The mountain that had been destroyed by sandworms looked pitted, and the surface was full of horrific plow marks, exposing the inner rock formations.

Thick blue insect blood flowed, giving the mountain a strange feeling.

But even for sandworms that are hundreds of meters in size, it will take a lot of time to destroy such a mountain. Although the surface is the same as that gnawed by dogs, and there are still several train-like corpses of sandworms hanging on it, the overall structure of the mountain is still intact. Not destroyed.

Tao Yu stood at the top, looking down at the sandworm corpses below, sensing the approach of his team from behind, and the tone of his questioning seemed a little careless.

Taming sandworms was a complete accident.

The Fremen used vibrations to summon the sandworms, and Tao Yu was also a little curious.

This thing seems to have no eyes, its perception mainly depends on vibration, and it can even eat inorganic substances such as sand.

I tried to use domestication to implant spiritual seeds, but found that this kind of big body was different from the spices that can enhance spiritual power. It was just instinct!

Therefore, the Fremen can control them by using the most sensitive scales on their bodies.

Tao Yu's domestication seems extremely simple.

So we simply arranged for the sandworm to take the lead in the collision.

I just didn't expect that someone could kill the sandworm so easily.

From the perspective of means, he is a pioneer at first glance, and he is also a very strong pioneer in the new development area!

"Divination is quite convenient..."

Tao Yu played with a coin in her hand and kept spinning it on her fingertips.

Although you cannot follow divination all the time, it is more than enough to make some simple judgments, which provides a lot of convenience...

The Shadow Blade attacked directly, cutting the opponent in two without even giving him time to react, then dragged away the opponent's loot, and even wrapped the opponent's body in black shadow.

Tao Yu also clearly saw the face and body shape of the murdered man.

He seems to be in his prime. He is not a native pioneer in the new development area that has just opened less than two years ago. He should be teleported here.

In terms of overall strength, it is still not close to the boundary breaker, but it has an extremely excellent weapon.

Cooperating with his teammates, one person controlled and the other hunted, but he also completed the encirclement and suppression of this stupid sandworm.

This strength is definitely considered high-quality in terms of new development areas.

Before Treya entered the mysterious world, she was only at this level at most. Now it is hard to say whether she is relying on the bonus of the Cihang Sword Code to help her master the spiritual conception in advance and gain the domain.

Such top senior partner-level talents are the most cost-effective choice for transmission, and at present, it is impossible to keep track of all their traces.

That's why we have this opportunity.

"'Lightsaber Master' Frey, the patrol deacon of the company's security department, his official status."

Tao Yu looked up at the floating figure floating above the palace, full of shock, and the fat Baron Harkonnen next to him, with an inexplicable look on his face.

"We gave your Harkonnen family enough respect, but not only did they attack my subordinates and hunt my pets, but they also colluded with these shady rats and took the initiative to tear up the agreement. But you can't blame me..."

First, he used a sealing technique to temporarily seal the corpse of the 'Lightsaber User' he had just hunted to preserve his spirituality and facilitate his dream communication. Tao Yu tapped his feet and floated directly towards the palace sheltered by the mountain.

And the mysterious figure wearing a cloak floating in the air rushed straight in the opposite direction without any hesitation, with full power and extremely fast speed.

At the same time, I kept scolding my mother in my heart.

"It's the 'Eight-Armed King Kong'! How can he be so powerful! News came from the state capital that he is indeed suspected of being a boundary breaker, but it's not that serious!"

He and the 'Lightsaber User' have indeed not reached the limit of crackers and have not been recognized by the will of the world.

But in terms of strength, the two of them are at the senior partner level.

It's not impossible for the two of them to work together to kill ordinary boundary breakers!

But now he seems too fragile in front of this guy.

Even if it was just a sneak attack, it was really an exaggeration to kill the 'Lightsaber User' with one blow!

So he didn't even have the courage to fight, so he just ran away.

But unfortunately, just when he turned around, a spear had pinned him to the void.

Scathach held the spear and swung the opponent's body directly towards the direction Tao Yu came from.

The figure who was thrown into the air seemed to have injected something into himself. He suppressed the stab wounds for a while and forcibly tore a scroll in mid-air.

The broken scroll seemed to have a large amount of airflow swirling around him, as if it wanted to wrap around him and shoot away.

Tao Yu vaguely felt the smell of magic inside.

It's a bit like what Master Wang showed to him at the beginning, but it seems to be sealed in the scroll using special means. Judging from the energy fluctuations, it is a means of escape, and the speed should not be slow...


The sound of chains sounded, and the dark chains shot out and penetrated the opponent's body in an instant. The gathered elemental energy next to them also shattered in an instant!

The tadpole patterns are like locks, crawling along the chain to the opponent's body to complete the blockade.

The energy in the opponent's body, as well as the physical and spiritual power, have been sealed and cannot be used at all!

Then, the chains dragged the person back and brought him to Tao Yu.

But at this moment, dense rockets were fired from the Harkonnen family's position and from unexpected hidden corners.

It headed directly towards the top of the mountain where Tao Yu was.

The two people and a large area nearby were covered at the same time!

In addition to the rockets that can be seen, there are also shooting from various machine guns and firearms.

The dense barrage directly formed super saturated coverage!

It seemed that Baron Harkonnen gave the order directly and decisively, not caring about the life and death of his allies.

At first, he didn't take such an attack when the sandworms were raging.

Tao Yu can also make simple judgments by relying on the time-slowing slideshow.

This level of ammunition is enough to flatten this mountain.

Moreover, this kind of close-range bombardment would also cause considerable damage to the Harkonnen family itself.

"It's true... I haven't even taken the initiative to find you yet."

In slow motion frame by frame, Tao Yu sighed as he looked at the attacks that covered the sky. Then the black shadow under his feet covered and engulfed him, and the prisoner fell into the shadow together with him and disappeared!

Then the explosions all over the sky directly covered the entire mountain top. The main body, which was not destroyed by the first few sandworms hundreds of meters away, was broken in the middle by the dense series of explosions and bombardments!

The smoke and dust caused by the explosion filled the air, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.


Half of the mountain collapsed suddenly, forming a landslide.

The terrifying impact forcefully flattened all obstacles on the road.

In the face of the natural power caused by this explosion, the sandworm impact of several hundred meters before seemed so childish.

Many of the Harkonnen family's buildings were directly affected by this landslide.

Many members of the Harkonnen family were directly buried.

The baron's unscrupulousness and cruelty were fully demonstrated.

Baron Harkonnen's eyesight was naturally unable to see the scene of Tao Yu disappearing. In his eyes, he only saw the destruction with firepower at all costs!

Even at the distance where he was, strong winds and shock waves swept through him, causing him to raise his hands to protect his eyes.

This was the arrangement and preparation he had made when he was on guard against those ninjas.

When necessary, sacrifice some clan members as bait, enough to inflict heavy damage on the opponent!

Those individual ninjas are too flexible and too strong.

Therefore, the best way is to attack with saturation and no dead ends.

Now, it is used on these pioneers!


Baron Harkonnen was very unsure. At this time, the nine guarding ninjas he had sent away had returned to his side again and remained silent.

The leading Jonin looked at the scale of the explosion in front of him with solemn eyes.

The firepower of the Harkonnen family is also a considerable threat to ninjas, and judging from the current situation, this kind of preparation may have been to defend themselves.

"Inform your village that I want more strong men, more!"

Baron Harkonnen kept urging.

This made the leading Jonin a little helpless.

Master Ye Cang went out to investigate in person. Master Kazekage also went to support with your people as soon as possible after getting the news. How can there be so many strong people?

However, at this moment, the earth suddenly shook, and deep holes opened in the earth, like an abyss.

Then endless vines spurted up, instantly destroying a large number of Baron Harkonnen's palace, and the cracks continued to spread.

The thick roots broke through the wall and broke the pillars. They looked like tentacles in a strange style, wrapping up towards them.

"Wood Release?!"

The leading Jonin had a look of horror on his face and wanted to take Baron Harkonnen to escape.

But he soon discovered that the fat Baron Harkonnen was too bloated.

It's not that he can't carry it, but that he doesn't have a suitable place to focus.

If you pull it forcefully, it will probably tear off the part you grabbed.

In the end, I had no choice but to choose the worst hugging position.

He stretched out his hands to hold the greasy piece of fat, and a pungent rancid smell penetrated his nose.

But with such a burden, even the Jonin couldn't run a few steps before he was caught up by the vines behind him, and then all of them were captured.

Not only him, but everyone in their three escort teams followed suit. Even the remaining soldiers of the Harkonnen family seemed to be captured by these spreading vines!

"If the energy is sufficient, it would actually be quite useful..."

Tao Yu used the black mud of the inherent barrier as the starting source, and relied on the imprinted insects in the alien flying dragon to continuously provide magic power, and barely managed to balance the expenses of this large-scale wood escape.

It has to be said that when 'big' and 'rich' reach a certain level, many things can fly.

However, the painting style of the tree world driven by black mud is a bit underworld.

The dark green vines are greasy and covered with mucus.

The roots, branches and leaves also have a slippery feeling, and many of the leaves have openings that look like pitcher plants, with crusher-shaped teeth similar to those of sandworms.

It's a little different from the normal version of Tree World Arrival...

a little……

"The divination said that it would be better if I did something big, but I don't know what it would be like..."

Watching the impact of the landslide at the scene, the demon tree world of its own descended behind, and the explosion washed the ground in front.

This should be considered a big scene, right?

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