All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 399 Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce

"This White Star City is also quite complicated..."

After listening to Chu Fa's story, Tao Yu returned to his room and did some tidying up.

The mattress and quilt were new, and there were unopened toiletries next to them. It was considered very well prepared, and he could move in with his luggage.

According to Chu Fa, although White Star City did not have an inner city wall, it was also divided into different levels.

Unlike Xingyao City, the floating city of White Star City was on the ground and located in the core area of ​​White Star City.

Outside the core area, the prosperity began to decrease in circles, and it was divided into seven rings called the ring area. Now Tao Yu and others are located in the outer ring area, which can also be called the suburban area. Except for some factories, most of them are places for the lower class to live.

The three major cross-city groups and seven local companies have their headquarters located in the core area.

These are also the ten strongest forces in the local area, and it is even more complicated to split them into specific families.

There are dozens of forces that can rival or even exceed the Sun family.

The strongest is the White Star Group, which has footprints in three states. It is in a unique position and controls the civilization of White Star City.

Because the Sun family is strong and the office is low-key, they chose a remote place where no one lives and did not occupy any resources, so they don't care about anything.

As long as there is no interest relationship, no desire, and the strength is not weak, no one is willing to provoke.

Although Chu Fa is humble in front of Tao Yu and others, he is also a master with strength comparable to that of a senior partner.

Staying in a place like the outer city is a complete dimensionality reduction attack. The gangs next to it are all around, and they will even take the initiative to give some tributes.

In fact, there are no taboos in the vicinity.

However, as a corresponding price, if there is a trend of settling in the hyper-ring area, it may attract extra attention from some nearby forces.

"Fortunately, there is no trouble, but Baixing City is indeed worthy of being the state capital, with four old development areas and one new development area."

Space anomalies did not appear only this time, but they occasionally appeared before, but the places where they appeared before were not from the space fragments of the earth according to the intelligence.

In fact, Xingyao City has also appeared several times, but those who didn't seize the opportunity before, and they all fend for themselves in the past.

Unless there is a very valuable place, it is better to continue to develop mature old development areas instead of thankless development.

After all, you can find new world fragments, and various resource construction support, especially human resources support, is much more convenient.

But it's different here in Baixing City. New development areas have been developed with the help of space anomalies before.

And among the four old development areas, there is another one that belongs exclusively to the 'Bai' family of the Baixing Group.

No major events have happened recently, but some gossip news has been more popular.

For example, the concert of a singer, the breaking of an engagement by a certain lady, etc., have no impact on the Sun family office of the transparent man.

Tao Yu came here to seek refuge in a low profile. If he didn't cause any trouble, he wouldn't have to worry about so much.

"But can I go find some more skills? I can sell the useless ones I brought with me. Although Xingyao has also collected many skills from the state capital, they are definitely not complete..."

Tao Yu looked at the remaining 2.2 million willpower.

It would be difficult to do a large-scale second deification, but because of the problem of overlapping and conflicting skills, there shouldn't be many skills that can be learned in a short time. I can get a few more skills that cost tens of thousands of ordinary second deification.

If it doesn't work, I can just make do with the first deification.

The effect of the second deification is better than the first deification, but the cost-effectiveness is indeed not comparable...

"Going to the moon, who knows what I will encounter. The stronger the better, but at least I have to ensure that I have more than one million willpower as a minimum, so that I can deal with any problems."

Tao Yu pondered for a while.

Then he was ready to go out, but just as he opened the door, he saw Treya in the living room.

She had taken off her armor and changed back into casual clothes.

"Brother Yu, when will you teach me inner strength?"

Trea looked at Tao Yu with eyes flashing, as if shining.

Tao Yu's performance in stopping the enemy on the road before completely refreshed her cognition.

She was different from those guys who were blown away by the aftermath. Although her strength could not intervene in the battlefield, she could still see clearly.

The damage he caused was even greater than that of the young lady!

Even if it can be said that the two sides cooperated to complete it, it does not mean that his strength can surpass that of the young lady, but it undoubtedly shows that the other party has steadily entered the realm of the breaker!

It can even be said that he has the strength to kill ordinary realm breakers.

This instantly made Tao Yu's status taller.

When Tao Yu heard her say "Brother Yu", he also got goose bumps all over his body.

Good guy, don't react so quickly, I can't react in time.

Didn't you look very cool before? Please recover...

"I'll go collect some skills to see if there are any suitable ones, and then I'll teach you later."

"Then I'll go with you. It's a good opportunity to go shopping. I'll pay for the ordinary skills, just as tuition."

Trea jumped up from the sofa and put her legs together.

The white knitted sweater seemed to successfully cover the pants, revealing a pair of white legs.

This kind of home wear is much more friendly than her previous OL work clothes.

In terms of age, she is indeed younger than me.

It's just that the outfit looks more mature on weekdays.

"Okay, I'll ask Chu Fa Dai to lead the way."

"No need, I still know several companies here, among which Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce has the most complete product categories, just go to Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce's store."

No matter how much Treya was born in the floating city, even if she had never been to the state capital before, she was still much clearer than Tao Yu.

This Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce is one of the three cross-city groups, second only to the White Star Group, and is on par with another Kavadi Security Group, and is also above the seven companies comparable to Xingyao.

Hearing this, Tao Yu also nodded.

For ordinary skills, I am not very short of money. In this case, it is naturally better to find such a reliable place, which will have some brand effect...


Tao Yu and Treya walked on the street, and they still seemed a little out of tune with the pedestrians nearby. Whether it was clothing, appearance or temperament, it was obviously not comparable to the living area here similar to Xingyao Outer City.

However, one thing that is better here than Xingyao is that, probably because of the punishment measures and habitual issues, there are no indescribable things on the streets, and the smell is much better.

And the Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce does have their size. Even in such a remote place, they also have shops opened by them. From the outside, it is still the most gorgeous building nearby.

It is a bit like the business hall of a gold shop. The first floor is surrounded by transparent glass walls, and you can also see the stairs leading to the second floor.

Through the glass wall, you can see that there are already several customers on the first floor who are choosing something, and there are also some who are asking.

Most of them are wearing some tactical uniforms and tactical suits. At least they should be considered successful people in this area.

However, in comparison, Tao Yu and his two people's attire and temperament are still more prominent. After entering, they attracted the attention of the clerk and came over to ask

"Excuse me, are there any help for the two guests?"

"I want to collect some skills. Can I see the categories here?"

Tao Yu glanced at the situation on the first floor. There are many transparent glass display cabinets, most of which are some guns, bulletproof devices, knives, medicines and other things.

There are ordinary versions and wish items.

At least for a store in this position, it is quite luxurious.

Many of the customers who come to visit the store may have come here to see and learn something new.

"Of course, please follow me upstairs. Some of the skills we have on hand are relatively common, but there is a skill catalog. If you want, you can call it up. It will arrive within half an hour..."

The clerk's face was also full of smiles.

She has a good eye in this line of work. She can judge that these two are customers who can complete the consumption, and her smile is a little more enthusiastic.

"It is worthy of being a cross-city chamber of commerce. There may even be some things from other cities."

A glimpse of the whole picture, a store opened in a place similar to a slum can have such an arrangement, you can imagine the ability of the Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce itself.

Although the price of teleporting to other development areas is very expensive, you have to wait for a quota, and if you buy a lot of valuable items after landing, there may be unknown risks, and good things cannot be easily bought. There are many restrictions.

But as long as the Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce has enough experts, it will not be a big problem if it just casts a net to collect things within the price range.

Others may consider whether they can make the transmission fee pay back, but the Wanhuo Chamber of Commerce may also consider its own reputation, and will arrange more items even if it loses money...

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