"The real money is almost gone..."

During this period, Tao Yu also consciously completed some gold pounds laundering. Because he traded with Mr. Fool, he still used real money.

But if he can get what he wants, then it's all worth it!

I hope that Mr. Hanged Man can do it for me...


Tao Yu felt the digestion of his "Conspirator" magic potion, which was completed at an incredible speed, and he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

"My goodness, what's wrong? Why did my "Conspirator" digest it completely..."

Then he felt a hint of enlightenment.

Fake money!

It's the gold pounds he copied!

All along, Tao Yu has been buying and squandering. Although the gold pounds he personally consumed circulated to Backlund, after dilution, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

But it still circulated continuously.

And most places are still in extraordinary gatherings.

The low and medium sequences are indeed not so bored to divine such "real" banknotes.

But as time goes by, it is only a matter of time before these banknotes come into contact with high sequences.

"Haha, this is a big assist."

Tao Yu's eyes were full of excitement, and he was not worried at all about being detected as counterfeit money.

After so many times of changing hands, he also washed a lot of real money, and he was not worried about being found out.

It will not even have much impact on the subsequent use!

Once the news of such "real" banknotes is released, it may cause panic.

There are only a few extraordinary people with divination ability, and they can't be used as money detectors even if they are exhausted.

On the other hand, if I really have to work hard to digest the "conspirator", I don't know how much headache it will be.

"Even the witch potion is digested by the way, great..."


Financial panic is also a kind of panic!

It was not enough for him to spend money. He had to spend money recklessly, continue to let more gold pounds circulate, and exchange it for more real gold pounds...


Just as Tao Yu spent money, wandered around various markets and even gangs, and threw out a lot of money, he finally finished digesting the two magic potions of witch and conspirator.

That kind of roundness reduced the previous jerkyness by half. Now it was about half of the provocateur and a smaller number of arsonist potions.

"Printing money was a perfect choice at the time."

After finding a gangster to exchange a dozen banknotes again, Tao Yu paused slightly and felt that there were extraordinary people approaching here.

"The reaction is not slow."

Tao Yu was not surprised.

Every time he came out to exchange money, he would change his appearance and stuff a handful of black mud.

Otherwise, knowing that he had attracted the attention of the high sequence, he would not be safe, which would be too arrogant.

And Tao Yu also knew that although this matter might have attracted the attention of the high sequence,

But the High Sequence also has a pivotal position in the church, and it is impossible to let them investigate these minor details at the beginning.

It is a big deal to be able to dispatch the Middle Sequence now.

"Well, goodbye..."

Tao Yu did not want to meet the official Beyonders, nor did he want to attack them.

After noticing their movements, he left some clues, and then, under the accidental "witness" of an official Beyonder, he jumped into a mirror next to him and disappeared.

Because not only did he change his image, but he was also wearing a cloak, so it was impossible to tell whether he was a man or a woman.

This behavior of jumping into the mirror was immediately reported and attracted attention.

Then it was roughly confirmed.

This is the Witch Cult...


"Lawless! Do they really think we can't deal with it!"

'God's Singer' Ace Snake looked at the news brought by the 'Substitute Punisher' below, and an angry look appeared on his face.

Too much!

Because Duke Negan had been assassinated at the ball before, he often focused his attention on this important believer during this period, dividing a lot of energy.

As a result, who would have thought that a large number of extremely realistic counterfeit banknotes would appear in his own jurisdiction!

This is a "counterfeit banknote" that cannot be distinguished by any means except divination.

When he tried to use divination to trace the source, he found that it was completely interfered with. This must be a planned and premeditated attack.

Thinking of the realism of the counterfeit banknotes, even as a demigod, the "Singer of God" felt a deep palpitation.

He once suspected that the relevant machines were leaked from the banknote printing department.

There is an insider!

"Contact the other two major churches. This time, we must catch these dirty rats in one fell swoop!"

"Singer of God" was originally a bad-tempered and irritable brother. Under the guidance of multiple things recently, he also exploded at the slightest touch.

The initiative proposed by the Storm Church was quickly seconded by the two major churches of Night and Steam.

The Witch Cult hired the Aurora Society to kill Ambassador Intis, which made Rune somewhat embarrassed.

The informant of the Church of Night was attacked, the exhibition of Emperor Roselle held by the Church of Steam was stolen, and the thief escaped with the help of a mirror.

All these things can make everyone angry.

Now it can be said that it will explode at any time.

The imitation of the gold pound is so real, what do you want to do? !

In fact, if it is just the current circulation, it really has no impact on the size of Loen.

If the number is small, they actually don't think it matters much.

But the combiner might be something created by the Witch Sect and Aurora, so that would be different.

Will they copy it on a large scale and then severely impact Loen's financial system, causing huge turmoil?


This must be a long-planned conspiracy!

"What will Aurora do? You really deserve to die at this critical moment."

'Desperate Nightingale' Panadia had a look of anger on her beautiful face.

As the Witch of Despair, she doesn't really care about counterfeit money. She just wants to spread disaster to digest the potion.

However, being continuously provoked by Aurora at such a critical moment really made her unable to sit still.

She endured the initial attack on the 'Breeze' dance hall.

Later, Aurora would kill Ambassador Intis, and even announced his admission in a high-profile manner. After their party was hit, they came to him to ask for gold coins as compensation.

After a disagreement, the 'Breeze' dance hall was demolished again.

In the end, it was Panatia who pinched her nose and actually gave the other party a lot of gold pounds, which made the nervous angel leave cursingly.

But how long did it last?

Soon they were dragging themselves down because of printing counterfeit money!

"Can't we change the time! Damn it! The plan can't be delayed, we have to advance..."

Panatia also sighed a little at this time. The time has not come yet, and now it is still a bit hasty...

On the other side, there is a new stronghold of the Aurora Society.

Mr. A is praying constantly.

During this period, the main task of the Aurora Society was actually to investigate a tarot organization.

But nothing has been gained.

Since oracles are involved, this must be a top priority.

As a result, when I was working for the Lord, the Witch Sect printed some counterfeit money, which led to so much publicity.

"Hmph, those women really succeed more than fail!"

After Mr. A finished praying, he felt a little angry when he heard the report from his subordinates.

It has been a bad year recently. Not only has the Lord’s vessel disappeared, but I have been hit again and again.

After the Witch Cult hired Ambassador Intis to kill, they actually pretended not to know anything and pretended to be the same.

This left him with no choice but to get his debt back in another way.

As a result, before the gang leader could share their worries, they had come up with so many tricks.


At No. 15 Minsk Street, Klein looked at the seventy gold pound note in his hand with some pain, and put on a mask of pain on his face.

I just checked on a whim and found out that the formula money I sold at the Extraordinary Party last time contained a counterfeit note of seventy gold pounds!

"This is too real. Who is it? Bastard!"

Silently putting away the banknotes, Klein wore the clown mask firmly on his face, and then thought with a sense of guilt.

Do you want to find an opportunity to spend this money? It’s so true anyway…

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