"I'm back."

Tao Yu did not choose to rely on his stealth skills to track him backwards. There were many people during the day, and he had to keep hiding in the shadows. It would take too long and consume him more than he could bear.

Tao Yu's main purpose now is to delay as much time as possible so that he can spread the news as much as possible, and then the problem will naturally be solved.

He has his own talent and potential, and he doesn't want to go head-on when he's weak.

Due to the influence of the world he lived in in his previous life, Tao Yu still likes to value harmony.

It was an accident to kill Joseph. This guy actually used something he hated to trick him into using it.

"The food is on the table, and my parents have returned to the abyss."

Third sister-in-law Li Li stretched out her hand and wiped it on her apron.

"Has the stone come back? Is there nothing going on today?"

Tao Yu asked casually with an indifferent expression.

"I came back at noon and said I would stay at a friend's house that night."

Li Li sighed again. She spent the most time taking care of her family on weekdays. Tao Shi stayed up at night at a young age and was always worried.

"It's okay, you're such an adult, boys won't suffer."

Tao Yu saw her sister-in-law's expression and knew that she was not harassing the family for the time being.

As for my brother, Tao Yu really has nothing to worry about. This is how this guy has always been.

Although he ate a lot of qi-boosting soup in the gym, seeing a bowl of fried bacon with pickles and white rice on the table made Tao Yu touch his belly again.

The consumption of latent use before has to be replenished.

"My parents said that you should try your best to cook meat at home. They will also look for some at the gathering place and bring them back."

Tao Yu did not refuse this kind of parental concern.

Meat in the modern world is very expensive, but it is quite easy to get it in the Abyss gathering place. However, it is not convenient to carry it every time. Sometimes I ask my colleagues who come back to bring something and deliver messages.

After Tao Yu finished eating, the sky turned completely dark.

Because Lao Ba had already said in advance that he would not come back, Li Li closed the door early and locked the door bolt.

Then he took the dishes and chopsticks to clean them.

Tao Yu went back to his room to recharge his batteries. He wasn't going to sleep tonight, so he had to be careful.

At least it should stay like this until the news is completely spread.

Tao Yu opened the window of the paper shell a little to reveal a larger gap. Tao Yu stretched out her hand to indicate the size of the window and then retreated to the bed.

"It feels like I'm back in the abyss spending the night alone..."

Tao Yu sighed inwardly. As a person who doesn't like fighting and killing, it was really a headache for him to encounter these things.

Hope everything goes well...

At night, it was dark outside, and there was the faint sound of some autonomous cannons.

Tao Yu, who was leaning on the bed with his eyes closed to rest, also opened his eyes at this time.

There was really movement outside the house!


He stood up helplessly, and the next moment Tao Yu disappeared directly into the shadows.

Instantly blending into the shadows and stringing out from the window!

Escaping into the shadows will not give Tao Yu the ability to pass through walls, but as long as there are enough gaps, he can slide through them like jelly!

The perspectives of the mottled shadows around him were constantly switching at high speed, ignoring the collision volume to a certain extent, allowing Tao Yu to make no sound or leave any footprints, far exceeding the speed he could run during the day.

In less than two seconds, he walked around the back of the house and arrived at the two black figures that had just rolled into the farm.

The autonomous cannon on the roof can only search for gray fog monsters. It is not an intelligent defense system, so the two people ignored it.

They looked familiar, they were the same two people during the day, but they had changed their equipment.

During the day, they all dressed up as ordinary outsiders, looking gray and gray.

But this time it was two sets of dark special operations uniforms.

The tactical pockets were also filled with various things. In each hand was a small submachine gun similar to MP5. The submachine gun also had a silencer. It was obvious that the intruder was evil.

Coupled with the night vision goggles on their heads, they also gave the two of them a sense of professionalism, which was completely different from the shabby appearance they had when they were stalking them before.

If Tao Yu hadn't had extraordinary eyesight, he wouldn't have been able to recognize the two of them immediately.

Looking at this piece of equipment, Tao Yu's eyes gradually darkened in the shadows.

I have already taken a step back, why should I force myself...

The two of them looked at each other over the fence of the farm and did not speak. It was obvious that they had planned it in advance.

I watched a few tactical gestures being made between the two of them, and one of them groped forward and quickly bowed forward.

It can be seen that the two of them should also have skills similar to lurking, and they make no sound when walking with tactical boots.

And it moves quickly.

But just when the man in front reached the corner and took out his dagger to push the door bolt open, there was a slight sound of bone cracking behind him.

A chill ran down his spine for a moment, he was very familiar with this sound!

It was the sound of a broken neck!

Without any hesitation, he swung the dagger behind him, and his other hand had already grasped the handle of the gun again.

But there was no movement behind him except for the corpses of his fallen companions!

He secretly thought that something was wrong. Before he could get a new reaction, a heavy blow to the back of his head made his vision go black and he fell unconscious.

Within a few seconds, as soon as the first corpse fell to the ground, Tao Yu had already killed the two of them.

After a quick search, Tao Yu found two tactical headsets. After a moment of hesitation, he broke off the microphones and Tao Yu temporarily put them to his ears.

But it seemed that this was just for the two of them to communicate, and there was no sound.

Then he carried the corpse in one hand and the unconscious one in the other, and went over the guardrail and walked towards the garbage mountain.

The night in the outer city was almost dark, with no stars or moon. There were only some light spots on the inner city wall. It was almost pitch dark at Tao Yu's house.

But in Tao Yu's eyes, all the details were still clear.

The streets in the outer city were still so dirty at night, but there was no one in sight. Except for the occasional coughing from some houses, there was not even the barking of dogs.

The sporadic gunshots in the distance were the embellishment of the silent night.

Tao Yu walked very fast, and he did not slow down at all while carrying two fully armed adults.

At the same time, he was constantly observing the surroundings, worried that there would be other gangs to support him.

He deliberately showed up just to see how big their battle was.

With [Bullet Time] and [Lurking] as a backup, plus enough willpower to spare, Tao Yu had the capital to test.

But perhaps it is good news, just like the silent headset, until Tao Yu walked to the front of the garbage mountain, he did not encounter any new attacks.

"Hehe, this kind of force is indeed more than enough to deal with our family."

Tao Yu laughed at himself, sometimes being underestimated is not a bad thing.

The dark garbage mountain in front of him was made of all kinds of waste materials, with a more pungent smell than the street.

In addition to the garbage and the stench, there are many red dots here, running around in the garbage from time to time, looking for something.

Tao Yu's eyesight can easily see that these red dots are the eyes of huge rats.

Each rat is as big as a kitten. After Tao Yu came over, many of them stared at him straight, without any fear, and their scarlet eyes were full of cruelty.

Because the meat of these rats is poisonous and cannot be cooked, it is also one of the few very nourishing animals in the outer city.

Tao Yu has heard the ghost story of rats eating people in the garbage mountain since he was a child.

After throwing the two people on the ground, Tao Yu leaned over and began to collect the harvest.

He took off his bulletproof vest and packed all the scattered equipment.

The next moment, Tao Yu held the body with both hands and turned it around in place, and threw it directly to the garbage mountain from a long distance.


The rats that had been staring at this side from time to time swarmed up in an instant, piled up on the body, and the sound of leather tearing, chewing, and gnawing bones continued to come, making Tao Yu feel a little sick.

Looking down at the fainted person, Tao Yu didn't know if he had controlled his strength well, and didn't know if he was dead or not.

But he didn't care so much, he really didn't have much experience in this regard.

He turned the other person over casually, and then exerted force with his feet.

Crack~ Crack~

The limbs were broken one by one, and the unconscious person woke up with a muffled groan.

But before he could scream, a hand like an iron clamp had already clamped on his neck, making the guy who had just woken up from the pain and felt dizzy almost black out again.

Li Xiang, who had just woken up, felt pain all over his body, his head was dizzy, and the huge force on his neck made him breathless.

What happened?

That's right...

My cousin and I were about to catch the kid in the daytime and interrogate him.

Then what happened?

The previous scenes appeared in my mind intermittently like fragments, and I heard a voice behind me just as I was about to use a dagger to pick the bolt.

Turn around...

My cousin is dead!

Memories flooded into my mind, making Li Xiang alert and his mind clearer.

The night vision goggles had been taken off, and it was dark in front of him. Li Xiang could only vaguely see some scarlet red dots in front of him. An extremely unpleasant stench came into his nose, and there was a rustling sound in his ears.

This immediately made Li Xiang's heart sink.

Even if he couldn't see the outline clearly, he knew where this was.

A mountain of garbage!

I came here to deal with some of the dirty work I did before!

It’s over…

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