Two flexible figures jumped from a dead tree in the park to the wall of a school, and then deftly climbed down with ease.

The school playground looked very messy, with dried bloodstains and flesh scabs everywhere. The zombies far outnumbered those on the street, but they were all blocked by the school's strong access control system to prevent shootings.

It did not spread outward.

So generally speaking, this is also a restricted area for ordinary survivors.

Outside the school supermarket, a female zombie wearing a school uniform with some pale bones on her face moved from time to time.

But the next moment, an engineer shovel hit its head, splashing some mucus.

At the same time, when the zombie was about to fall to the ground, Jack blocked it with his legs to reduce the sound of falling.

For Tao Yu and Jack, who both have strong mobility, entering the school to avoid zombies is not difficult. The habits of zombies are also clear, and the two can easily form a tacit understanding.

In order to travel light and keep the noise down, Tao Yu didn't even wear a helmet, and Jack was as simple as possible.

They moved silently.

Seven months had passed, and although the supermarket was a little messy, the shelves were still full of goods, but some were scattered on the ground.

It can be seen that no one has ever cared about this place from beginning to end.

In addition to some that had been cleared at the door, there were about seven or eight zombies inside the supermarket.

"Be careful not to let them knock down the shelves, otherwise you can only run away in advance."

Jack, holding a military shovel, lowered his voice and reminded.

Tao Yu just nodded and said nothing.

"I'm on the left, you're on the right."

Jack made a few gestures to Tao Yu, indicating numbers and directions.

Tao Yu also raised his hand and made an OK gesture.




The two held military shovels and dog-leg knives, and their movements were clean and neat.

And they controlled the direction to prevent the zombies from knocking down the containers.

They easily solved all the zombies in the supermarket.

In addition, the two of them carefully checked inside and outside to make sure that there were no fish that slipped through the net and suddenly jumped out and made noises.

After confirming that everything was correct, they quickly filled the backpack with various high-energy foods.

Snickers, chocolate, biscuits, canned food, and some sports drinks were constantly stuffed into the backpack.

Tao Yu even stuffed it and ate it directly.

[Swallowing Jin Gong·Modified] In addition to accelerating digestion and resisting poison, the energy that can be stored in advance has also increased.

Since there is enough food, it is definitely a good choice to keep yourself at the peak.

Jack next to him also widened his eyes when he saw Tao Yu eating so much.

This is too much.

Then he helped Tao Yu put things in his backpack and came closer to lower his voice and said,

"Is this the skill of strengthening the will you mentioned?"


Tao Yu chewed with his cheeks puffed up, and nodded while whimpering.

Then he tilted his head and glanced at Jack, thinking something in his heart.

Maybe [Basic Breathing Method], or even Wanliu Zhuanggong and Wanliu Wuxing can be tried to teach Jack.

This guy can't absorb those wish power skills, but this kind of skill that can be practiced is definitely not a big problem.

In fact, the dojos in the outer city don't have any strict means to prevent outsiders from passing it on.

As long as the apprentices who have learned it don't teach publicly in the dojo, but only teach relatives and friends in private, they won't say anything.

Because the people in the outer city are very proud of their skills, and if the skills are not practiced well, they may get hurt, and breathing methods are more likely to hurt the lungs.

There are far more examples of people who do bad things in private and become disabled than those who succeed. Tao Yu dared to practice basic breathing methods under the guidance of his third brother.

So if normal people don't have a way and are willing to spend money to learn, they still focus on the dojo.

This is also the reason why Wanliu Dojo will tie some outstanding students to the dojo.

However, although Tao Yu's proficiency in several skills is not high, because of the overall sense brought by the deification, he thinks it should be enough to teach Jack to get started.

Using free knowledge to exchange for real goodwill is always worthwhile.

If Jack really gets a foothold in the gathering place in the future, he can be looked after by someone else...


"Are you willing to teach me?"

Carrying the supplies back to the cab of the pickup truck, Jack seemed a little excited, and even raised his hand to show some of his own moves.

"You are willing to take the risk to take me to find meteorites, so teaching a few skills is nothing, but whether you can learn it depends on you."

Tao Yu looked indifferent.

"Haha, thanks, brother, you're a nice guy."

"Remember, if you have the opportunity to learn skills in a gathering place in the future, try to find a formal place, otherwise it will be troublesome if you practice it incorrectly or fail."

As Jack started the pickup truck, Tao Yu reminded him again

"At present, our entire pioneer group, including me, prioritizes interests. You need to change your attitude a little and be more vigilant."

When Jack heard Tao Yu's words, he smiled and glanced at him while driving

"Brother Zhang Wei, I am a former CIA after all, I am not so naive, but thank you anyway."

"My name is Tao Yu."

Since they have decided to treat it as a long-term business and have laid the groundwork for each other, Tao Yu no longer hides it.

"Haha, brother Tao Yu, are we friends now?"

"Of course."

"Hold on tight, I'm going to speed up."

Jack started to shift gears, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the road, driving directly into the Gobi Desert. A cloud of dust rose from behind the car, creating a long dragon on the barren Gobi Desert...


wa cha la la yo oh..., wa cha la la yo oh...

The sun was setting, and because the speed could not be increased on the Gobi Desert, Tao Yu and his team finally bypassed the center of Las Vegas after changing tires halfway.

With rolling dust, they returned to the Gobi Desert Highway and drove towards the military base ahead.

Next to this military base is a world-famous restricted area, Area 51...

So it's not strange to study meteorites here.

"This breathing method is really useful. I'm hungry again."

Jack bit a Snickers with a bit of excitement on his face, but it can be felt that he was using a breathing frequency similar to Tao Yu when driving.

Because Jack had a strong physique and didn't make any mistakes, he didn't have to worry about hurting his lungs. So when he took a break at noon to eat, he had already learned the basic breathing method under Tao Yu's guidance.

This talent is really amazing.

Perhaps there are some factors of the "son of luck" in it.

It's no wonder that Cao Shaolin is so strong.

And since he has successfully entered the door, the rest is a process of familiarity and adaptation.

"When you first get started, you must be careful not to get a stitch in the side. If you feel pain, you must stop, otherwise the injury to your lungs may accompany you for life."

Tao Yu reminded him again. Others can't ignore the pain like him. There are many people who have become disabled after practicing.

"I don't feel uncomfortable. I feel great now and I'm full of energy."

"Are you sure there is no one in the military base ahead? If it hasn't fallen, will we be used as targets if we go there?"

"Yes, there were survivors who wanted to come here to get some arms before, but they were all zombies, and there was an explosion in the ammunition depot."

Jack said casually.

"Explosion? The meteorite will not explode as well?"

"No, the meteorite explosion base will be gone."

Jack knew clearly the power of the meteorite, which could cause a pistol to fire a missile.

The military is not stupid, and will definitely keep it separately and safely.

But at this moment, Tao Yu's pupils shrank slightly and he immediately shouted


Jack didn't know what Tao Yu meant, but out of the tacit understanding and trust between the two sides, he stepped on the brakes and let the pickup truck slide on the road for a distance, leaving obvious brake marks.

"Keep your head down, be careful, the ground ahead is full of nails, it should be man-made."

Tao Yu quickly glanced around and saw someone peeking out from behind several scrapped cars in the Gobi direction.

Judging from their weapons and attire, they were either pioneers, or people who had killed pioneers and picked up their equipment...

"They might be pioneers. Remember what I told you. Be alert. Don't speak. I'll negotiate."

Tao Yu quickly reminded Jack, opened the car door, and waved over there while keeping alert. He shouted in the common language

"Hey, big brother, I'm from the local area, one of us."

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