"The God of Craftsmen? Another god..."

This page of the diary doesn't have much content, Tao Yu just glanced at it and finished it. From the description, this time traveler should have been in power, but he didn't find oil as the blood of industry, and then started a hygiene campaign.

In addition, he also mentioned the Church of the God of Craftsmen and a secret organization he was going to join.

He didn't say what secret organization it was, but only said that it could secretly influence the world, just like the Riddler.

"Emperor Roselle is an amazing person. I don't know what secrets are contained in the notes he left behind. If I have time, I would like to collect some."

Tao Yu said casually.

"Maybe there are some at the Extraordinary gathering, and there is another friend who is as interested as you. She is also going to attend the next gathering, but I'm not sure if she is willing to come. If she doesn't want to, then Xiu will take you there and I will take them."

Fors said casually.

Tao Yu nodded after hearing this, not really paying attention

"Okay, when?"

"Five days later..."


Five days, for Tao Yu who had just arrived in this strange world, passed in the blink of an eye.

These five days can be said to be quite fulfilling.

Collecting various old newspapers to understand the current situation of the world, he learned that this place should be similar to the steam era, and electricity has begun to be used initially, but because there is no oil, the overall industrial capacity is probably equivalent to the first industrial revolution.

And the extraordinary people are well hidden, at least they are almost invisible in the newspapers, and even if they may be involved, they are just some strange stories, and it is impossible to distinguish the truth from the false.

In addition, he often eavesdrops on other people's chats and gossips in the tavern, and then rented a townhouse on Minsk Street in the Cherwood District.

The Cherwood District is a middle-class district in Backlund, not very conspicuous, and even renting a house does not require identity proof. Tao Yu paid 25 gold pounds in advance for a six-month lease.

The city has a not-so-popular subway, which is driven by steam trains. Smoke is discharged from the exhaust port of the flower bed. With the addition of public horse carriages, transportation is actually quite convenient.

At the same time, we have also learned who Emperor Roselle is...

"Wow, this senior time traveler is really a role model for our generation."

Tao Yu also roughly learned about what this time traveler who has been dead for more than a hundred years has done through some of Roselle's related books.

Excluding some unofficial histories of hook literature, his achievements can also be understood through a few words from the side.

Almost everything that can be moved is moved.

It opened the industrial age of steam, and the god of craftsmen was renamed as the 'God of Steam and Machinery'. At the same time, it almost occupied all the famous sayings that Tao Yu knew, without any dead angles!

One hundred and seventy years ago, Roselle changed the Kingdom of Intis into a republic and appointed himself as the governor.

It brought small countries such as Lenburg, Maxi, and Segar under protection, and also made the three northern continent powers, the Feysac Empire, the Kingdom of Loen, and the Kingdom of Feynaport, bow their heads one after another.

But maybe he got carried away later. In the twentieth year of his reign, he began to call himself emperor and called himself Caesar. He died in an assassination a few years later.

"He should be strong. Is he the Chosen One... But he died in the end."

Tao Yu was not sure when the Abyss was pulled into the world. He could not confirm it at all.

This should also be a world affiliated with the Earth. The story may have taken place more than a hundred years ago, and now it is just a continuation of this world...

"This world is really dangerous, and fortunately I met Fors and Xio, who solved some of my hidden dangers."

Tao Yu put down a biography about Roselle, stood up, and then moved his shoulders.

There was another tooth-grinding sound.

Fors seemed to have suffered from the side effects of taking potions, and had a stubborn disease similar to headaches. In addition, her own sequence may have a certain emphasis on spirituality, so although the knowledge is rough, it can be understood by Tao Yu's current understanding.

Among them, the most helpful to Tao Yu is the recognition and distinction of spiritual body, astral body, mental body and etheric body.

Tao Yu himself has [Mental Immunity], but sometimes he may encounter the same situation as the evil god believer who attacked in the gray fog and blocked his perception.

This world has true gods!

Once he comes into contact with something high-level and causes problems, it is like trying to cover up one's own faults.

After learning magic in Dongmu and gaining [Innate Magic Body] to increase his understanding, Tao Yu's own ability to manipulate this aspect has become stronger.

Now that he has a preliminary understanding of this category from Fors, he has also successfully compressed [Mental Immunity] into the core of the mental body, ensuring that most of the time, it will not be noticed by others.

At the same time, it can also make it easier for him to feel the surface application of some mental abilities.

He will not be at a loss even if he suffers a mental attack.

"According to them, many extraordinary abilities can be bought with money, at least for low-sequence ones. I have almost enough gold pounds for sequence nine things now. After attending this party, I will go back and wholesale some gold pounds in the state capital."

Tao Yu thought to himself, the denomination of gold pounds is large enough, so it is not strange for some extraordinary parties to use cash, right?

Anyway, don't deposit large amounts in the bank. If you only use it for personal use, it will be difficult to detect.

The amount used by individuals is completely negligible compared to the amount issued.

Even if it involves the creation of extraordinary abilities, I am not afraid, because as long as I can't tell it, I can make sure that the person doing the transaction can't tell it either...


"Waiting for someone? How long will it take?"

Tao Yu, Fors and Xio stood outside the main entrance of a house and waited quietly.

This time, in addition to Tao Yu, they also brought two new people.

Although Tao Yu didn't ask and they didn't say, it can be generally judged that they might be two noble young masters or young ladies who are curious and may be generous.

"Here we are."

Seeing a carriage slowly approaching, Fors lowered his voice.

Then he saw two hooded figures getting off the carriage. Judging from the vague outline, they were a man and a woman.

The woman whose face was mostly covered by the shadow of the hood and there was a veil hanging inside the hood made Tao Yu look at her twice.

He felt that the other party was a little uncomfortable when looking at him, which might involve extraordinary abilities.

But it's normal to come to this kind of party...

At the same time, Audrey, who was under the hood, was slightly startled when she saw Tao Yu's eyes looking at her, and she also felt uncomfortable as if she was seen through.

As a Sequence Nine of the audience path, she was used to observing and analyzing people or things around her in secret.

And this time, she felt that she was also being analyzed.

"Same hood, with some mystery, and when I looked at him before, he seemed slightly abnormal, but Fors said that he was a Beyonder in physical combat power, and he also liked Russell's diary..."

Audrey agreed to come to this extraordinary party together because Fors mentioned it when he came to deliver the diary page, instead of coming separately.

She was a little curious about who else liked Russell's diary, to see if they were the followers of the Fool.

Now, at first glance, it is indeed a bit mysterious.

If Fors hadn't said that the other party was a Beyonder in combat power, she would have suspected that they were also audience members.

As for the other person who came with him, the only Muggle Viscount Glint at the scene, he did not say much. He was just an ordinary person who loved the extraordinary world.

However, as a noble, it is indeed much easier for him to contact this world than ordinary people.

Relying on status and money, he easily obtained this channel.

Because they came to attend the extraordinary party, they all disguised their identities. When they met, they just nodded to each other, which was considered a greeting.

Then Yu Xiu went over and knocked on the door.

Creaking, the door opened, and Tao Yu saw the scene like a masquerade. Most people changed their image by hoods or veils.

However, there were a few people who might be confident in their own strength and showed their faces frankly.

As soon as the door was opened, Tao Yu's attention was attracted by a black-robed figure sitting on a single sofa.


Even with a much duller spiritual perception, Tao Yu felt the other party's powerful negative energy.

At the same time, the man also looked at the few people who came in.

His eyes wandered over them, making Tao Yu feel uncomfortable.

"This is Mr. A, the convener of this gathering. He is a powerful Beyonder. In the past, Beyonders of Sequence 8 and even Sequence 7 wanted to deal with him, but they all disappeared in the end."

Fors reminded a few people in a low voice.

Tao Yu nodded after hearing this. That is above Sequence 7. Sequence 7 is like this. What is Sequence 1? Is it the highest level?

It should be very strong and have great potential...

"After all, this is a world with true gods. Well, maybe Sequence 1 is the true god."

Tao Yu does not have any devout beliefs. In his eyes, gods are just a kind of powerful individuals. He himself has divinity!

And if the Sequence 1 here can become a true god and reach the absolute powerlessness that the thing on the moon gives him, then you can try it.

I just don't know if it will be constrained by this world, and I don't know how the deification will be.

After all, it seems that they all need to swallow magic potions at present, which feels more like an external force.

But even if it is an external force, it is worth a try!

I don't know if I can collect any magic potion of any extraordinary path this time...

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