A royal suburban estate in Backlund.

With the name of the royal family here, naturally no one would look up and find him uncomfortable.

But it was in this manor that some real elites from the Aurora Society and the Witch Sect gathered at this time.

There is even a portal connecting them to their most important areas underground.

The mausoleum required for the Black Emperor's ceremony to become a god!

The Loen royal family was an Augustus family that was loyal to the Night Emperor in the past. Their ancestor William I even acquired the characteristics of the Night Emperor after his death and became the Hand of the Order of Angels in Sequence One.

The current George III is also the first and last prince of the Black Emperor.

It can be said that the Augustus family, with two major sequences and an angel sitting in it, is the top level besides the power of the true gods.

Just because there are three major faiths and three major temples in Loen, even the Loen royal family can only rely on others.

Naturally, they want to break this feeling.

The Black Emperor is the opportunity they have prepared for.

Because George III was originally a king, he had the possibility to complete the ceremony silently, without attracting the attention of the three major temples.

But the Black Emperor's rituals required the construction of nine giant mausoleums. Such a huge project required a large number of people.

Even if there are various excuses, too much missing will attract unnecessary attention.

For example, now, it is no longer possible to hide it. Aurora must come forward and take the blame!

"We don't mind attracting hatred as long as we can welcome the coming of the Lord."

As a representative, Mr. A, although he was only a Sequence Five, faced two high-ranking Sequence members from the Witch Sect, but he did not fall behind in the conversation at all.

As the divine envoys of the Aurora Society, they have the fanaticism to devote themselves to their Lord.

It is precisely because of their excellent ‘quality’ that the Witch Sect has tolerated them until now.

At this time, it is also the time to harvest!

"Very good. Although we had some misunderstandings before, in terms of interests, we are consistent..."

Panatya's beautiful face also showed a smile.

"That is to say, you are too cautious. You pretended not to know when I came to collect the final payment for the assassination, otherwise there would be so much trouble."

Mr. A seemed to complain when he heard this.

From his perspective, the Witch Church wanted to completely cut off the relationship, so they paid the balance in a roundabout way.

And these words made Panatya stunned for a moment, and then frowned and said

"What's going on? What's the balance payment?"

"The remaining payment for assassinating Ambassador Intis is already here. Isn't it necessary?"

Mr. A also seemed a little strange.

Compared to a mere Ambassador of Intis, this is the real big deal here!

"Ambassador Intis? Did we assassinate him?"

Panatia felt a little unbelievable. In fact, the current Ambassador Intis had some cooperation with the Witch Sect to some extent.

"Uh, didn't you arrange for the newly promoted witch to come over and place a deposit?"

Mr. A is also frowning a little now.

After starting the intelligence reconciliation, he also vaguely noticed something was wrong.

"Not at all, Ambassador Intis is our partner, damn it!"

Panatia also felt the problem, and there was frost on her originally pretty face.

Next to her, Catalina, who was just here to sit in charge, also noticed something at this time, and sighed softly and said

"Were you provoked?"

"Were you the ones who attacked our Breeze Ballroom for the first time?"

There was a problem with the intelligence reconciliation, so it was natural to turn over the old accounts. Panatia didn't even have time to answer the White Saint's words, so she quickly asked again.

"We have never attacked you. When have we not publicly acknowledged what we did?"

Mr. A also understood that someone seemed to be taking advantage of them.

"Damn it, that damn thing, we have to find her afterward!"

"Is she a new member? When did it happen?"

Catalina seemed to have thought of something and said in a deep voice.

"Probably in September."


Catalina thought of the time vaguely mentioned in the oracle, and a glimmer of light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"She must be found. This is probably the goal of the Oracle!"

In a sense, finding this goal is even more important than helping George III become a god!

After just glancing at the shadow behind Mr. A, Catalina was silent for a moment, but did not say anything directly.

As long as you can lock the target, you don't know the specific location yet. You can solve the immediate problem first, and then slowly figure it out...


A hoarse voice came from the shadow behind Mr. A. Before they could do anything, accompanied by a neighing of horses, a carriage with a pumpkin pendant crashed into the spiritual world barrier and appeared directly on the scene.

Then he crashed straight into the crowd.

The mystery reappears!


The carriage crashed into pieces as it hit the center.

A spiritual storm is sweeping through.

Katarina and Panatia are both high-sequence ones. Although this attack came unexpectedly, the Witch Path's use and understanding of mirrors still allowed them to escape through mirror avatars.

It’s just that Panatia, who is in Sequence Four, looks a little embarrassed.

As for Mr. A, who was originally a Sequence 5, even if he had herded many souls and had multiple paths, it would be difficult to survive when he was suppressed by such an absolute superior.

But the shadow behind him suddenly turned into a black shield, protecting him firmly.

The explosion also blew it away!

Almost at the same time, vines fell from the sky one after another, seeming to complete the isolation from the world and enter a peach blossom garden.

"One sequence 3, two sequence 4, it's a bit troublesome, but not big."

Bernadette and Tao Yu walked out of the carriage carriage that was left behind by the explosion, and had already locked onto the scene.

But even if she said 'it's not a big problem', there are three high-level sequences here!

And there is also a sequence 3 in it!

At this time, Kosma, who was hiding in Mr. A's shadow, slowly appeared and expanded directly into a black giant of two to three meters.

His body was covered in black armor, leaving only two red glows in his eyes.

Path of the Mysterian, Sequence Four, Black Knight!

"The Queen of Mystery..."

Catalina, the immortal witch who has the highest sequence on the scene and also belongs to sequence 3, also recognized the identity of the person at this time.

As an old antique who has lived to this day in the Fourth Era, her strength may not be top-notch among Sequence 3, but her knowledge is quite high.

Just from the several manifestations of the ability to mysteriously reproduce, the identity of the visitor can be determined.

But when she saw the mysterious queen, she also looked at the handsome Tao Yu next to her, who exuded a sense of enchantment.

It's him, he's the person the original witch is looking for!

"It actually came to my door, which is great..."

Catalina was chanting with a twinkle in her eye.

"Don't worry, I haven't informed the church yet."

Tao Yu came here to brush up on extraordinary characteristics, and specially invited Huang Beibei to help.

I didn’t expect the unexpected surprise!

Two sequence fours and one sequence three.

These are all the ways you need.


"Are you coming?"

Bernadette said to Tao Yu with some fear, thinking of some bad memories.

"It's just right to have your peach blossom garden as a cover..."

As Tao Yu finished speaking, his breath suddenly swelled.

The extreme distortion made even the people of the Aurora Society and Witch Sect change their expressions.

Then the next moment, I felt the surrounding space peeling off like an egg shell, revealing the ultimate darkness.

Inherent enchantment!

The endless black mud rolled under the feet like ocean waves, and the rich aura of depravity made several people with the same abilities in the underworld feel a little doubtful about life.

What is this approach? !

Before they could be shocked, the first spear beam penetrated the body of the immortal witch Katarina. It was Scathach who had received the home bonus.

Although Catalina's body kept breaking like glass lenses, she seemed to be trying to break free.

But Scathach's completely specialized attack here penetrates the void itself.

It was Catalina. Although she was not seriously injured, she was temporarily restrained.

Then, jet-black chains spurted out and wrapped around everyone present...

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