"I didn't expect that Backlund still has followers of the Eternal Blazing Sun. The Lord of Storms and the Eternal Blazing Sun must be hostile to each other."

Tao Yu looked a little surprised when Xio came back after being purified by a believer in the Eternal Blazing Sun using the scorching light.

"Indeed, the number of believers in the Eternal Blazing Sun is greatest in Intis, but there are very few among us."

Klein also nodded, but when he saw Tao Yu carrying a small package full of extraordinary materials and various books, he felt that his expression was a little subtle.

He spread out one or two thousand gold pounds in one night.

If you want to buy formula or something, you can accept it, because the price is indeed expensive.

But it's just some ordinary extraordinary materials, which is too luxurious.

If you are short of casting materials in the future, come over to him and he should give you some...

Klein felt a little self-deprecating.

"I'm going to make some talismans that can cause nightmares. You taught me the appropriate method from the Church of the Night."

Back on Minsk Street, Tao Yu said to Klein.

"You are really a devil, don't carve randomly, wait for me tomorrow."

Klein sighed and did not refuse.

It is actually a good choice for the other party to digest his own potion in this way.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Not long after Tao Yu said goodbye to Klein with the package on his back, and before he even reached the door of his house, he suddenly heard the sound of a fight.

The source of the sound is none other than the Klein family.

This made Tao Yu frown slightly. The invisibility ability brought by the witch slightly activated his own power of shadow, and he quickly squeezed into Klein's house through the window.

Then he saw that the fight here had ended, and Klein was breathing slightly in front of a corpse.

It should be the difference between victory and defeat in a few moves.

"Not bad, we can still handle it even if it's a sneak attack."

Tao Yu himself was an expert in this field, and after just one glance at the scene, he most likely made a guess.

This sneak attack should be a low-sequence person who is good at fighting, and has also set up a simple trap.

However, Klein is a diviner and has a high level of spirituality. He noticed it in advance and then completed the counterattack.

"It should be Sequence Nine. If it's Sequence Eight, you might be in trouble."

Tao Yu made a judgment.

"Yes, I'll channel it first. Just lend me some materials. What you bought contains..."

Klein said smoothly.

Of course Tao Yu didn't care, and then studied Klein's 'Dream Channeling' ritual.

He already had a basic foundation in magic and an understanding of it. Just watching Klein use it once, Tao Yu understood everything.

After waiting for a long time, Klein opened his eyes with a somewhat ugly look on his face.

"It's troublesome. Ambassador Intis is actually involved..."

"Ambassador? Good guy, you are very capable of causing trouble. I think it is best to report it directly to the authorities. I am now an informant in the dark night. Do you want my help?"

Tao Yu's words made Klein hesitate for a moment, and then he shook his head.

"It's not convenient for me to be exposed in front of the Church of the Night. I'll think of other ways to go through official channels. The Kingdom of Loen has its own Beyonder organization. I may need your help to hire a lawyer to get me..."

"Okay, then I'll withdraw first, and you can arrange the scene a little bit."

Seeing that Klein had his own ideas, Tao Yu didn't mind his own business and went home directly.

As for Klein, there was some disguise at the scene...

Not long after Tao Yu was at home, she heard the voice of Klein bringing the police detectives. He must have arranged the scene and said that someone was breaking into the house and robbing him, but he killed him instead.

"He should take the initiative to attract official extraordinary people. I wonder if he will suffer."

There is some kind of ambassador involved. I guess this guy is a bit difficult to deal with.

Well, let’s rest first and we’ll talk about the rest tomorrow. It’s a bit unexpected to be in such a hurry at night...

The next day, Tao Yu invited a neighbor's lawyer to get Klein out of the police station.

"Thank you, otherwise I might have to stay longer."

Klein was a little embarrassed. The matter was more troublesome than he expected. The other party even used the ability of the Beyonder to interrogate him.

Fortunately, the gray fog has completed the shielding, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

"No need to thank me, this is our neighbor, lawyer Jurgen."

Tao Yu said casually, but deep down she felt a little speechless about Lu En's extraordinary organization. After all, this kid is a victim. Is it necessary to find a picture in him?

I am still more accustomed to the way of the present world. Although it is a bit predatory, a bit cruel, not very humane, and does not protect the weak, it is easy to adapt, but it may not be suitable for peaceful times.


Klein smiled and nodded at the neighbor.

"Well, a detective may need a long-term lawyer. Maybe we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Jurgen's expression was a bit meticulous. He was able to fish out Klein so quickly, so he was very capable.

After Jurgen left, Tao Yu also asked about the specific situation.

"They should have confirmed the ambassador's identity, but I think it's a little troublesome to be involved in something like this."

Klein had a headache.

"It is indeed troublesome. In fact, I think the best way is to get rid of the source of the trouble to avoid long nights and dreams."

Tao Yu shared his own experience.

The other party has sent people to assassinate him, so what else can he say to be polite?

This once again made Klein feel powerless to complain, but then he hesitated again.

It seemed that there was only a thief who would steal for a thousand days.

Even if he hired a bodyguard, how long could he hire one? How much money did he have...

Even if his fellow villager was a Sequence Seven, he would not be able to deal with all the problems if he shamelessly moved in with him.

And after knowing that Tao Yu had taken witch potions, Klein knew that it would definitely be inconvenient to live together, which would embarrass the other party and cause trouble.

He still had to think of more ways...

"Hey, I'll think of a way."

"How about I help you place a commission to kill him directly?"

Tao Yu came up with a bad idea.

Whether it was his own beauty online, or the Tarot Club, or even Mr. A's party, he could try.

After all, the Aurora Club liked to do these things, and they could all do this kind of commission.

"This is not good."

Klein was a little tempted, but when he thought of the cost of assassinating an ambassador, his face fell again.

"I don't have money..."

"I have money, don't worry, I'll go ask, no one will answer, it doesn't matter, problems that can be solved with money are not a problem..."

If Klein asked Tao Yu to go by himself, then even if Tao Yu was sure, he would not take risks easily before he knew it clearly.

After all, it involved the ambassador, unlike Mr. A who was not in the limelight, if he really encountered an assassination and the other party had a trump card, he could use it without scruples.

But if it was just spending money, it was just a number in Tao Yu's eyes...

Do it as soon as you think of it. Although today is not the day for Mr. A's party, Tao Yu still took Klein to knock on the door.

Tao Yu already had some idea of ​​Mr. A's strength, and the other party was not in the limelight, so it would not be a big problem to tear the face when necessary. This was Tao Yu's confidence.

After all, this was a base of the Aurora Club. Although it was not the right time, the door was still opened.

"I want to see Mr. A. I have a mission commission."

Tao Yu said to the waiter, while thinking about how he digested his [instigator].

I used gold pounds to instigate Mr. A to kill the ambassador. This should be enough, right?

Klein didn't know where Tao Yu got such confidence, but from the performance at the beginning, this fellow villager was indeed different from him.

He came with him because he was worried about encountering danger. He had a divination before coming in, which showed that there was a certain risk, but it was not big. At least he was a caretaker... right?

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two came to a room, although Tao Yu was wearing a hood and covering his face.

But Mr. A seemed to remember him and seemed very surprised.

"What's the matter? Do you regret it?"

Klein didn't know what Mr. A was talking about, so he stayed beside him and kept spiritual alert, like a bodyguard.

"I came to come for a commission, to assassinate Ambassador Intis."

Tao Yu got straight to the point and started to open [Instigation].

The sequence gap between the two sides was not small, but even if the main bonus of Tao Yu's deified profession was outside the world, with his own gradual digestion of some of his own foundation, it was not a problem for him to work quietly.

Even Mr. A did not expect that this guy who suddenly appeared would be so fierce, and he would come up with such heavy news right away.

The other party is from the Witch Cult.

Did the Witch Cult want to assassinate the Intis ambassador?


The Witch Cult already has a considerable influence in Intis, what is this for?

However, for the Aurora Society, they never think before doing things. Mr. A was too lazy to think about it when he couldn't figure it out, and only thought about the gains of assassinating the Intis ambassador.

Provoking confrontation between the two countries, this is very suitable for the style of our Aurora Society.

"How much money are you prepared to pay..."

Just agreed?

Klein's eyes widened. Assassinating the ambassador of a powerful country like Intis, he didn't even ask?

He asked the price directly, is it fake?

Is he trying to cheat the thieves, asking how much money you have and then killing you?

Klein secretly flicked a coin to divine.

He found that what the other party said was true!

So casual?

Good guy, is this the Aurora Society...

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