All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 439 This meets the requirements

Tao Yu was preparing to wait until the new party to get materials, but suddenly she saw a messy yellow hair.

A little man was leaning on his feet and peering out the window.

"Good guy, how do you know where my home is?"

Tao Yu went over and pressed her head, making the originally messy yellow hair even more messy.

"What are you going to put on my head again?"

Quinn said with some annoyance.

But then he curled his lips and said

"After all, I am very well-informed. I have business. Do you want to cooperate? The employer said that if you also help, you can provide Roselle's notes."

Tao Yu now holds one million gold pounds. Although it is fake, the other party did not notice it when he gave it to Eve. This means that it is not a big problem to circulate in the extraordinary world, or in the lower level extraordinary world.

Originally he wasn't very interested, but after hearing the notes involving Emperor Russell, he still nodded.

"What mission? I'm very interested. Is it dangerous?"

"Indeed, come on, let's sum it up."

Having easily held his shoulders before, Xio still quite recognized Tao Yu's strength. Although trust was still lacking, the cooperation was quite pleasant after several contacts so far.

Moreover, the last time he took the initiative to come to the door, he had indeed spent money to buy information. The other party was a newcomer to the extraordinary world with considerable strength, so the two sides had a preliminary basis for cooperation.

Xio, who has been in the market for so long, also has his own way of recognizing people.

Then the two returned to Forsi and Xio's residence.

Forsi, who saw Xiu bringing Tao Yu back, was lying on the sofa several times without getting up. In the end, he could only turn over and crawl down, looking a little embarrassed.

My motor cells are quite poor and I feel inferior to ordinary people.

I also smoke, stay up late, and lack exercise, and the dark circles on my face never go away.

It seems that he is indeed talented, and he has not starved to death...

Xiu ignored Forsi who got up and took out a piece of information, which was a sketch.

"He's the one we're looking for."

Tao Yu looked at it carefully and saw that it was a very wild sketch of a man, and the drawing was quite good.

"But this can only be used as a reference. He has extraordinary items or 'sealed objects' that can change his appearance."

Xiu's words made Tao Yu nod. He already had a preliminary understanding of the extraordinary world, and he also knew that extraordinary items were similar to wish items.

When it comes to changing appearance, you can actually do it yourself. Although it is also an external force, the level of power involved is very small, and it is mainly a skill.

The fine-tuning that is closer to the local people now also relies on the [shaping] of my second deification.

Now that I have become an 'assassin', I can control my body more easily.

"Who is this?"

"'Vice Admiral Hurricane' Qilingos, one of the seven pirate generals, is a 'Wind Blessed' in the sixth sequence of the Sailor Path, and he holds a powerful extraordinary item that can possess the abilities of multiple pathways, but that item Items need to feed one person every day.”

Xio's simple words gave Tao Yu an outline.

The reward amount is 10,000 gold pounds, and there are hundreds of rewards for providing valid information.

Moreover, it seems a bit weird that an extraordinary item wants to eat people.

"Finding wanted criminals is not something that needs to be hidden. We are not good at this, so we will continue to recruit people who are good at it."

Tao Yu is not short of money, so he just wants to complete the task quickly so that he can exchange for the diary.

"you mean?"

"Didn't you recommend it to me? That great detective Essinger."

Tao Yu spoke directly.

"Hey, I thought of it together. I actually feel the same way."

Forsi chuckled. Although she had also written suspense novels, she reasoned that she could no longer accept this kind of hair loss.

It's better to take Miss Audrey's reward and subcontract it.

"We can hide the news about Zillinges and just talk about the features."

She also said something very witty.

Tao Yu couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Please, I'm a great detective. There's no difference between hiding your name like this and not hiding it. If he can't find it, then there's no point in looking for him. We just need to hide the information from our employer."

Tao Yu's words made Forsi, who thought he was very witty, couldn't help but reveal an awkward smile. It seemed that this was indeed the case.

However, Tao Yu couldn't help but fall into some thoughts. She always felt it was a bit strange. If she, Xio and Forsi were to talk about it, there was a process of coming to each other's door to win each other's trust.

But why did the noble lady trust her to let herself participate?

Fortunately, the aristocratic lady likes the exciting extraordinary world and the legend of the seven pirate generals. It seems normal to be interested...

"Is this why you came to me?"

In the dim room, Essinger was sitting on the sofa, holding a pipe in his mouth and looking at the people in front of him. He seemed to be raising his eyebrows as he held the relevant information about Qilinges in his hand.

"Yes, we are here to make a fortune together, cooperate together, and become bigger and stronger."

Tao Yu made a big picture of Essinger.

"I don't want to be the soul captured by the 'creeping hunger'."

Sure enough, Essinger was very knowledgeable. There was no name of Qilinges' sealed object in the information, but he named it and seemed to vaguely know the purpose of it.

Capturing souls?

Is it because he captured the soul that he can use other extraordinary abilities?

Tao Yu is a little concerned. There should be an upper limit. Otherwise, if I catch a few gods, won't I be invincible?

"Just tell me whether to do it or not. We have provided you with important information. This is sincerity."

Tao Yu's words made Essinger think for a moment while holding his pipe in his mouth.

"I can provide assistance, but I will not participate in the operation. In fact, I think it is best to inform the official Beyonders directly about this kind of thing."

Essinger glanced at a few people and paused after seeing that they didn't speak.

"Private pursuit is very dangerous."

"We just want more precise information about him. To collect the reward, it's worth taking some risks. We're not going to go directly."

"Based on the current intelligence, I estimate that he may be on both sides of the Tasok River in the Jowood District..."

Essinger's ability is quite strong. As a 'detective' of Sequence Seven, he directly performed simulations based on limited clues.

From the other party's unconscious requirements for air quality, to the fact that 'Creep Hunger' kills one person every day, and that he is good at fighting in water, etc., he directly estimated a rough range.

It's close to a slum there, so it's normal for people to go missing. It's close to water sources, and the air is better than in industrial areas. All conditions are complete.

"By the way, Mr. Essinger, I am going to collect some extraordinary materials. I wonder if you have any here, or do you have any suitable channels for extraordinary gatherings?"

Tao Yu said to Essinger, asking him to look at Tao Yu a few more times while holding his pipe in his mouth.

"Show me what it is."

Essinger was vague and gave no guarantee.

However, after Tao Yu showed him the missing supporting materials, he also said that he could get them and pick them up tomorrow. The price was not expensive.

After all, the main material Tao Yu has been bought from the beautiful boss with gold pounds.

These auxiliary materials are not uncommon...

"Now I need to go find gang members. That's my range of activities. You can go back and have a good rest. Didn't Forsi copy a new diary page?"

Xiu said to Tao Yu, and then pulled his collar.

She is the arbiter of the nearby underground world. Because she is fair and fair, many people ask her for help, so she still has some connections among these gang members.

But seeing her little back, Tao Yu also felt a little emotional.

After getting in touch with her now, although she didn't say it clearly, Tao Yu could feel that she was from a low-income family. Maybe she was a eldest lady before, but now she is involved in a gang.

"Let's go get the new diary and borrow your books to read..."

Although Tao Yu has learned some knowledge about the extraordinary world through them, he also found that the extraordinary world in this world is actually a bit complicated. Both of them are still ignorant, so they still need to maintain continuous learning...

Tao Yu got several diaries of Emperor Russell from Forsi.

At least based on what we have come across so far, Russell should be a very high-ranking Beyonder.

Even in some of his diaries, we can get a lot of information about the extraordinary world that Forsi and the others have no access to.

Tao Yu thinks the value is still very high.

Only this time I didn’t read it in person, but after taking the diary home.

Tao Yu looked at the contents and felt a little speechless.

Once again, I refreshed my inherent understanding of Emperor Russell.

It seems to be more..., well, more bohemian than I thought at first.

Tao Yu, who was not much better off, thought about her words.

The few pages of the diary this time contain almost all the romantic history of the emperor, such as getting engaged, becoming a son of steam, and so on.

Then I learned that his real name was Huang Tao.

It seems that he regrets the choice of sequence, thinking that thieves and fortune tellers are better.

"Huh? What is this?"

When Tao Yu saw Emperor Russell lamenting thieves and soothsayers, Tao Yu saw graffiti under this diary page that did not seem to belong to the content of the diary.

"The fool who does not belong to this era; the mysterious master above the gray fog; the yellow and black king who controls good luck..."

Tao Yu muttered, feeling that the sudden intrusion was incompatible with the diary.

"Because no one has successfully deciphered Russell's diary yet, so others may not be able to find anything wrong, but..."

Just when Tao Yu felt a little abrupt.

Suddenly, a feeling of being spied on came to his mind, which shocked him.

What the hell?

Damn it!

Is this the honorable name of a secret existence?

Tao Yu barely had some extraordinary foundation, and she felt vaguely bad in her heart.

But fortunately, he has suppressed [Divinity] in his mental body, so he won't be able to save things that shouldn't be exempted and cause a bigger problem of being detected.

Now he can only feel that he doesn't know, and he is thinking rapidly in his mind.

"It seems that there really is such a hidden existence. No wonder Forsi and the others said to be careful, stay in awe, and pay attention to him just by pronouncing his name? This person has a very high personality..."

Tao Yu had no knowledge in the extraordinary field, and he didn't have much deep-seated respect for the gods. He was afraid simply because they were strong enough.

"The Fool, um, stupid, unknown, in charge of good luck? He shouldn't be too evil, right? If there is such a low-key organization formed by a high-ranking being, it would satisfy all my needs to find a partner..."

The next moment, Tao Yu felt some force dragging his spiritual rise.

While he was startled, he once again suppressed the divinity in his spiritual core to avoid any conflict. Then he followed this force and his vision rose infinitely, seeming to have arrived at a mysterious gray foggy space at an infinite height...

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