All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 4 Strengthening the Power of Will

"Take off?"

Tao Yu felt the transformation deep in his soul, felt the inexplicable feeling, and felt a strong sense of excitement in his heart.

The world in front of him became clearer, and the enhanced vision was directly reflected.

And I have never heard of the talent of [Divinity]!

Not to mention the strange level of (MAX++??), I have never heard of it either, it feels like a mess.

However, Tao Yu had some vague guesses about the description of the outer god from the void, perhaps it was related to his own crossing.

Looking at the three known abilities of [Divinity] alone, it seems that none of them can increase combat ability immediately, but it represents unlimited potential!

The gift of the will of this world does not have any data and solidification ability. The abilities gained by everyone through practice will decline with long-term non-training.

It just has the accelerated strengthening of willpower, which can maintain a stability under proper practice and consumption.

But Tao Yu will never have to think about this again!

Any injury can be recovered through willpower and eating, which is also a magical skill.

Tao Yu has two disabled people, his third brother and Uncle Hu, by his side. His parents also have a lot of pain accumulated over the years, but these are not a problem for him at all!

The second [Mental Immunity] is also simple in meaning, but the overbearing prefix of "Ignore Any" is enough to show its terrible potential! The stronger you are, the stronger you will be!

Tao Yu has not yet had a specific concept of the last [Apotheosis], but he can vaguely feel the greatness of it.

Willpower, a kind of power that is spread throughout the fragments of the worlds in the Abyss Rift.

It is usually concentrated on various willpower creatures and items. After killing the willpower creatures, some of the wreckage will contain the willpower left behind, and some wreckage may even carry some knowledge, skills or incomplete information.

The same is true for some willpower items, and sometimes they have various special functions.

For example, the autonomous machine gun turret on the roof of the house is a N-hand willpower item that can automatically retrieve nearby gray fog monsters for attack.

And the willpower itself is more like a training accelerator for the strengthening of individuals, usually the limit of practice that one can reach.

For example, physical exercise, through the acceleration of willpower, has the opportunity to make an ordinary person reach the peak of the human body in all aspects, and sprinting, weightlifting, and endurance can reach the limit of the human body.

But if there is no other talent and skill blessing, this is the upper limit, and this upper limit will drop rapidly with a long period of non-practice. Usually, it is necessary to maintain sufficient practice and even a certain amount of willpower consumption to maintain the state.

The same is true for various skills, such as firearms, fighting skills, etc.

If you get new skills and knowledge through the remains of willpower creatures, or learn a certain skill from some characters in the world fragments.

You can also use willpower to accelerate, and at certain critical moments, you can break through the bottleneck by consuming willpower in large quantities according to your own qualifications and skill difficulty.

The consumption of willpower is closely related to your own strength foundation, talent, skill difficulty, and training methods. Individuals with combat talents can train their specialties and consume much less willpower.

And the stronger the strength, the greater the acceleration consumption.

It can be said that willpower is very important, but it is not omnipotent. It brings more accumulation of quantitative changes.

Now, through the ability of [Deification], can we use the power of will to complete the qualitative change of ability?

This made Tao Yu's heart excited. After taking a deep breath and calming down, he opened the backpack again and took out a canvas bag from it. When he took it out, he could hear the crisp sound of collision inside, which seemed to be some metal.

After opening it, you can see some shiny metal crystals inside.

This is the currency that carries the power of will. It is a gift that parents extract from their accumulated power of will and give to some special metals. It is something that can only be used after the awakening of talent, and it is also the greatest gift that parents can give on the day of awakening!

There is no fixed panel for the awakening of talent. It is more like a kind of consciousness, and the amount of willpower does not have a fixed counting unit.

But everyone can give a definition that is convenient for recording through their own will.

According to the experience of parents and the general definition of transactions with the company, these willpower can be regarded as one thousand units of willpower based on the total income of parents every month.

It can complete the practice of 100 times acceleration of ordinary people in ten hours, or 20 times acceleration of ordinary people in one hundred hours.

As personal abilities or skills improve, the consumption of willpower is getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, if you want to complete a more efficient acceleration in the short term, the consumption will also continue to increase, and the cost-effectiveness will become lower and lower. These two acceleration modes are the two that Tao Yu's parents have explored and are relatively suitable for the day of awakening.

Although the first one is not as cost-effective as the latter, it can greatly reduce the time cost on the day of awakening, which is full of dangers. It takes a day to complete high-intensity exercises and quickly obtain targeted ability improvement according to the different fragment environments.

If this acceleration effect is compressed to one hour, it may only be able to obtain a 500-fold speed increase, which is not suitable for Tao Yu's current use.

The better the acceleration effect, the exponential increase in consumption. In addition, the speed of willpower consumption will increase again after the strength is improved. In the future, even those big figures may not be able to afford it.

There are limits and thresholds for the improvement of willpower. The closer to the limit, the more serious the marginal effect.

But now Tao Yu has a new choice, which is to directly [deify] his existing talents or skills to make them complete qualitative changes!

Although it seems that the physical energy consumption of skills will also increase synchronously, it is definitely worth it for me who can recover through eating.

Well, willpower can also speed up the recovery of status, and it is likely to be more efficient, but it is currently directly excluded by Tao Yu, a poor guy.

After making the decision to use it, Tao Yu also began to examine his other existing skills that appeared with the awakening of talents.

They are all hard practice in the past 18 years, and they are more intuitively reflected after the awakening of talents. To perceive those skill light balls can vaguely bring out some enlightenment.

Skills: [Basic Shooting] lv1, [Basic Combat] lv2, [Basic Weapon] lv2, [Basic Breathing] lv1, [Basic Herb Identification] lv1, [Basic Trap Making] lv1...

There are a lot of miscellaneous skills, but they are not refined. They are mainly for survival. Among them, the four that are most related to their own combat effectiveness may be [Basic Shooting], [Basic Combat], [Basic Weapon], and [Basic Breathing].

The literal meanings are easy to understand. If you use the power of will to strengthen the practice, even if you don’t complete the level upgrade, you will have a significant improvement in proficiency and increase some related physical fitness.

The level logo is just a convenient induction, just a standard within the company.

And the gap between these levels is not the kind of qualitative change that breaks through the level. Everything is natural. The gap is large, but not so exaggerated.

LV1 and LV2 can be regarded as ordinary amateur players and top amateur players, and LV3 is a professional athlete.

The first three levels can be said to be accelerated by willpower, but LV4, which is almost equivalent to Olympic athletes, needs to start looking at talent.

Even without talent, you can still stack them up, but it will be a waste of time! And the decay rate will be very fast, and maintenance is also very hard.

lv5 represents the limits of various human bodies, and the range of proficiency within lv5 is also quite different, which is about the difference between 9.8 seconds and 9 seconds for 100 meters.

Tao Yu didn't learn about the skill levels after that. His father relied on [Eagle Eye] to get a basic shooting lv4, and maybe he could reach lv5, but he couldn't afford the maintenance consumption, which is also the norm for ordinary people in the outer city.

Including the quota division of willpower, as long as Tao Yu wants, he can design strange units by himself, and directly design his ability level to lv99, but the upper limit will naturally increase simultaneously.

But with [Deification], he can't choose to increase the proficiency of these skills that he has practiced for many years.

In the end, Tao Yu focused on his talent [Dynamic Vision] (B-) and [Basic Breathing Method] lv1.

[Dynamic Vision] is his innate talent, and its importance is beyond doubt.

The [Basic Breathing Method] is a relatively impressive skill in the outer city. Not everyone can learn it. Tao Yu barely got started with the constant guidance and teaching of his disabled third brother.

Although it is not a high-end thing like internal skills, and it cannot even break the boundaries of the human body.

But it can increase endurance to a certain extent and reduce the speed of body decay, reduce the intensity of maintenance exercises, and increase the efficiency of physical exercise. It is also one of the most advanced skills that Tao Yu has mastered.

According to the information feedback from his own concentration, it takes about 800 units of willpower to deify [Dynamic Vision].

[Basic Breathing Method] consumes about 140.

[Basic Shooting] [Basic Combat] [Basic Weapons] are all between 80 and 100, which is not enough for further strengthening.

But you can also use [Basic Trap Making] as a supplement, or leave some for accelerated strengthening, as well as emergency measures for your own injury recovery.

After a rough plan, Tao Yu began to do it one by one step by step, and the first one was naturally [Dynamic Vision]!

As Tao Yu concentrated his mind, he first absorbed a thousand units of willpower from the metals into his body, and then began to focus on [Dynamic Vision].

The next moment, the light ball representing the [Dynamic Vision] talent seemed to change significantly, as if it also brought out strands of golden light.

And Tao Yu's vision, which was originally clearer because of [Dynamic Vision], became brighter.

Even in the dim rain forest, he could see all the information and details as clearly as in the daytime, including the texture of the trees, crawling insects, and pythons hanging on the treetops!

Just the passive vision enhancement has been a great harvest!

There was just a little more dizziness from wearing glasses, but it seemed to be quickly calmed down, perhaps due to the adaptation brought by [Mental Immunity].

As he concentrated his mind, the new ability after the deification came into view.

[Dynamic Vision? ? 】(Deification??): Under normal circumstances, it has extremely strong dynamic vision, which can be greatly enhanced under the consumption of high mental concentration. It can see the trajectory of mosquito wings and bullet trajectory. It consumes a lot of extra physical strength to temporarily increase explosive power and reflex speed. Insufficient physical strength may cause strain.

The skill descriptions are all transformed into information that Tao Yu can understand by non-textual means.

Receiving this abnormal and terrifying increase, Tao Yu immediately felt the blood plasma pumping in his heart.

This is too exaggerated!

How can this be called [dynamic vision]! This is clearly [bullet time]!

Almost as Tao Yu said "Fuck" in his heart, his talent information also turned into changes and transformations after understanding.

Talent: [Bullet Time] (MAX)

What made Tao Yu most excited was that he found that the talent [Bullet Time] could be further strengthened!

After just concentrating his mind to perceive it, he immediately poured a basin of cold water on him.

The consumption of this second deification is far more than the multiple increase of the willpower acceleration, and the consumption of the first deification of his ability is still within the acceptable range.

But the information feedback that the second deification requires at least hundreds of thousands of willpower units still makes him understand that this is not something that can be completed in the short term.

"Actually, it's nothing. Now [Bullet Time] is completely enough. If it is really strengthened again, I am afraid that my physical strength and energy consumption will not last for a second. It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter."

Tao Yu comforted himself for a while, but there was always a sour feeling of not being able to eat grapes.

However, he was not completely comforting himself. Now as a little Karami, the active consumption of [Bullet Time] might be enough. If it is strengthened again, it may really only be a passive ability...


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