
Tao Yu looked at the Fremen who were in front of him and obeyed the orders, and he couldn't help but admire them.

Although they were just a group of 'ordinary people', their qualities were surprisingly high.

This seems a little unscientific, but it is very profound...

Paul seemed to have a very high prestige among them. At his request, the loyalty ceremony was held quite smoothly.

Tao Yu had a feeling of being one with them, and he could absorb their power into himself at any time and anywhere, and get an extra reinforcement!

Even if the individual strength of this group of Fremen was very average, they could still use quantity to convert into quality.

Because of their belief, they were united and cooperated tacitly.

So even if the number of people in front of them was not small, they still had a high degree of resonance, so the conversion effect was quite good.

Even Tao Yu now could feel the obvious blessing of the legion.

The key is that Tao Yu felt that just by accepting their loyalty, his 'Iron Blood Knight' had already digested a little.

Even if the degree was not much, as a digestion of the fourth level of sequence, it was quite impressive to have such progress at the beginning!

Then we can eat the characteristics of the Witch of Despair, and the current awkwardness will not have a negative effect.

"Very good, next, we have to distinguish between enemies and friends. The source of all your suffering is the Harkonnen family, so this is our next goal."

Tao Yu's words did not arouse the disgust of the Fremen. They did have hatred for the Harkonnen family.

Especially the bloodbath with the help of ninjas in recent times.

Tao Yu just led them easily, and before he used much extraordinary ability to guide them, he had already made them feel a sense of common hatred.

This was the anger in their hearts, but it was just guided out a little.

"For those ninjas, they are also enemies at present, and we don't need to hold back, but they are just hired. After solving the target, we don't need to kill them all. In fact, I think you and the Sand Village are quite compatible..."

Tao Yu looked at the Fremen. If it weren't for the scarcity of water, they might not have directly confronted the Sand Village.

The Sand Village is not all ninjas, and ordinary people are also needed to support it.

The Fremen who can survive in the desert are undoubtedly the most suitable target.

It's just a pity that a large amount of resources are in the hands of the Harkonnen family, and the conflict over resources at the beginning led to this result.

If the Fremen had enough wealth and hired the Sand Village to deal with the Harkonnen family at the beginning, the situation might have changed now.

Tao Yu, who had contact with them, knew that the family itself lacked the ability to deal with such extraordinary power.

Although the Holtzman shield is strong, many of their technological weapons are not weak.

But it still depends on the person who uses it...

However, just when Tao Yu completed the loyalty ceremony and drank some chicken soup to stimulate some emotions.

An eagle cry sounded from the sky, causing Tao Yu to look up.

Although it was just a small dot in the distance, it was indeed a ninja eagle.

"It's a bit embarrassing. I just sorted out the main contradictions and was discovered by the ninja..."

Tao Yu sighed, feeling that the Sand Village was a bit disrespectful.

But it's good to find them, just treat it as luring the snake out of its hole...


"Lord Ye Cang, we found the traces of the Fremen."

A ninja who controlled the ninja beast quickly came to a beautiful orange-haired woman wearing a backless outfit and said respectfully.

Ye Cang is a great hero of the Sand Village, and there was even a call for the fourth generation of Kazekage before.

Even now that the candidate for Kazekage has been finalized, Ye Cang still has a high prestige in the Sand Village.

Because of the constant urging of the employer, the Harkonnen family, the importance of hunting down the Fremen has also risen steadily.

Even she, a Kage-level strongman, led the team personally.

"Have you found it? Hey, notify the Harkonnen family, we are just assisting and going with them, there is no need to take direct action."

Ye Cang sighed.

She is a standard ninja. Although she has her own sympathy for the Fremen in her heart, her position is here, and she will not waver when it is time to act.

When she was fighting for the water source, she was equally ruthless.

But her stance was her stance. She had led the team to clear out Fremen strongholds several times, and she knew that they were just a group of people struggling to survive in the desert.

However, even though she didn't like the Harkonnen family, she also sympathized with the Fremen, but she didn't hesitate when she made the decision.

This was the fate of ninjas!

The Harkonnen family's communication system was still intact, and they quickly got feedback after reporting it.

The Harkonnen family also hated the Fremen, and did not arrange for the ninjas to go first, but just asked them to keep an eye on them and not lose them, and then wait for the family army to come.

It must be done in one go, and no one should be left behind!

While waiting, a senior ninja who was the deputy in Ye Cang's team gave a suggestion.

"Lord Ye Cang, it seems that these are the elite of the Fremen this time. So many people gathered together, and it is very likely that they were transferred through those giant sandworms. Could they want to use those worms to do something again?"

This senior ninja encountered a reverse ambush by the Fremen.

The size of that terrifying desert giant worm is even larger than the tailed beast.

Although it has no chakra and cannot release ninjutsu, the distance brought by its size can exceed the damage of most ninjutsu with a casual turn, causing them certain losses.

In other words, these sandworms have no combat wisdom and only know how to use the instincts of their bodies. After figuring out the rules, they can besiege and deal with them more appropriately.

After all, killing the target does not mean cutting the target into pieces, as long as a fatal attack can be completed.

At present, the village is even studying whether these sandworms can be used as summoned beasts.

But the conditions for capture are very difficult. Not to mention the difficulty of finding them, it is also difficult to keep them alive with such a large size.

At present, perhaps only the fourth generation Kazekage has this ability.

Even if Lord Ye Cang is not inferior to Lord Kazekage in strength, he can only rely on Scorch Release to kill directly, and cannot capture them alive.

"They have been cautious recently. There must be a reason for coming out this time, but this is something the employer needs to consider. We just need to complete the task."

Ye Cang, who has no subjective initiative in this matter, does not want to know the reason.

In fact, although the focus has shifted again in the past few months, the exploration of the ‘Death Oasis’ has been recovered, and the extermination operation has begun again.

But those Fremen felt as if they could predict the future, and each attack was avoided as much as possible.

The results of the battle were not great.

At one point, they thought that there was an intelligence leak and a traitor.

But no matter how hard they thought, they couldn’t figure out why someone would betray.

Finally, after several internal investigations, the people of the Sand Village also vaguely believed in their legends, the so-called ‘prophecy’ and ‘prophet’.

After taking today’s spices, Ye Cang also began to close his eyes and meditate to refine chakra.

Chakra is the foundation of ninjas.

When leaving the Sand Village, chakra will decay, and it is very important to keep the chakra active in the body.

And these ‘spices’ are props that are beneficial to ninjas!

Buzz buzz buzz~

Haknan moved quickly, and a flying vehicle similar to the wings of a dragonfly flew from a distance in groups, with as many as 20 or 30.

Flying at low altitude, dust was raised all along the way, like a man-made sandstorm.

Each aircraft even has a Holmanz shield, which has strong defense and air advantage.

It seems that they attach great importance to this operation.

This discovery is the largest number of people found after the large-scale encirclement and suppression.

And from their appearance, it seems that they want to go to the direction of the oasis.

Once they come into contact with those pioneers, it will be troublesome...

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