"The relationship is pretty good, and we can still hang up the account."

Tao Yu left the Thieves Guild and put on the mask again.

This mask was also looted from Teng Lianghong. It is a small top-grade product that is anti-detection and has both mental and physical defense.

It is quite suitable for the identity of a masked assassin.

Or in fact, the outfit on his body is actually Teng Lianghong's.

After completing the modification of his appearance, he used the power of the legion to borrow nearly half of his aura, and added the original clothes. Except for the different capital, which may be discovered, the other disguises have been quite thorough.

"Of course, I will visit all three suspects."

Tao Yu was not polite.

Our Assassin League is so rampant!

Before, Teng Lianghong wanted to invite me in, and even boasted that he was a congenital assassin holy body.

Now he has joined, right...


"Now I can't control my strength well, so I'd better not fight against the disaster level easily, but the boundary breaker is naturally casual."

Tao Yu recalled the map of White Star City, and then planned a route in his mind.

There are also "inspectors" in White Star City. As long as there is a possibility of causing greater damage to White Star City, they will be immediately stopped and arrested by the inspectors.

The degree of damage is similar to that of Xingyao City, which is probably the degree of ordinary boundary breakers going all out.

Usually, the inspectors are top-level boundary breakers. It is a relatively hard voluntary post, and there are often shifts.

There are also disaster-level "inspectors" in a few important places.

For example, they came to follow me last time.

In Xingyao City, in fact, there is only one person staying at the observation platform under the floating city for a long time.

But the scale of the urban area of ​​White Star City is much larger than the inner and outer cities of Xingyao combined, so the "inspectors" are also divided into districts.

"The Tianshui Wu family is also in the second ring area. There may be a disaster-level inspector there. In addition, there are many masters in the core area. Let's put it aside first as a last resort."

Tao Yu finally chose the Huo Niu Yue family.

There is no special reason, just happened to see the news that the eldest lady of this family broke off the engagement several times.

When the Yue family was attacked at this time, the first suspect was naturally the Gu family who had been broken off from the engagement.

Even if they were dug out after finding something wrong, it was the Assassin's League who did it...


Tianxing District belongs to the Third Ring Road and is also a business center in Baixing City. Unlike the Huatan Street, which is a place for public entertainment and recreation, Tianxin District is mostly the location of some company offices, studios or guilds.

The number of people on the street is not small, but it is not as lively as Huatan Street. It's just that people here dress more formally. For pioneers under the influence of the abyss environment, this is a relatively rare situation.

Huatan Street is full of demons.

"The billboards are much more standardized, much better than Xingyao City."

Tao Yu has been in the state capital for a while, but when he goes out, he either buys or sells things. His main activity area is in the outer ring area of ​​the suburbs, and he hasn't been there much.

Compared with Xingyao City, the public transportation facilities here are indeed much more complete.

But these public transportations themselves are not welfare. The previous ticket price of 10 willpower for the rail car is not cheap for ordinary people.

"This kind of ghost environment can only be built if there is enough profit. It's better than nothing..."

The family residence of the Huo Niu Yue family is in Tianxing District.

A large commercial building has the logo of the 'Huoniu Breeding and Cultivation Company'.

This is also the core of the Yue family.

"It's not worse than the building of Tencent, and it's quite complete inside..."

Tao Yu looked across the street.

It's a very impressive building. The three floors below are transparent glass walls, and the three floors above are dark color-changing glass walls.

But just on the three floors below, you can see their internal supermarket, gym, and canteen.

In terms of specifications, it is no worse than the professional hotels outside. Just these can show that the employee benefits are very good.

In addition to the lobby on the first floor, there are two rows of security guards who have completed the unified mechanical transformation.

Uniform shoulder-mounted cannons, two drones floating near each person, plus uniforms of the same specifications.

Not to mention the combat effectiveness, at least the appearance is quite in place, and it looks very deterrent.

"Sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

Just as Tao Yu was standing across the street and looking around, a passerby who seemed to be just passing by suddenly stopped and asked Tao Yu with a slight scrutiny.

Tao Yu glanced at the other person. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, a very common combat uniform, with two magazines inserted upside down on his chest, just like an ordinary pioneer passing by.

But this sudden stop to ask him questions, and the vague sense of vigilance, made Tao Yu feel a little surprised.

To some extent, the secret sentry should also be a member of the Yue family!

"It's really different. Even if the Yue family can't compare with the Sun family, it's not much worse than the last few families of the Star Glory Twelve Families. It's considered a very powerful family in the Star Glory Floating City."

Thinking of this, Tao Yu also felt a little sad.

The Twelve Star Glory Families in the Floating City!

What an unattainable force and level this was in the past!

In the past, killing a jackdaw required all kinds of preparations to avoid being targeted.

But the family that the jackdaw belongs to may not be as good as the Yue family!

It seems that there is only one disaster-level person in the entire family.

In the Xingyao Inner City, if a dog comes from such a family, the big shots in the inner city will have to provide for it!

White Star City is indeed open to all kinds of rivers. Such a high-ranking family also has a down-to-earth building as its residence, but a family of this level must also have tentacles that are far beyond ordinary.

"The Sun family is already a behemoth that can independently develop a new development area. Although the Yue family is not as good as it is, it seems normal to have hidden sentries everywhere..."

After thinking quickly in his mind, Tao Yu looked at the other party and looked very calm.

"I just heard about Huo Niuyue's family. I read some news recently and I was a little curious when I passed by."

Having said this, Tao Yu paused and began to ask:

"What? Are you from the Yue family? This is Tianxing District, you can't control it so much, right?"

"There are so many people passing by, so there is a reason why I only came to ask about you."

The vigilant 'passerby' did not relax because of Tao Yu's words.

Instead, he took out a tablet, and after a few random clicks, a series of monitors appeared on it.

The surveillance perspective is obviously a high-altitude perspective, and it seems to have been taken by a drone.

It contains all the dynamics of Tao Yu when he entered the Tianxing District and got off the rail car.

And it seems to be connected to the AI ​​system for screening and action prediction.

It was then marked as 'suspicious target'.

There is obviously more than one drone in the sky, and almost everyone who enters the Tianxing District may have been prejudged and labeled with various labels using drone monitoring and AI recognition.

And Tao Yu's walking route that seemed to have a clear purpose directly had a 'suspicious' annotation...

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