Tao Yu, who had been standing behind Senju Hashirama, supporting his shoulders and carefully sensing Senju Hashirama's changes, also stepped on the head of the Buddha statue and rose up together.

He instantly lifted himself up to a perspective of 500 meters!

Compared to this Buddha statue, my own alien flying dragon, those monsters from the Pacific Rim, and even the tailed beasts have all become tiny!

Really, one force can defeat ten!

As thousands of palms moved towards the golden shimmering cover, it felt like an area the size of several football fields was filled with dust.

The explosion smoke and dust from the pure kinetic energy shot up into the sky.

The earth shook constantly.

Even if the current location is on the outskirts of the city.

But this kind of shock may easily spread to the city!

Moreover, such a large Buddha statue cannot hide the eyes of those who look out the window.

Even at night without lights, you can still see the huge shadow outline in the night!

The ‘secret’ of the Holy Grail War can no longer be continued...

"This kind of strength is terrifying whether it's on the opposite side or at the point..."

Even though he knew about this trick, Tao Yu couldn't help being shocked after witnessing it in person.

He had learned Mei Terumi's Boiling Release and Melting Release, which were just changes in the simulation of the true energy in his body.

The wood attribute itself is also present, and attributes similar to chakra are now completed.

If it were just pure wood escape, it would definitely not be a big problem to simulate the true energy.

However, Senju Hashirama also cooperated with Xianjutsu, which still made Tao Yu, who put her hand on his shoulder, feel a little confused.

"The spirit, body and the power of the sacred tree combine to form chakra. When the chakra is released, it will stir up the vitality of heaven and earth. This magical technique is more like inhaling it into the body before leveraging the vitality of heaven and earth, and then mixing it in proportion. Release, and then leverage more heaven and earth vitality to complete the cycle..."

There are really thousands of hands, and the top of the head is still there, oh la oh la.

But Tao Yu didn't care about the outcome of the battle against Gilgamesh.

I can absorb the energy of heaven and earth, and can directly integrate my own true energy. Ordinary chakra can also simulate the effect. This magical chakra is indeed too weird.

Yes, it’s weird!

"After all, the energy of the sacred tree is special."

At this time, Tao Yu realized the gap in his knowledge accumulation, or that his understanding was indeed average.

It was okay that the Immortality Technique was a skill that could be absorbed directly, but now that it needs to be analyzed and understood one by one, it is a bit confusing.

"Let's learn ordinary wood escape first, hey..."

Tao Yu retracted her hand.

"The Wood Clone and the Descend from the Tree Realm are not bad, and the Wood Release is also easy to cooperate with the [Sealing Technique]. Senju Hashirama himself also knows a lot of sealing techniques. If I gain the Eastern Corner and lose the Mulberry Elm, even if I really master the Immortal I don’t have as much luxury as him..."

How much willpower does it take to pull out such a big Buddha statue?

In fact, I don’t want to learn at all! Not envious at all!

"Master, be careful, he is blocking it."

Senju Hashirama suddenly frowned.

Suddenly, most of the palms in the sky were suddenly broken into pieces, and crackling sawdust flew away.

The space is turbulent and will break if touched!

A strong wind swept through, blowing away the dust in the sky, revealing a dirty and embarrassed Gilgamesh.

At this time, he was protected by layers of purple garlands and special chains.

It's just that those energy garlands looked a little withered, the surface was full of cracks, and the gaps in the chains were too big to block all the aftermath.

This wreath is the blazing seven-layered ring of the Noble Phantasm known for its defense.

The chain is the lock of heaven that restrains divinity!

And what he was holding in his hand was the strange-looking Sword of Oblivion!

Obviously, the space turbulence attack that cut off those arms before was caused by the deviant sword.

This is also the most powerful Noble Phantasm in Gilgamesh's hands.

Such a huge Buddha statue, with so many arms, was cut off by the Guili Sword!

Although the abilities of the Naruto world are overwhelmed by Kamui's moves, there is almost no resistance to the space side.

But with such a large attack range, one can still see the arrogance in it.

Gilgamesh is still extremely powerful when he gets serious.

It's just that he usually has a arrogant and playful attitude when facing enemies, and he rarely takes out the deviant sword to attack.

In the original work, he lost to Emiya Shirou for this reason.

But this time, it was obvious that Senju Hashirama's attack had succeeded in making him take it seriously.

Not only Senju Hashirama had a solemn look on his face.

Behind him, Mr. Men, who had led everyone to evacuate, also raised his head.

"Huh? It's a very good key. The power of my projection is limited. It's dangerous. We have to withdraw."

As he spoke, Mr. Men waved, and Senju Hashirama and Tao Yu were taken away directly from the top of the Buddha statue and appeared next to him.

The next moment, a jet-black impact of nothingness shattered the huge head of the entire Buddha statue, and a spatial crack seemed to be cut wherever it passed!


Tao Yu nodded to Mr. Men.

"When I pulled you, you had already escaped with him. You were a bit mistaken."

Mr. Men glanced at Tao Yu. He was a little surprised when he felt the change of time when he pulled the two of them together.

"Let's withdraw first."

The next moment, when the crack that could devour everything cut down along the head of the Buddha statue and was about to cover everyone, Mr. Men took everyone on the scene and disappeared without a trace.

Let the black light go down and sweep across the place where they had stayed before!

The huge Buddha statue was constantly devoured and torn by the black light, and finally split into two!

Collapsed with a loud bang!

The dust raised seemed to cover the starry sky.

"Interesting, you have successfully aroused the interest of this king."

Although he looked equally embarrassed, the seven rings of Chi Tianfu had been broken, and his image could not be maintained.

The explosion of the Sword of Separation also brought him a lot of burden, and he seemed to be a little out of breath.

But after Gilgamesh failed to achieve results in two attacks, a smile appeared on his face, which was not sure whether it was a smile of anger or something else.

Then, he frowned and glanced at the dark corner and snorted coldly

"Dirty rats..."


In a temple courtyard built on the top of a mountain, a group of people appeared at the same time with a distortion.

It was Tao Yu and his group.

"Space transfer..., so powerful..."

Tosaka Rin was a little absent-minded, looking at Mr. Men, the gentleman uncle, even if she was numb today, she still couldn't help but be shocked.

It was so easy to complete the space transfer.

Thereya's eyes were also shining.

"Mr. Men, can your magic be learned?"

"I'm afraid not. If you want to master my extraordinary ability, you need to pay a huge price, and your world should not be able to do it. This is just the Holy Grail simulating part of my ability, but I can feel that my world is not far from you, but it's not a beautiful place..."

Mr. Men smiled, looked up at the starry sky, and seemed to be a little absent-minded.

Hearing his words, Thereya was a little disappointed, but it felt natural.

"Three days, he said he could only hold on for three days. In fact, the stronger he is, the more trouble he will cause..."

Red A could still remember what Mr. Men said before.

But it seemed that because he had consumed a Command Spell, this person's willingness to help was much stronger.

"Yes, so I hope you can fight quickly, otherwise I don't know what trouble I will bring, maybe there will be more serious trouble than me..."

Mr. Men sighed with some regret.

"This is Ryudo Temple, why did you teleport us here?"

Emiya Shirou also recognized the surrounding environment.

Although it was late at night and there was no electricity.

But there were still some candlelight in the house of Ryudo Temple, probably because they woke up from the previous 'earthquake'.

And the movement of their appearance seemed to attract the attention of someone inside. Someone was holding a candle and walking in the corridor with candlelight, as if he wanted to come out to take a look.

"I feel that the source of the magic power of the Holy Grail is below this, so I came to take a look. After all, I don't know where your family is."

"Who is it?"

At this time, with the sound of a door being pulled, a calm voice came out.

It was Soichiro Kuzuki.

He was the second master of Caster, a retired assassin, and now a teacher.

After Caster's magic enhancement, he can even fight against the Heroic Spirit head-on.

He is now staying at Ryudo Temple.

But now that Caster's master has become Treia, he naturally has nothing to do with him.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, another much younger voice came with a sound of running, and then a young man wearing glasses appeared next to Soichiro.

"Emiya? Tosaka? Matou? Why are you here? It's so late and there's no light..."

The young man adjusted his glasses and looked a little surprised.

His name is Issei Ryudo, and he is also a classmate of Shirou and the others.

After finding out that he is an acquaintance, the next thing will be easy.

At this time of crisis in the city, it must be okay to borrow a place to stay, right?

This temple looks very big...


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