
The high-pitched dragon roar sounded over the base of the new development area. Tao Yu took Tao Shi and sent him back to the base.

"Don't let go of some practical skills and experience. Ask Kisame and the others for advice."

After Tao Yu threw away the purple pottery stone on his face, he didn't even give him any extra medicine.

Boys, you still need to polish it a little more, as long as it doesn't die.

He doesn't want to take care of everything and develop a busybody.

In fact, this guy originally felt like he was passively seeking trouble.

“Safety comes first in everything, and ask questions if you don’t understand.”

Kisame and the others also jumped down one after another. The next place was indeed not suitable for them to go.

"I see."

Tao Shi's little chicken pecks at the rice.

"The more beautiful a woman is, the better she is at lying. Be careful not to be taken advantage of. Let's go."

Tao Yu threw Xiao Hei down and asked Kisame to help him raise it first. Then he pulled the reins on the wooden escape harness, and the alien flying dragon took off into the air and flew towards Pandora.

Everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared, almost done!

"Kaguya is still sealed. Even if the heretic demon has not been summoned, they have no way to use it. The only thing to be careful about is that the giant reincarnation eye has taken shape and is used by them, so it is still necessary to infiltrate!"

The Tao Yu on the back of the alien flying dragon has some twinkles in its eyes.

In addition, it is necessary to use the Harkonnen family's spaceship. The alien flying dragon cannot leave the planet's atmosphere.

"The little rich woman said that as long as you get close and concentrate your mental power, the will of the world will help the boundary breaker enter, but it will take some willpower..."

Tao Yuyou thought of some news he knew from his childhood rich woman.

The Boundary Breaker itself represents the symbol of being able to go to the sky to form a world.

But the premise is to have a way to enter the suborbital, and then concentrate on locking it.

After entering that kind of independent world hanging in the sky, you need to pay willingness to leave temporarily, and generally speaking, the amount you need to pay is even more, so every time you enter the independent world, it is a kind of gamble.

"Even if you want to return from the independent world to the living world, the time spent in meditation will be much longer. However, here on the moon, we pay attention to killing with one hit, so it should not take much time..."

Tao Yu also had his own confidence in his eyes at this time.

The second deification of [Tao Heart Seed Demon (Imaginary Number Magic Version)], combined with [Inherent Temporal Control], plus the fusion of the second deification of the previous series of small skills [Physical Strengthening].

Now my strength is even higher than that of the little rich woman!

No reason to be afraid!

As long as that guy didn't fuse the Tsangikan by himself and Kaguya didn't break the seal, then there would definitely be no problem...

The alien flying dragon flew through the air, across the grassland and across Pandora. Tao Yu saw the desert world ahead without stopping at all.

A touch of yellow suddenly appeared on the edge of the sky where green shade had originally appeared.

Then the desolate desert environment continued to expand in the field of vision.

A vast and heavy feeling came over my face.

You can vaguely see some giant mechanical structures on the desert. A temporary camp was temporarily built on the side near Pandora. They should also be on guard against this side.

Since the last ransom of the captives, the Harkonnen family and the RDA have maintained peace that continues to this day.

And some trade began to occur between the two sides.

Use the rich resources on Pandora to provide water, food, etc. to the Harkonnen family, and in exchange, the Harkonnen family provides spices.

As long as peace can be maintained, the pioneer area has no intention of starting a war.

The Holzmann shield will be more effective there, and Harkonnen's own weapons and equipment are not weak, and his fighting will is stronger than the group of wage earners here at RDA.

A fierce fight may not necessarily bring greater benefits. If you can rely on holding water and food to steadily exchange for spices, it is not unacceptable.

As time goes by, and slowly goes by, sooner or later it will be included in the radiation range of the power...

hold head high!

The high-pitched dragon roar made the sentries at the RDA's temporary outpost on Pandora feel depressed and frightened.

However, they have obtained the information from the RDA base, and they also know that this is one of their own.

As Tao Yu controlled the alien flying dragon to land, the nearby branches and leaves made a cracking sound.

Sally, a member of the Avatar Project whom Tao Yu was familiar with, ran towards this side nimbly from the vines using the body of the Avatar.

He is here to guard the post, mainly to guard against attacks by the Na'vi on the outpost.

Relying on Sally's face, the outpost was indeed responsible for monitoring the desert and did not cause any damage, so it was not attacked by the Na'vi.

"Mr. Tao, you are here. We have completed negotiations with the Harkonnen family. They have agreed to lend you a spaceship to send you to suborbital, but they need to share suborbital information."

Tao Yu would definitely save time if he could instruct others to handle such matters.

"Thanks for your hard work."

After falling from the alien flying dragon and stepping on the thick vines, Tao Yu was somewhat impressed by the scale of Pandora's plants.

Especially after I have mastered Wood Release, I can feel the strong vitality in these thick branches and vines.

Since there was no way to hide the alien flying dragon in the shadows, Tao Yu directly asked the alien flying dragon to find a safe place nearby to bury itself.

After coming down, he let it fly away.

"Lead the way, is the spaceship ready?"

"They have a spaceship parked on the opposite side, and there is a natural crack here."

Sally brought Tao Yu to the front. Tao Yu could feel that the world barrier here was relatively weak. Both the opposite side and this side had built a "shed" here, which seemed to prevent the interaction of air.

There were two four-meter-high power armors in the "shed" on Pandora's side, and four fully armed Harkonnen soldiers on the other side, but there was no trace of ninjas.

Because it was agreed in advance, after Sally brought Tao Yu here, a soldier from the Harkonnen family also came over and said in a calm tone

"Is it him?"

They used English, and the communication was quite smooth.

"Yes, we have already agreed before."

"Come with me. Because of the problem in the suborbital, it is an autonomous spacecraft without a pilot. If you have any questions, you can contact us remotely. Do you need a space suit to go to outer space?"


"Okay, if there is any intelligence, we hope to share it."

The Harkonnen family was also terrified by the strange outer space. At this time, all the spacecraft that could land in the suborbital had already landed. The ones left were unable to enter the atmosphere, and the personnel had already left.

Tao Yu was willing to take the risk to go up and check the situation. They really didn't have any bad intentions.

There are others who are cannon fodder to test, and there is such a good thing...

The landing craft of the Harkonnen family looks a bit like an irregular sphere, and the control panel inside is also gray.

Because it is remotely controlled and autonomous, Tao Yu doesn't need to do anything.

The Harkonnen family's world has experienced intelligent AI riots before, and the degree of defense against autonomy is very high, so even if the spacecraft is remotely controlled, the intelligence is very low.

But even though he was sure that the Harkonnen family would not do anything secretly, Tao Yu still continued to expend extra magic power when entering the spaceship, leaving part of his shadow outside the cabin.

To ensure that if they really had any bad ideas, he could jump out through the connection of the shadow.

Ordinary people can complete suborbital parachuting, and with his own abilities, forced landing in outer space is not a problem.

It is still necessary to be on guard against others...

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