Medici was quietly summoned by Tao Yu under the table, and then secretly put his head through the table, emerged from the plate, and looked in the direction Tao Yu pointed.

Tao Yu didn't know why Medici said he would come out to check it out after he roughly described it.

This made Tao Yu feel a little uneasy.

"It's really you..."

Medici looked at the priest and said without any cover-up.

But he obviously didn't care about the sound at all, and didn't mind being discovered by ordinary people, but the other diners around him seemed to have heard nothing and didn't see anything at all.

Tao Yu and Medici were in the lively restaurant.

There was no sense of isolation from the extraordinary power, but it created an isolated environment!

This made Tao Yu's mind immediately flash a name.

"Audience path? Adam?!"

Tao Yu's words of amazement made the priest quietly smile warmly.

"You are really strange. Even if you call my name at such a close distance, I don't feel anything. Even a true god can't do this."

Adam's tone was gentle and he looked gentle. He didn't seem like the King of Angels at all, and he didn't bring Tao Yu any sense of crisis.

But it made Tao Yu more alert.

There was just an Angel King in front of him. He also knew that he didn't even have the ability to escape at the moment. He could only slowly communicate with the world's will while saying with some concern

"Am I in your script?"

"It's not just my script. I shouldn't be the only one paying attention to you."

Adam talked to Tao Yu across the aisle and across the table.

"Heh, how dare you? If you are known, it may cause God to descend. I look forward to the day you are arrested."

After experiencing the initial surprise, Medici suddenly sneered at this time.

Tao Yu just relaxed for a while and understood that he had already calculated the adjacent paths of the audience.

The other party and the Lord of Storm must be hostile to each other.

Appearing in Backlund is indeed a risk in theory.

"But I have to come."

Adam still had a faint smile on his face, and his tone was still so gentle.

But although he was looking at a very gentle and sunny guy, Tao Yu felt a little weird.

This guy didn't have any "human taste" on him, he looked a bit like a robot.

And he didn't have any warning when he saw him.

Although he was anti-divination and anti-prophecy to a certain extent, he was also exempted from the other party's arrangement.

But at the same time, he couldn't actively sense the other party!

The gap is too big!

I don't even know if the other party is hostile.

"Hello, stranger, you already know my name, but I don't know yours yet."

Adam greeted him politely, but he looked so ordinary.

It doesn't look like this is an angel king, and the most difficult one.

It even caused the death of Medici, who is also an angel king!

"Hello, Mr. Adam, my name is Tao Yu."

Tao Yu's tone was as calm as possible, and he had gradually deepened his communication with the will of the world. Now he had to make sure that he could leave at any time just in case!

He couldn't maintain this state for a long time, but if it was only for a short time, it would be fine.

I believe that with some information in my hands, it would not be impossible to delay.

"I am very curious about your existence. I also saw the script you arranged. Although it was very clumsy and rough, it was still successful.

"The arrival of Ouroboros is enough to suppress Sua to a certain extent, and the hand of order of the Rune royal family is doing a good job to some extent."

Adam's words surprised Medici.

"The big snake is coming? "

Tao Yu was a little confused. Who is the big snake? Ouroboros? An angel who can suppress Suea, the first angel?

What is that?

What script did I arrange?

Why do I seem to be the only one who doesn't know?

See how familiar Medici and Adam are with him.

Oh my god, another angel king?

I don't know a damn thing!

How can there be other angel kings under the command of the real creator?

This is unscientific...

Although Tao Yu seemed to be as steady as an old dog, with the blessing of his own characteristics, he didn't let others see his inner thoughts, but he was panicking in his heart.

I only know that a first angel has set his sights on me, and then I just want to leverage the power of the three major churches to deal with him.

My own goal is just to capture a sequence 2 angel and then run away...

Why did two angel kings suddenly appear?

Why did the situation escalate so seriously?

This may cause God to descend!

In addition, to a certain extent, that "evil god" Sua may be the representative of someone in the outer starry sky.


The scene is much bigger than I imagined, and it is beyond my ability to deal with!

For a while, Tao Yu already had the idea of ​​running away.

"So Mr. Adam came to me just to say this?"

Tao Yu said calmly.

It seems that I am the big boss who arranged all this behind the scenes.

If it doesn't work, Mr. Fool will take the blame.

It's just borrowing a reputation, you shouldn't mind, right?

Yes, all this was arranged by Mr. Fool!

He has enough personality to do this!

"Not only that, although the means are a bit crude, success is the best result. You seem to want a few extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 2."

Adam's voice was gentle.

Tao Yu was speechless again.

I actually only want one, and I am not determined to get it. If I can steal one, it will be fine. If not, I will just run away.

Having a way out does make me more unrestrained.

The main reason is that I have been noticed and targeted...

"Mr. Adam wants to help me?"

Tao Yu said in a tentative tone.

If the other party did not have any purpose, there was really no need to take the initiative to find me!

And Tao Yu also felt that the secrets in his hands could indeed be exchanged with these high-level beings.

But there was only one chance.

"Medici may have said bad things about me to you. Angel King, I can also trade him out. If it's just a Sequence 2 angel, I can help you arrange a reasonable time to fight the enemy in turn. If it's beyond your ability to deal with, I can let them restrain each other.

"And I just want to know some information..."

Adam looked at Tao Yu deeply.

As a spectator, he couldn't see anything special about Tao Yu, nor could he read any information from him. This was very unusual.

The last person who gave him this feeling was the Goddess of Night!

But unlike the complete secrecy of the Goddess of Night, the other party was clearly here and was also participating in the script...

"Okay, but I want to see the goods first. "

Tao Yu is the weaker party, he won't be so stupid as to hand over the information that he can use as a trump card.


Adam didn't know when he started to observe secretly, and he already had a clear outline of Tao Yu's strength and ability.

In terms of strength, as the king of angels, even if he can't use his ability directly on the opponent, he has too many indirect means.

It can be said that if you really want to deal with him, it's just a matter of flipping your hand!

"As a prepayment, I can give you a copy of the characteristics of the 'Weather Warlock' first. I think you didn't attract this one this time..."

Tao Yu was a little dazed when he heard it.

There is such a good thing?!

You are a good person...

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