In the almost reserved hall of Shizhixuan, Tao Yu and the friendly troops who came to help out this time also made the atmosphere lively.

There was clinking of glasses and loud noises, compliments and compliments everywhere.

"Nephew Tao Xian is really a formidable young man!"

"The field is unbelievable. I'm afraid no one of the great figures in the Floating City has mastered it yet, right?"

"With such achievements, the future is truly limitless!"

"I'm also going to make a reservation at the 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion', haha."

"Given time, Mr. Tao may become a boundary breaker."

"Boundary Breaker, this is a real big shot, the inner city has reached the top!"


A group of people exchanged glasses, and the smell of wine was high.

Originally, Shizhixuan's main focus was quietness and freshness, but the venue was made to look like a vegetable market.

"Everyone, I have been appointed by the eldest lady when I come back this time. I may leave Xingyao and go to the state capital for a while. If there is any trouble here, please help me."

Tao Yu specially invited everyone to have a meal at the 'Shi Zhi Xuan'. In fact, he was also preparing to tell his situation just right.

The date of departure for the state capital has been set, and there is nothing to hide.

Most of the people here are relatives of Dada Company. They already have common interests and have businesses in the new development area.

With this kind of relationship, even if the Sun family is ultimately defeated and retreats to the state capital, as long as he doesn't die, he can still leave a legacy and take care of his family, which is more than enough.

His family members were not troublemakers, so Tao Yu had to leave some other escape routes.

Although these people did not see Tao Yu take action, they vaguely heard the exclamations from the crowd and knew that Tao Yu had used his domain to feel like he was in a no-man's land.

All that's left after coming here is flattery.

And even though Sekai, the captain of the security team, had been beaten, he still had to wipe his butt himself after the scene.

All this is brought about by strength!

"Of course!"

"Don't be polite to us."

"Just say hello if you need anything."

"Congratulations on your promotion."

For Tao Yu to be entrusted to go to the state capital, in their eyes, it was obvious that he had been reused and promoted, and they all expressed their congratulations.

"I can go to the state capital. I feel ashamed to say that I have never been there until now."

"Without a suitable high-return mission, we won't be able to cross the gray fog."

"Probably not many people have been here."

"I did go there once with the team. Although it was only about two hundred kilometers away, the gray fog area was so disgusting that I didn't want to experience it again."

Panda's father seemed to be speechless as he thought of some bad memories.

And it seemed like he had only been to the scene once.

Tao Yu also asked curiously.

"Oh? I wonder if uncle can tell me something?"

"It's nothing, and it's not a secret. Usually senior partners are qualified to cross the gray fog. With the Lamp of Will, it won't be a big problem to resist the short-term pollution of the gray fog..."

Panda's father certainly wouldn't skimp on this opportunity to get closer.

"I originally took over the task of escorting the convoy. The journey went smoothly and I didn't encounter any trouble. However, the gray fog monster also encountered some..."

Tao Yu listened and learned a little about Panda's father from the perspective of the participant.

The gray fog is a reflection of the world invaded by the abyss. The gray fog and the monsters in the gray fog are isolated by the fire of civilization.

And unlike entering the fragments to hunt willing creatures, the gray fog monsters do not drop anything. On the contrary, all kinds of attacks are full of pollution.

Even the most common ghoul, although not very powerful, will accumulate contamination if the black blood that bursts out after being killed is stained on the body.

"The most common one is of course the ghoul. It is said that this is the transformation of ordinary people who lived under the gray fog in the old days. The overall strength is actually not strong. The weakest individuals are about the same as ordinary people, and sometimes they can break through the gray fog. Come in, the strongest ones are not even mid-level partners.

"The main trouble is the pollution and the large number. It seems that after death, you will be reborn in the gray mist after a while. The blood smells extremely foul and the pollution is extremely heavy. It is not afraid of life and death. It seems that it wants to use its own death to drag people down. It is said that Followers of evil gods will collect their blood and use them as weapons."

At this point, Panda's father paused, because they had only encountered ghouls on the way. This was something that all teams crossing the gray fog would inevitably encounter. It was considered a 'permanent' trouble.

"In addition, although we have not encountered attacks from other monsters, we have encountered gray fog giants patrolling. At that time, the entire convoy stopped in silence, ready for battle at any time. However, although we felt the footsteps of the gray fog giants approaching, in the end But they didn’t notice us and left directly.”

The gray fog giant is a thing with very weak perception but extremely strong strength. It has been lingering in the gray fog. The way to deal with it is to keep quiet and silent. Once the fight starts, even the boundary breaker will have a headache.

Moreover, the battle is too noisy and can easily attract other things.

"In addition, although we have always lit the lamp of will, we often see some hidden shadows that have appeared and are staring at us. It is said that there are shadows that are powerful enough to break the lamp of will. The president of the Chamber of Commerce who led the team at the beginning encountered I visited once and many people died.”

Weak individuals in the shadows will sometimes break through the gray fog and come in, and because they are silent and will not be targeted by autonomous cannons, being attached to the shadows is likely to cause ordinary people to go crazy.

However, fortunately, the ones that can enter are weak ghosts, and the will lamps lit by ordinary blood essence can be used for defense.

"The journey is about 200 kilometers, and the road is not easy to walk, but usually people choose to set off early in the morning and arrive in one day. Anyway, staying overnight in the gray fog is not a good thing, and various dangers will be greatly increased..."

While Tao Yu listened with relish, other people around him would also echo one or two. In fact, although they have never been there, most of them have heard of it, and echoing is just for fun.

"I have a space equipment, so I am also going to take our skills there to have a look. Does anyone have any suitable channels?"

Tao Yu asked again.

"In fact, our skills don't have much profit in the state capital. On the contrary, some bulk commodities such as wish power ingredients have a little more profit."

Panda's father reminded him.

Although Tao Yu was stunned for a moment, he also reacted. The state capital is too close to Xingyao City.

It is possible that some people from the office will move by returning from the abyss.

There may not be enough manpower for bulk or something, but skills, which are usually small items, should be circulated frequently between the two sides.

It's not the kind of place that requires high transportation costs. A force can just transport a car of people there and move slowly.

Although there are many issues to consider, such as cost, safety, loyalty, trust, etc., it is normal for the prices of generally affordable items to be close.

"Is that so? Then I just want to pick new skills to absorb and make up for my shortcomings. I haven't absorbed any skills recently, and my meditation skills still have a lot of space. Let's collect them in advance."

Tao Yu changed his words and collected some ordinary skills in advance. It doesn't matter for his worth.

At this time, Panda came over and patted his chest.

"Hey, why do you need Brother Tao to buy them yourself? I will collect them for you. I will pick one of each type for you. How much do you plan to spend?"

"The budget should be within one million, and the types should be complete. I will pick them slowly. Anyway, skills are not worried about depreciation. If you take the unused ones to the state capital, you may still make money."

Tao Yu said casually. "Brother Tao is still amazing. He can easily take out a million to make extra money."

It is risky to exchange a million wishes for goods!

This is completely different from having wishes that will not fall off.

"By the way, I also have some good things here. If you want, just digest them internally. Here, take a look for yourself."

Tao Yu thought of something again and began to take out a scroll from the corpse mirror. Then he began to unseal it.


One hundred Holtzman shields appeared.

This thing is of limited help to senior partners and above, but for intermediate partners, they are very happy to buy it!

Ten thousand is not cheap, but it is also a price that intermediate partners can accept.

Who doesn't have some relatives and friends?

Theoretically, these are not the friends and relatives of Dada's shareholders?

After seeing the Holtzman shield and hearing the price, many people's eyes lit up.

The scene began to divide it up.

Panda also took away the ‘Vampire Ashes’. He said that his innate sense made him fit this ability very well, so Tao Yu sold it to him at a friendly price of 100,000.

In fact, it’s okay if he doesn’t pay, but sometimes it’s easier to maintain it if you charge a friendly price.

After receiving a sum of money, Tao Yu also handed over the remaining Holtzman shields to Panda

“Please help me sell these, give priority to our own people, and throw them to the auction house if no one wants them. By the way, Jack and the others can help me give one just in case.”

Originally, more than 400 were seized, and the ransom was another 200. More than 600 Holtzman shields are already a considerable amount.

The Harkonnen family still has about 2,000, but if they are attacked by force, even if the pioneers win, they will probably not get so many intact ones in the end.

Tao Yu also emptied out the ones given to his family, and there were a little more left, so he couldn’t guarantee when he could give them away.

When Tao Yu took out several hundred Holtzman shields, everyone was shocked.

This is all money!

"Wow, so much. I guess I need your help and keep me company."

Panda was also a little surprised. He was not afraid of millions of willpower, but millions of goods were enough for several senior partners to take risks together in the city.

Let him complete the transaction under the protection of his own people first...

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