Tao Yu glanced at Parker and Miles who were still in a coma and frowned

"It's a little different from the original plan..."

It can be said that the appearance of Pavas disrupted some of Tao Yu's original plans.

He originally planned to sneak into the RDA base first, and then he could let go.

The ability of the shadow side may be seen by some high-perception individual masters, but in front of such people without strong individuals, it is a magical skill to do whatever they want.

These RDA employees are not warriors who will fight to the death. It is normal to surrender when things are impossible. Therefore, as long as they successfully enter the base, it can be regarded as Tao Yu's own home court. It is not impossible to control the command level and solve the problems here by oneself.

Or he is the optimal solution for the new development zone team RDA.

But after such a situation on Pavas' side, Tao Yu still felt a little pressure.

Unlike the last time when Jackdaw sneaked over by himself and no one knew what he was doing, this time Pavas's trajectory can be said to be very clear.

If I continue to perform well at the base, not to mention locking myself in, I will definitely be included in the suspect list...

"The Sun family is not a soft persimmon. It's okay to use Pavas as a raft. There is no reason to be afraid of me!"

Tao Yu finally made a decision. He came directly and openly, but he had a clear conscience!

Without killing Parker and Miles, Tao Yu directly escaped into the shadows and rushed to the room where he was resting at high speed.

Now in Xingyao City, I am also a well-deserved strong man!

There is no need to worry about everything, and I can't stop eating because of choking!

Why should I worry?

Just make the enemy more worried!

"However, the strength is indeed a little bit short, and I still have to find a way to quickly improve my ability."

Who am I afraid of in the new development area?

I won't take the initiative to publicize it, but if it is really exposed that I killed him, then I killed him!

As long as I don't die, I don't have to worry too much about my family, and the Sun family must protect their own minions.

However, there is a worrying point now. The Sun family seems to have made some enemies because of the problems in the newly developed area.

"There may be people behind the scenes who are trying to stir up trouble. I thought that the Sun family had obtained the two powerful weapons of internal force and superconducting ore, and gained considerable reputation in both mechanical transformation and cultivation system. Now it seems that sometimes these reputations are not necessarily good things..."

Tao Yu has read a lot of books after all. History is a repeater! There are traces to follow!

The second and third brothers suffered huge losses inexplicably. If it is not the Sun family who stabbed them, it must be that the eldest brother felt threatened.

And then oh, now the Sun family has become the second.

"Xingyao Family..."

Tao Yu thought of the 'Xing' family, which ranked first in Xingyao City, and his expression seemed a little solemn.

According to the current understanding, the Xing family has mastered some 'divine arts' and has control over the civilization fire of Xingyao City. It is also the representative of Xingyao City to the outside world!

In addition to dispersing the gray fog, the civilization fire should have some other magical uses.

Anyway, the Xing family has always been the undisputed number one, with a superior status, and does not participate in the struggles below.

The Sun family will work hard for the new development area and invest resources to seize it, but the Xing family has always been sitting on the Diaoyutai.

This time, I didn’t hear any news about the Xing family from Pavas, but Tao Yu didn’t need any evidence, and felt that there was something wrong with the Xing family.

"Otherwise, the little rich woman wouldn’t say that the worst plan was to give up everything in the world. They should have noticed it a long time ago, but now they are put in this position, I’m afraid there is nothing they can do..."

Can’t see the problem with the families behind?

In fact, they should be able to see it, but they will have a fluke mentality that they will not be the next one, or when it is their turn to be the second child, they will be the second child at ease.

Even when the Sun family came to power, they had this idea...

"I hope time can be extended a little longer. What Xingyao Family? I will turn you into a Meteor Family."

Tao Yu moved forward quickly in the mottled shadows. After entering the sensing range, he instantly replaced himself with the water clone he left behind and returned to the single bed compartment that looked like a space capsule.

A gentle voice-over came into his ears, and at the same time, some memory information of the water clone during this period began to be read.

"...We RDA are determined to create a new ecological world and survive on this planet. We have reached an offensive and defensive alliance with the planet's native Na'vi people, and the future direction..."

Some introductions to RDA are still being played in the front, as well as some of the current businesses on Pandora.

The current predicament, future expectations and directions.

In terms of RDA's technical level, the introduction video generated by AI can be said to be quite comprehensive.

And Tao Yu didn't care about these, he directly opened the door and came to Kisame.

Kisame used a transformation technique to make himself look more like a normal human, but he looked ugly after the transformation.

"Mr. Tao."

Kisame was very polite when he saw Tao Yu.

At the same time, several other people came over.

"I decided to use force to suppress the top leaders of the RDA base, force them to compromise completely, and complete a disguised alliance. I will also assign you each area of ​​responsibility."

Tao Yu quickly told them what he was going to do next in a secret voice transmission.

Because of what happened with Pavas, he was ready to cut through the trouble quickly at the RDA base.

When the time comes, use the radio here to communicate directly with the little rich woman.

Originally, for Tao Yu, it was all about hiding if you could, and showing off if you couldn't. That didn't matter!

Now Pavas has a disposable teleportation device, who knows if anyone else has it?

Fortunately, this device itself requires very high energy and cannot be used casually.

But no one can guarantee that there are no corresponding energy sources elsewhere!

Take the world of Pacific Rim as an example. There may not be a controllable nuclear fusion engine like Entrepreneurship Star that can still operate, but if it is made from degraded weapons-grade fissile materials, there is no guarantee that it can be piled up and forcibly piled up.

And the tailed beast from Kirigakure Village.

"There is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. Perhaps the Sun family can arrange for a top expert who can suppress the situation to come here as a way to deal with it."

Tao Yu sighed, the Sun family must have something similar.

It's just that for the Sun family, they have already obtained the military advantage in the new development area, and there is no need to spend a lot of money to recruit people. They are the party being challenged.

Although the Sun family is powerful, there is no limit to the number of masters, especially those who are capable of controlling the situation on their own.

By making arrangements, there will be one less place in need, and others can also make different arrangements for the strong people who come over...

"That's a problem for the little rich woman to consider. I'll solve the problem here first."

After making the decision, Tao Yu looked at a few people and issued the relevant arrangements. Two teams, each responsible for an area.

Led by an experienced Jonin, it is more than enough to complete the tasks of disrupting and attracting.

"... Again, put your own safety first in everything, and kill as few people as possible while ensuring your own safety. The main thing is to wait for me to complete the control in the command tower, order them to surrender, and then cooperate outside to disarm them."



Following Tao Yu's order, the group of people quickly jumped away in an instant.

And a moment after several people turned into black shadows and jumped away quickly, an alarm sounded inside the RDA base, wailing, hooting, hooting...

Red alerts flashed continuously in the base command center.

"What's going on? Where are Parker and Colonel Miles? Aren't they here yet?"

Grace, who had been at the base all along, quickly came to the control room after hearing the alarm.

She is also an important figure in RDA, a member of the Avatar Project, and an extremely outstanding botanist. She has already noticed these plant 'neural networks' and the existence of Eva.

Although Grace has no actual power, her status in the base is still very high. With both Parker and Miles missing, her authority is undoubtedly quite large.

"Dr. Grace, the newly brought in survivors from next door are missing. They are so fast, they are ninjas!"

The guy in charge of monitoring had a look of fear on his face.

In fact, they all thought that Miles would often make a fuss out of molehills in the past, but they didn't expect that they would really encounter a problem this time.

"How could it be? Didn't they pass the inspection? Sally took them there!"

"I don't know. They didn't check the previous video now..."

"Sally! Where's Sally!"

Grace roared.

And Sally was here at this time, walking over curiously.

"What is it, Doctor?"

He was still confused at this time and had no idea what was happening.

"No need to be surprised. He fell into my illusion, so he didn't know about it."

But the sound coming from the control room at this time made all the staff here feel cold.

Because of their relationship with ninjas, the defense in their base area is very strict. There are various identification and automatic weapons along the way, and there is even a team of exoskeleton soldiers inside.

But as the sound appeared, these soldiers did not have time to react, and they were all hit in the acupuncture points from the air.

The self-discipline weapons on the road were all in vain, easily sneaked in by Tao Yu.

Tao Yu's ability to deal with the situation at RDA is indeed innately convenient.

"Parker and Miles were both deceived by you. You don't keep your word!"

Grace still had the drive of an old-school researcher. Even though Tao Yu was already in front of her, she still expressed her inner dissatisfaction.

"No, that's the arrangement of the base. I came in from the other side, as you all know. So, there are only two choices before you now, surrender, or die..."

Tao Yu's words were very relaxed, without any murderous intent, and he even had a smile on his face.

But as he finished speaking, everyone present felt a huge psychological pressure. That kind of weight that was completely on their shoulders made them not doubt the determination of the other party!

Who wants to die if he can live?

In fact, they are just a group of wage earners, who are they working for?

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