The car door opened, and everyone stepped out of the car holding a lamp of will in the shape of an oil lamp.

The gray fog seemed to be forced back a little by the light, leaving some space. The concentration nearby was much lower, and at least the entire convoy could be seen.

The size and number of the fleet are obviously those that have a lot of experience and do not exceed the standards.

Although Tao Yu has mental immunity and is not afraid of contamination or mental attacks, the depressing aura brought by the pure gray mist still gives Tao Yu a sense of oppression.

"This is the sorrow of the world. The gray fog represents the power of the abyss and is also the wound of the world. All of us creatures born in this world will feel the sadness."

Sun Shiqing seemed to notice Tao Yu's expression and squeezed his hand to tell him to relax.

At this time, Sun Guangyao looked into the gray mist and chuckled.

"Come out and let me see who the old guys are."

Facing Sun Guangyao's words, Huiwu seemed to be a little silent. After a while, a hoarse voice came.

"Sun Guangyao, don't think that you can kill a few of us because of your ferocity. Do you dare to give up your protection?"

Tao Yu was originally very nervous, but when she suddenly heard the gloomy voice, her face became a little confused.

Why do these words sound familiar?

"Don't worry, the third uncle's strength is at the top echelon of Floating City, not inferior to his father's, and his life-saving ability, especially in the gray mist, is the strongest in Xingyao City. Maybe someone can beat him, but no one Can kill him."

Sun Shiqing blinked at Tao Yu, which made Tao Yu feel a little enlightened.

No wonder he came to escort us!

As long as they don't want to open up the whole story, the person who did it secretly will still have their hands tied and dare not reveal their identity.

Huge hedging is a lose-lose situation most of the time!

The spread of the battle will cause losses to the entire floating city, which is something no one wants to see.

At this moment, a low drum sound suddenly came from the gray fog.

This made Sun Guangyao sneer.

"Want to attract the gray fog giant?"

"It's more than that!"

Almost with the sound, a stream of light impact swept towards the convoy, completely engulfing the last armored vehicle in an instant.

The people and goods above all disappeared without any reaction.

Tao Yu's spiritual sense started to beat crazily after the light swept over him!

This is going to hit you, you can’t avoid it!

But Sun Guangyao didn't even move.

"That's it?"

Those goods are just incidental, or they are discarded items that can be discarded at any time!

The reason why I take it with me on the road is that it can be discarded when necessary.

Even if Sun Guangyao has the ability to save him, he will not waste any energy...

The deaths and injuries of those people and goods seemed to have nothing to do with him, and they seemed extremely indifferent.

But the next moment, Tao Yu saw Sun Guangyao raise his hand, and in an instant a black curtain rose from the ground, seeming to penetrate into the ground.

The deep and pitch-black curtain shrouded everyone in their car. Only after the shroud was completed did Tao Yu feel a fleeting sense of crisis again.

This sense of crisis does not come from Sun Guangyao, but from outside the shady scene!


Tao Yu could feel the black curtain full of shadow power shaking violently, and a large amount of power was transferred out of thin air. It was somewhat similar to the phase transfer of his demonization. It was not as precise as his own, but it was much larger in size and powerful!

"The ground outside has been cleared. The other cars should be gone..."

Tao Yu felt a little chill in her heart.

There must be a place to transfer damage, and the most convenient place is naturally the earth.

"I'm tired of being harassed by them all the time. I'm going to deal with them and see if I can pull out two pigtails. Don't move around here."

Sun Guangyao looked back at a few people.

"Third uncle, go ahead, we will pay attention."

Sun Shiyu nodded, the weapons behind his back forming a ring.

The next moment, I saw Sun Guangyao's figure split into pieces, turning into endless black light and disappearing in an instant, as if he had penetrated directly through the black curtain and came outside.

It didn't take long.


The violent vibrations could be felt even within the black curtain, but because of the obstruction of the black curtain, the sounds and movements outside could not be heard. I only knew that the scene must be huge.

"The world's suppression of their strength is certainly not small, but they can still cause such damage. If the people in the Floating City let go, the city is really not big enough for them to fight."

Tao Yu thought about it and breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, his heart suddenly felt a little heavy for no reason, as if it was covered with some dust, and his thoughts felt a little sluggish.

Even if there was no sense of crisis, his expression suddenly changed


Almost as soon as Tao Yu's voice fell, the earth diagonally downwards suddenly exploded, and a powerful figure shot out instantly, and the rich evil aura surged.

They are followers of the evil god!

He is also an extremely powerful believer of the evil god!

I don’t know what props were used to successfully corrode this powerful black curtain!


Sun Shiqing snorted softly, and a jade pendant hanging around her neck floated up. Her hair was flying, her eyes were filled with golden light, and there seemed to be a few light feather shadows behind her.

With just one finger of her finger, a radiant cross burst out from the body of the evil figure.


It seems to have nailed it right in place!

At the same time, Sun Shiyu's seven weapons had been combined into one, like a black blade dripping with ink.

The black blade can make people's eyes sting just by looking at it.

And she seemed unable to use her telekinesis to activate this black blade that seemed to be able to swallow everything.

The whole person was carrying this ominous weapon and was slashing towards the opponent in an instant.

But at this moment, the cross that fixed him was broken.

The figure raised his hand and stopped in front of the black blade with his wrist filled with thick black mist.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, and fierce wind swept through the entire black curtain. Many people who came out of the car were blown away like straw. They were pulled back by Treya using a unique force field. Stabilized those who were blown away.

Otherwise, given their strength, they would probably be able to explain it directly.

But Tao Yu saw that the black blade only cut into most of the opponent's wrist, but failed to cut off all of it!

not good!

Sure enough, the next moment, with a flick of the opponent's hand, most of the wrist that had been cut off was completely broken.

And even if a protective barrier appeared in front of Sun Shiyu, the whole person was also knocked out in an instant.


The shot of Sun Shiyu flying upside down quickly slowed down. Taking the opportunity, Tao Yu, who had already drawn out the Dark Iron Heavy Sword and completed the demonization, galloped towards the opposite side with all his strength in the given time!

With the blessing of Yufeng, the magic body technique seems to quickly smooth the distance with just a tap of the soles of the feet!

However, during the slowing down of time, Tao Yu saw that figure turning towards him at a speed not much slower than himself.

The twisted and crazy expression on his face seemed to be a little surprised, as if he didn't expect there to be such a person.

But the arrow was already on the string, Tao Yu's whole body was covered in demonization, and his eyes were filled with brilliance.

The terrifying speed of the Soul Sword, which has no physical limitations, has begun to kill with all its strength!

But compared to previous attacks, although Tao Yu felt the line of weakness on the opponent's body, and the sword of the mind had unlimited speed.

But the feeling of feedback was as abrupt as being hit by a cowhide, and there was a huge mental backlash.

If it weren't for the fact that I could ignore [Mental Saving Throw], I'd probably be hurt even more!

However, this all-out slashing also had a corresponding effect. A burst of cracks appeared on the figure's eyes, like broken glass.

Red lines of blood also appeared on his face, and coupled with the impact of the loss of mental defense, he immediately groaned.

He could only raise the back of his uncut hand in time to block Tao Yu's sword tip.


The backs of the swords met, and the terrifying force caused the demon armor in Tao Yu's sword-holding hand to burst into pieces, revealing the bloody arm inside. The demon armor shattered and spread along the arm.

The shadow of the phase shift continued to collapse, and the ground where Tao Yu's shadow landed received the release of power and turned directly into powder!

If he hadn't added a lot of body-strengthening passives and completed the second deification and fusion into [Strengthening the Body], his muscles and bones might have been shattered just by resisting the shock!

Even now, Tao Yu was knocked upside down and flew out!

As the shadow flew upside down, it also plowed a scratch on the ground, as if it was venting its excess strength along the way.

However, there was a hint of coldness at the corner of Tao Yu's mouth where blood began to pour.

The yin-yang and five-element divine thunders had already gathered at the tip of the sword, and a brilliant aurora flashed away!



The violent screams were like roars, and the sound waves alone made Tao Yu's face change.

But he didn't have time to react. The demonized back had already been hit hard by the heavy armored vehicle due to the impact.

The armored vehicle deformed instantly, as if embedded in it.

It was the final phase shift that released the excess power directly onto the armored vehicle.

"Pfft~, Mad, are you still alive?"

This was Tao Yu's first attack by the Yin Yang Five Elements Divine Thunder that failed in a true sense.

Tao Yu also felt nervous when she looked at the terrifying figure opposite, with the smaller half of the body exposed, as if the skin and flesh on it had been brushed off.

Then he gritted his teeth and prepared to fight tooth and nail.

But the next moment a terrifying invisible force appeared, falling on the figure in an instant and crushing it directly!

The enemy who had been successively attacked by Sun Shiqing, Sun Shiyu and Tao Yu, who were all coordinated with each other, but still stood firm, was as fragile as a crunchy stick under this force!

"Awesome, your performance exceeded my expectations..."

The driver of the armored car opened the door and got out of the car, saying with some admiration.

Then he took off his helmet, revealing a face that looked a bit like the little rich woman between his brows, but was much more masculine.

"Ahem~, dad? Why are you here? Are you asking him to beat us when you are here?"

Sun Shiyu, who was knocked away, was protected by a shield barrier and seemed to be fine. When he saw the visitor, he complained, then came to Tao Yu, took out a bottle of red potion and poured it into his mouth.

After stuffing tons, tons, tons~ into his mouth, Tao Yu felt a surging life energy blooming in his body, and felt that even if he only had one breath left, he seemed to be able to pull it back with this thing.

This immediately made his eyes widen.

Damn it!

Just give me the medicine and I'll just take some nutritional ointment. What a waste!

"Seeing as this guy's strength is average, let's try your emergency response ability. Sometimes strength is not enough. It's just so-so. But this guy surprised me a little."

Sun Guanghui held his helmet with one hand and looked at Tao Yu, who was being fed medicine by his daughter, with a strange color flashing in his eyes.

"Tao Yu, right?"

There was a sound in Tao Yu's ear, but he suddenly realized that it was not a sound, but a kind of spiritual transmission, and no one else around him seemed to hear it.

Tao Yu could only nod.

"What do you think of my daughter? Is she pretty?"


"Don't use any measures at ordinary times. It's very difficult for highly gifted people to get pregnant. It takes a lot of effort."


Then he came over and patted Tao Yu on the shoulder. He no longer transmitted messages, but said:

"You're a good young man, I'm optimistic about you."

This made Tao Yu look at this handsome middle-aged man and was speechless for a while.

What a tiger and wolf word, worthy of being the father of a succubus?

But wait, why didn't that boy Sun Shiqing look like a succubus or an angel?

What exactly is 伱...


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