly wiped out by the fall from the abyss, less than half of the city walls remain.

There are still tens of thousands of giants 50 to 60 meters high in the remaining city walls!

The earth is shaking!

If Allen is still alive and has always been outside the influence of the original world, it is actually not a big deal.

Breaking away from the constraints of the original world, he is truly free, not bound by fate, and the hand of the coordinates cannot reach so far.

However, a pioneer killed him, and after the killing, the new buyer used a host with a weak will to return to Paradis Island with the power of the ancestor, completing the closed loop of fate again.

Without the original Allen's constraints, the influence of the old Allen lingered on Paradis Island like a ghost.

The terrifying scene of tens of thousands of giants breaking free from the city walls made everyone who saw it look in disbelief and surprise, and they couldn't understand it at all.

Your group of tall figures took steps one by one, and the synchronized frequency caused the earth to tremble violently.


Mikasa stood on the body of the Cart Titan that had been chopped to death, and she was a little dazed when she saw the scene in front of her.

What happened? Did you do this...


Armin and Yang Guo hurriedly chased after them and came nearby

"Hide quickly, those giants are out of control!"

"They seem to be heading towards the periphery, and I seem to hear Eren's voice in my head."

Ymir also came over at this time and said with a frown.

"The direction of the city wall is currently pointing to the opposite world, not to the south, but why did Eren do this?"

These city walls were cut in half, and there should have been giants attacking from all directions, but because the city walls facing the world of the Condor Heroes were directly gone, after these giants broke free from the constraints of the city walls, they went deep into the other side of the world.

Although it seems slow, each step of the 60-meter-tall giant is extremely far, which is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"I seem to have heard what he said. Allen wants to destroy the world outside Paradis Island so that the people of Paradis Island can live in peace..."

Ymir kept covering her head, feeling a lot of noise, and there was also a kind of fear on her face.

Paradis Island was almost destroyed because of natural disasters. Why does he still have such conflicting thoughts?

What is this, why is this...

It seems that there is also a mixture of magic sound in her ears, making her head feel like it is about to explode.

"He is ordering me, and I can't disobey this order!"

Ymir half-knelt on the ground, as if the Founding Titan can not only control the Titans, but even all the Eldians.

It is an unspeakable power.

However, at this moment, seven terrifying streams of light flashed, like the turrets of space-based weapons, and bombarded the mountain-like Founding Titan one after another.

Each beam of light seemed to be able to deconstruct flesh and bones, constantly melting the Founding Titan.

Click, click!

As the seven thick beams moved, the originally arrogant Ancestral Titan was cut open, and the hanging Attack Titan head also fell towards the ground.

But then it seemed to be dragged by an invisible force and floated in the air.

Then Sun Shiyu, who had seven strange weapons behind him, rode a hovercraft and landed in the air with Tao Yu.

As she raised her hand to call, the frozen giant's head quickly fell towards this side and landed on the ground.

At this time, Tao Yu, who followed the little rich woman down, also had a strange face.

The first time I saw the weapons behind her, I thought they were Ionia.

But today you told me it was a floating cannon?

It’s also an incredibly powerful floating cannon!

The mountain-like figure was dismembered, which really had a big impact on Tao Yu!

At least for him, the only way to deal with this thing is to climb up, find the head and kill it.

Although the Xiaosanhe and the Yin-Yang Five Elements Divine Thunder must be broken somewhere, they are too big and I really have to look for them.

Seeing that Yang Guo, Mikasa and others were okay, Tao Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the huge group of giants leaving in the distance and making the earth still shake, Tao Yu also had a look of helplessness on his face.

"Everyone, maybe my previous judgment was wrong. Allen may be a luck thief..."

Moreover, it is the most extreme and difficult kind of potential thought!

It's just that he has never expressed these influences and influences he has received before.

After being killed, he returned to the original world and did such a thing all of a sudden. It was almost unbelievable.

However, at this moment, a strange insect tens of meters long suddenly sprang out from the remains of the ancestor giant that was cut into several pieces by Sun Shiyu, and even after it collapsed, it looked like a mountain.

This insect exuded a silvery white light, like a millipede, and rushed towards Allen's head crazily.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

Tao Yu and Sun Shiyu felt that special aura, and both had a hint of enlightenment.

The heart of the world? !

"Be careful, it's the heart of the fallen world, it's very difficult to deal with."

Sun Shiyu was still well-informed and quickly made a definition.

Although he didn't know what it was, Tao Yu knew it was difficult to deal with when he heard the name, and nodded solemnly.

Then I was a little speechless when I saw Sun Shiyu's weapons rising into the air again, and they transformed into seven forts again.


Seven thick streams of light instantly hit the grotesque insect with screams.

But unlike the ancestor giant that was dismembered before, although it was severely injured, it was not killed directly!

But the next moment, Sun Shiyu's seven weapons transformed again, turning into melee weapons and directly fixed on the weird insect from seven positions, locking it firmly to the ground, unable to move no matter how hard it struggled!

"It's a very serious pollution. This can be seen as a crazy world where the will of the world has been distorted. But fortunately it has just taken shape, otherwise it would be troublesome."

Sun Shiyu seemed to be slightly relieved.

"Like the ghost world?"

Tao Yu also vaguely knew that some world fragments seemed to be born to bring disaster. In fact, to a certain extent, Zombie 01 and Alien 01 both had the potential to invade other worlds. Who knows what they would become if they continued to evolve. .

But fortunately it was dealt with at the source.

The world in front of us seems to have gone crazy with the will of the world. To some extent, it is similar to the demonized world, but it is more tangible!

"Is this world heart useful?"

Tao Yu is a little ready to make a move, he is not afraid of contamination!

"The form of this kind of living creature is not bad. After it is killed, there will be no difference. It is just that the power of the world will be released, which will be much less than usual. When the time comes, you can directly absorb and strengthen your own talents."

Tao Yu was moved by the words of the little rich woman. There must not be too much of this kind of thing in the floating city, but she directly let herself absorb it.


Tao Yu is not pretentious and will accept whatever she has to accept, but sooner or later he will become her pillar of strength!

"Be careful, I'm going to kill it. It will spread out very quickly. It will be absorbed immediately."

Sun Shiyu raised his hands, and his fingers formed a triangle in front of him. The next moment, the seven weapons were shining brightly, and the thunderbolts were connected to each other, constantly electrolyzing the weird insect.

Little dots of light continued to scatter in the air, and the size of the weird insect continued to shrink, eventually becoming only about the size of a human spine.

Tao Yu also quickly picked it up and began to absorb it. The weight was indeed not much, even less than the one in the zombie world.

But the power of the world, such as the Heart of the World, can never be too little.

A warm current penetrated into Tao Yu's body, and in accordance with the talent that had not yet been opened, it slightly strengthened the meridians like a small version of He's Bi.

But then Tao Yu felt a different kind of change.

"Huh? The speed of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth has also been accelerated by half a percent. This..., the new talent strengthens the meridians and increases the breathing of vitality of heaven and earth? I wonder if it will be a rare talent after it is formed..."

Seeing that the power of the world was exhausted, Tao Yu also felt a little regretful. It was too little and could not be formed. However, even if it had a level similar to Shibi this time, it would still be too much. After all, he was already a third-level talent, and the difficulty of opening a new one was indeed bigger.

"Fortunately, I can keep accumulating, so it's not a waste. But the heart of the fallen world and the crazy will of the world, this..."

Tao Yu felt the chaos brought by the strange worm before, and he was a little nervous. He was not afraid of pollution, but he was afraid of madmen.

Who knows what will go crazy next time...

Looking up at the giants who were still moving forward, Tao Yu couldn't help but sigh.

I didn't expect that after killing this thing, it seemed that the last will still remain. Trouble.

"I don't know if it was originally like this, or if it was affected by the abyss."

The giant world went crazy, which was barely acceptable. If there really was a zombie Marvel universe, or a dark chaos in the sky, or a perfect black blood fairy emperor, then it would be really cold.

"Why do they destroy the world at every turn? But those energy levels should be the world in the sky, not so... right..."

Tao Yu rubbed his head with a headache...


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