After receiving Miss Justice's reply, Klein's eyes lit up slightly.

He also saw the diary page and knew the secret of the Tarot cards, and then arranged for Miss Justice to test it out of caution.

Because it was an anti-divination thing, Audrey relied on her identity to go over and use a needle to prick it, and found that there was indeed something wrong with the bookmark.

"My fellow countryman must have seen that diary page, and may also be suspicious..."

Although he had not moved around in the past few days because he was worried about the Church of Night due to the previous demonic incident, Klein did not think that Tao Yu would ignore this information.

But soon, a smile appeared on his face.

After all, he took advantage of Mr. Fool and asked Miss Justice to help him conduct the test.

And even if the fellow countryman wants to ask Miss Justice for help, he will most likely ask himself to relay it.

If he had asked for it, Klein would have played fair and fed back the news to him, but he didn't!

"It's still not thoughtful enough. Magicians don't perform without preparation."

Klein quickly thought of his own means of taking action and prayed to himself. Then, with the help of the protection of the gray mist, the spirit body strengthened the body of Azik's copper whistle and quietly went over to take the thing away.

"The Kingdom Museum will definitely be guarded by extraordinary people to prevent some fanatics from Emperor Russell, but I can return to the gray fog at any time, but I am not afraid..."

Klein planned for a long time and finally finalized the plan.

I have already gone to the Kingdom Museum to check out the points, and with the information given by Miss Justice, I am fully prepared.

It’s time for the magician to take the stage…

The Kingdom Museum seemed quiet at night.

Although the items of Emperor Russell were on display, there were not many extraordinary items on display, so there were not many guards, and there were no high-sequence guards.

But even so, there is still a team of Beyonders with a mechanical heart, working with ordinary people from some security companies to guard here.

And they also have a special sealed item.

It can monitor whether there are intruders in the museum, and can even judge whether there are living and inanimate objects.

Mike, the captain of the Heart of Machinery team who was on duty, was standing next to Emperor Russell's diary and said with some comfort.

"I wonder if we will catch some fanatics this time to increase our achievements."

"Hey, is this why we don't go out of our way to collect it at night?"

The team members also smiled at this time.

After all, although this is not an extraordinary item, it is still of great significance to the Church of Steam.

No matter what Emperor Russell did, his contribution to the Church of Steam is indelible.

And while they were chatting, a sealed object next to them, like a piece of building blocks, made a snapping sound.

This made the team members look refreshed, but then they discovered that inanimate objects had come in.

"Let the passing security guard take a look later..."

"Maybe it's leaves blowing in."

This kind of accidental contact is very common, and the security guards will arrange for it to go there very seriously. It is impossible for them to let extraordinary people go there in person.

At this time, Klein also entered the Kingdom Museum from the bathroom, and used a box of matches to directly light some tissues and green plants.

With some flame blessing from the magician, some movement was immediately caused.

In such a situation, the people of the Heart of Machinery team will naturally not take any chances and understand that someone has really invaded.

"Don't worry, as long as he enters the room controlled by the sealed object, he will be unable to fly."

"Once you get in, you are the prey that has stepped into the trap!"

A few people actually seemed a little excited, because this was the credit that was delivered to their door...

On the other side, Klein also quickly used the characteristics of the spirit body to start traveling through the Kingdom Museum and easily entered the study.

"In order to prevent Miss Justice from being suspected, I must mark all the bookmarks..."

But Klein, who had just come down from the ceiling and passed through the wall, was dumbfounded when he looked at Emperor Russell's 'study'.

At this time, there was a black figure similar to Conan, who was wrapped in black and exuded a strong ominous aura. He was holding a huge sack, sweeping away the contents and throwing them into it. Not even the toilet seat was spared!

With just one glance, Klein recognized that this thing was the image of the fellow who had used that special ability.

First, check the location, channel psychics, divination, arrange for Miss Justice to test, be fully prepared, and then sneak in as a spirit, hoping to carry out a perfect theft.

But when I turned around, I found that a reckless man had barged in unreasonably.

Don’t know which one it is?

Then take everything away!

And why did he not attract the attention of the Mechanical Heart with such a big movement?

"No, I didn't have any spiritual reminder before I came in. Although the other party exudes a very evil aura, he has extremely strong anti-divination ability before I see him. I'm afraid even extraordinary items can't monitor him..."

Klein thought of his divination above the gray fog, and a hint of clarity appeared in his heart.

Tao Yu, who was packing his things, also noticed something coming down from above.

The slightest sensation made him slightly startled.

This aura is a bit familiar, a bit similar to the big boss I saw when I killed Qilingos last time!


His summons?

Is he interested in this too?

By the way, when Mr. Fool is retrieving his memory, he might want to get some Tarot cards to learn about it!

Tao Yu, who had already carried a sack on his back, seemed a little wary at this time.

If that person came in person, it would be just like when he abandoned Qilinges last time, Tao Yu would lose his things and run away without saying a word.

However, Tao Yu, who has become accustomed to dealing with the abyss environment, still believes in the supremacy of strength.

Just arranging for a spirit body to come over means that the other party does not attach much importance to it!

If that's the case, then you can't blame yourself.

If Mr. Fool is really in urgent need, he will definitely be willing to tell him directly. Then it will be more stable for him to take action against the Primeval Witch in the future.

"I'm sorry, you're a little late. I've got my things ready. Say hello to that adult for me."

Tao Yu carried her backpack and bowed slightly behind her in the direction of the spirit body, preparing to escape directly into the shadow.

But the next moment 'Wow~'

A baby's cry was heard, which made both Tao Yu and Klein feel trembling in their hearts.

Black gaps appeared around the two people, and then the gaps expanded, revealing eyes one by one, making the scene look extremely evil.

"Why are you grabbing these."

A sweet voice that was soft but without the slightest emotion came.

A female figure wearing black leather shoes slowly floated in the air and looked at the two people below, seeming to be a little confused and concerned about this matter.

High sequence!

This thought flashed through Tao Yu and Klein's minds!

High-sequence fishing here, who do you want to catch? This is!

But then the two invisible figures looked at each other.

Isn't this indeed a catch...

Two stupid fish?

"Fortunately, it's a mental blockade..."

Tao Yu felt those eyes, and maybe he saw something similar to a spirit body next to him. This defense was mainly on the mental side, and it was meaningless to him.

"you guess?"

Tao Yu had already guessed that this was Huang Beibei, the rebellious daughter of Emperor Russell. She immediately turned into a shadow and rushed toward the gap next to her with her trophies in her arms.

The next moment, he crashed into the mirror of Emperor Russell's study.

It caused a ripple...

Klein felt speechless for a while when he saw Tao Yu leaving so naturally and so freely.

You kid, it’s a shame that I was worried that you didn’t go back as soon as possible.

But now, no matter what, I can leave safely.

As he lifted the ritual, he bowed slightly to the other party before dissipating.

I also had some insights in my mind, and combined with some information provided by my fellow villagers, I guessed the identity of this person...

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