All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 515 The Secret of the Eight-Armed Vajra

A dark sandstorm swept through. Since falling into the abyss, the climate of the dunes has become more and more violent.

The sandstorm itself, which is mixed with spices, can block many exploration methods, whether it is the technology side or the extraordinary side.

It is the best cover color.

"Oh, this environment is really bad. I feel that my throat is affected. This will affect my artistic career."

A man with dark skin, light yellow hair, wearing black sunglasses, carrying seven knives on his back, with the word "iron" representing the armor seal on his right shoulder, and a mark of horns on his left cheek.

At this time, he complained in the wind in a rap tone.

"If you continue to talk, I think your throat will be worse, bah~bah~"

Another burly figure, covering his messy hair, seemed to hate this environment. After the sand entered his mouth, he couldn't help but spit twice.

"If you don't speak, what's the difference between you and a mute? God gave us mouths to speak. We can't... ugh~ugh~"

Kirabi also began to spit out the sand in his mouth.

This made Shaman next to him speechless.

Is this the reinforcement you invited?

Is it reliable?

"They are more... cheerful, but very strong. The two of them cooperate very well, and they also have powerful moves at the bottom of the box."

Hope, who has a delicate face and does not look like a human, paused for a moment, as if he had eaten sand.

"Why do you want to set off during the sandstorm? This sandstorm feels bad."

Shaman also doesn't like this dark environment. He is a boundary breaker in the floating city, a big man who can enjoy the benefits, why does he come here to suffer this.

Our strength is here, can't we suppress it openly?

The eight-armed Vajra can defeat Steve, which is strong, but we can easily suppress it with our combined strength.

"Because the hexagram we asked the priest for is for us to set off at this time."

Hope's tone remains unchanged.

After hearing the word "priest" from him, Shaman also shut up.

The reason why the resistance organization can still be alive and kicking under the strong suppression of the Sun family can be said to be the biggest contributor to the priest.

While he can make some predictions, he can also help cover up some traces to prevent the Sun family masters from using props and other means to trace the source.

Otherwise, he would have been pulled out of the radish with mud.

"The priest has also come to this world?"

Shaman asked carefully. As a person from the floating city, he knew that such similar methods can only be used in this world and cannot cross the border.

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about."

As they moved at high speed in the wind and sand, they could vaguely see the black outline in front of them.

The base of the Haknan family!

It can be seen that the mountain, which was originally surrounded by four sides, has one side that seems to have been hit by some fierce attack and is cut in half.

As a result, the Haknan family's land, which could have formed a perfect safe haven, has also begun to be affected by the sandstorm.

"The timing is indeed good. You have traded so many times. Can you determine where they store spices?"

Shaman began to mention the most concerned issue. You can't go out empty-handed!

Even if he is, he can never ignore the interests of the Harkonnen family's spice inventory.

"Yes, just follow me when the time comes."

"Do we rush in directly? If their firepower equipment covers us, we will actually be in trouble."

It is enough to see the collapsed mountain in front of him. Looking at the remaining traces of the explosion, Shaman is also simulating how he should deal with it if he is in that position.

The boundary breaker is very powerful and has the means to resolve the frontal bombardment.

But if it is faced with this level of firepower coverage, it will also appear very embarrassed.

"This is the counterattack of the Harkonnen family against the 'Eight-armed King Kong'. He avoided it with unknown means, and then began to grow a lot of plants, broke through the defense and captured Baron Harkonnen."

Although Hope's intelligence is not weak, his intelligence perspective should be just that of an ordinary person, and he only knows a general description and comparison.

"Plants? Is it a catalytic method of some plants in the rainforest?"

Shaman was unsure. The plants in the world of Rainforest 02 were very exaggerated. If there was any method to make that kind of plant grow quickly, the destructive power would be strong.

"If we are talking about plants, there is a powerful wood-style ninjutsu in the records of our ninja world, which belongs to the ninja god who founded Konoha."

Ai also interrupted at this time.

Their Cloud Village is located near a country called Gondor, and has established preliminary contact with Gondor.

However, they then met this group of guys who called themselves pioneers, and reached an offensive and defensive alliance agreement with them by exchanging information from the abyss.

And this time, they used a formula for producing a potion that can enhance lightning tolerance to hire the two of them.

The old man of the Third Raikage and the Two-tail Jinchuriki are in charge of the village, and the two of them are the strongest fighting force in the village.

Although Ai and Killer Bee felt that this employer was not normal.

But as ninjas, they don't need to care so much.

Just complete the task.

Now there is similar information, so it is mentioned.

According to the words of these pioneers, the Sand Village seems to be in this world, and there is also news about the Mist Village.

Could it be that someone from Konoha has come?

In the case of time and space being disordered, even if the Ninja God appeared in the Abyss, it was actually not something that could not be accepted.

The ninjas who already had the relevant information about the Abyss were very receptive.

"Maybe, our most difficult target this time is very strong and has many means, but his best skill should be his physical strength. His body has been tempered to the point where every part is a weapon, nicknamed 'Eight-armed Vajra'.

"But he should have another very strange means. At present, it is judged that it may be some kind of space ability that can pull both sides into the battlefield for a one-on-one battle, and then rely on his strong physique to defeat the enemy. "

Hope also began to give some relevant information about Tao Yu, which facilitated the analysis of these two powerful ninjas.

After the ninjas mastered the target information, their combat power could be further improved.

And the current information in hand was the sum of the many summaries and analyses that Tao Yu had made.

Famous for his inner strength and internal energy, he defeated a strong man who had transformed his inner strength into crystal with a single slap, which was enough to show his ability to fight head-on.

His well-trained body should be his most proud specialty.

After defeating Steve, although he failed to get a detailed battle report from Steve, he still got the oral account of the bystanders.

Both sides disappeared in a short time, and then Steve was severely injured!

This It could be some skills that force a duel, or even power and talent!

Although this ability is rare, it is not unheard of.

For example, in Hope's organization, there are people who have the S-level talent of [Duel], which can force a one-on-one duel environment and also get some bonuses to their own abilities.

They will not underestimate their goals as they have been able to climb to this level of strength in two years.

It is inevitable to have new additional talents, and it is not incomprehensible to obtain power for some reason.

Judging from the description, the ability should be almost certain.

This is their intelligence advantage!

They can carry out targeted attacks...

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