The twisted mirror spaces folded one after another, like the reflection of the world, and then all returned to their original positions, re-entering the main world.

The reflection of the training room that had been folded by the mirror reunited with the real world. Such a big movement did not affect the training room at all!


There was a sound of chains, blending into Tao Yu's skin.

"Sequence 2 is still a bit confusing. There are too many debts."

I went from Sequence 4 to Sequence 2 in one breath, and the digestion was not finished before. It was too much jumping in one breath.

Even if he had mental immunity, others would have died long ago.

The reason why I would directly integrate the extraordinary characteristics in advance was to see if the direction of deification would promote digestion.

But obviously not.

"But in fact, this potential is even greater. If this deification costs hundreds of millions just to complete the digestion, then in the long run it will be a bit of a disadvantage..."

It is like forming the essence of its own new system, and then integrating the three professions in the form of a career tree, deifying three at a time, truly completing the integration of the self-system.

And some of the power that was immediately fed back overflowed, which actually proved its potential!

Humanoid natural disaster, nothing more than that!

"Even though it is a little uncomfortable to use now, the improvement is still obvious, and the improved use of abilities such as [Herding], [Mirror World], [Legion Power], and [Weakness Amplification] will not be affected in any way... …”

Tao Yu took a look at herself and found that there were currently only two places that were most affected.

One is that although the number of Jingqi Shen's panels has increased dramatically, his original smooth control has become very jerky. The original comprehensive large-scale panel improvements, but now due to some internal conflicts, he can only perform about twice as much as before for the time being. level.

The rest may have to be completed and digested.

The other is that [Weather Warlock] and [Disaster Witch] have two completely different activation methods, but they have the same goal of leveraging the power of nature. They must be locked at all times to avoid accidental spillage.

"Now if I don't worry about damage and accidental damage to myself, I should be able to do the destructive power of Sun Guangyao's aftermath last time!"

Tao Yu felt a little excited.

Before, it could only be said that he barely managed to reach the disaster level, and he still struggled with Teng Lianghong, a top boundary breaker, for a while.

But now, let alone facing Teng Lianghong, even if I face my previous self, I am afraid that I can achieve an instant kill effect!

"Well, actually, even now, I can release my hands and feet in seconds..."

Tao Yu didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

As for the comparison with Sun Guangyao, I don't know until I have actually fought him, but because I don't have enough control over my strength, I am definitely still one level behind.

"After digestion, it should be almost done..."

While Tao Yu was thinking, he raised his hand slightly to the side.

A ball of black mud gushes out from his shadow, then pulls and twists, slowly forming a human-shaped black shadow.

Then, a blue electric light emitted from this black shadow!

It was Teng Lianghong who was not easy to use after being put out to pasture!

I tried to use herding methods before. Now that my ability has been deified, the formation of the Shadow Army is just around the corner!

"Although I don't have much intelligence, I still have fighting instincts. And by relying on the demon species to compile some simple instructions, I can complete some simple mechanical tasks without leaving me for a short time..."

Tao Yu also felt something strange.

Originally, he wanted to form the Shadow Legion, purely to digest the profession of weather warlock, and at the same time gather the [power of the legion] into himself, and transform quantitative changes into qualitative changes.

But now it seems that when the [Power of the Legion] is not gathered, it can actually provide some convenience!

"The current number of Shadow Legions that can be formed is mainly related to the quality and their own abilities. If they are all at Teng Lianghong's level, dozens of people can be stabilized within the inherent barrier, but the number drawn out may only be able to maintain less than ten. indivual……"

Tao Yu felt the consumption and silently made some evaluations in her heart.

You still need to be familiar with your own abilities to avoid misjudgment at critical moments.

Then, use the power of the legions as you level up with the weather warlock angelic persona.

A red light began to emerge from Teng Lianghong's dark shadow, and the next moment Tao Yu's own body began to glow with blue electric light!

"A very convenient power."

Tao Yu raised her hand and looked at the lightning in her hand. Although she already had a grasp of the artistic conception of thunder, she could almost grant Teng Lianghong nearly 50% of the power of thunder and lightning to his body!

"If you don't count the Yin Yang and Five Elements Divine Thunder, his level of thunder magic is even higher than mine, even in terms of blessing."

Tao Yu's face showed admiration, and at the same time, he became more aware of the use of the legion's power.

If abilities that you don't understand at all converge towards you, you can still get arrogant panel blessings, but the weight won't be much.

But if it's similar to the situation at hand, and you already master part of the artistic conception of thunder, you can get almost 50% of the superposition of the other party!

"If we capture twenty strong men of Teng Lianghong's level and stuff them into the inherent barrier, and use their strength when necessary, they can be equivalent to ten times his size and bless me."

Tao Yu also vaguely felt the terror caused by the superposition of the power of the Shadow Legion and the Legion.

The key is that after this kind of blessing is applied to oneself, if one uses it as a lever to leverage the power of nature, the power that can be formed can be even greater!

It's just like dominoes!

Tao Yu was a little jealous at this time, wondering if there are other people who are destined to be like this...

"The rat in the dark should jump out, right? Can I be a little more unrestrained in the state government?"

If I can catch a top-level boundary breaker, I can do this. What if I can catch a few disaster-level ones?


"But the number of disaster-level players may not be as many as the boundary breaker, and the proportion of power that can be blessed may not be more, but if the number is more, the burden of implanting demon seeds will be smaller, so there needs to be some trade-offs..."

Tao Yu thought in his heart, the current quota of the legion's power is here, and it needs to increase with the improvement of his own strength, and the combination of high-cost cards and low-cost cards also needs to be considered by himself.

At present, Teng Lianghong's cost-effectiveness is actually good. His strength is not bad, the threat is small, and the number that can be accommodated is also considerable...

But his own strength will increase. If he catches the disaster-level in advance, the number will naturally increase in the future.

Sooner or later, the cost-effectiveness of his own legion's power will become the best for the disaster level, right?

Besides, if there is no grudge, I don't like to kill innocent people.

"And the multiple artistic conceptions brought by my basic longevity art make me very strong in simulating and adapting to various abilities. Except for a few special powers, my power blessing to shadow soldiers will not be low in efficiency..."

Tao Yu felt the ability of deification again. This improvement can be said to be very suitable for him!

After sucking Teng Lianghong's shadow soldiers into the shadow again, Tao Yu tapped his arm with his fingers, as if he was lost in thought.

"Damn, the force that blamed me last time didn't show up, and I don't know who it is. Now the identity of the Sun family is not good for messing around here..."

Then, he clenched his fist and tapped his palm.

Change the vest.

Go to places like the Thieves Guild to inquire about the news.

There was at least a five-day interval after returning, and it was idle anyway...

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