"Hum, that 'Eight-Armed King Kong' has a pretty strong life-saving ability. Just in case, it's better to be safe. I went to find out about that lady Zhixin. It seems that the Yue family has dealt with him before and was thinking about it. The result Being held captive by the Yue family juniors..."

Tao Yu said with a casual smile, and then continued after a pause.

"Of course, I just want to confirm what I have learned, so I sent it to my door. If you don't try, it's useless."

"Haha, I have sensed changes in your Thunder Prison before. The control of details has become much more stable. If you can teach that boy Yue Yun without leaking it, you have almost crossed this threshold."

Qibing would have tried two sentences before, but it was just a habit of their industry.

Having known Teng Lianghong for so long, how could he not be familiar with his aura of ability?

The previous Thunder Prison must have belonged to him. Although it seemed to have changed a little, becoming more delicate, and seemed to have a bit more femininity, the other party's strength had changed through breakthroughs. Isn't this natural?

It is impossible for the core skeleton to admit its mistake.

"That's right, there is something in the new development area over there in Star City."

Tao Yu said vaguely, even if the relationship was good, it was impossible to say everything, but Qi Bing did not ask further questions.

"Then what do you think now? Even the old guy from the Yue family is still there and he recognizes you."

"It doesn't matter if they were at fault in the first place, but I think if the Yue family is the previous attacker, they can have some contact with them. I don't know if the employer will have any objections."

Tao Yu didn't know the reason why the Assassin League intervened in the new development area of ​​​​Xingyao City this time, or who hired it.

But it was impossible for him to take the initiative to ask such a simple matter, so he could only keep making detours.

Anyway, if Qi Bing senses something here, he will directly drag him into the inherent barrier, even if he doesn't need this vest.

If you don't notice it, just keep trying until you complete it slowly.

"The main power of the Guandi family is in Xingyao, and the state capital has little influence."

Originally, Tao Yu was slightly happy as he directly tricked out the mastermind behind the scenes, but his spiritual intuition of divination immediately noticed the flaw in his words.

Then he showed a slightly astonished expression

"Guandi? Okay, you still test me."

The Guandi family is the seventh among the twelve Xingyao families, and they have shown themselves to be at odds with the Sun family many times. If there was no spiritual sense that something was wrong, Tao Yu would probably accept it.

Then Qibing can get what he wants quietly!

It can be said that a seemingly casual sentence is extremely cost-effective!

Sensing the aura of the fight in the Tianxing District before, Qi Bing had already completed the confirmation in his heart, but he still tried it, which was really a bit caught off guard.

"Haha, sorry, sorry, you often test me like this."

"I'm too lazy to tell you."

Tao Yu took a sip of his beloved bottle of wine, and then wiped his mouth. The wine tasted really good, and it had the effect of activating qi and blood. It was not cheap.

"What a big loss."

Seeing Tao Yu making excuses and finishing the drink, Qi Bing looked a little distressed, but then he added:

"What happened to the Dikalon family is indeed most probably done by the Yue family. It seems that their thoughts are now focused on the Gu family. But the more this happens, the greater the suspicion. There is also a motive for doing this. They have been so tight recently." , which is actually quite certain.”

"Well, so Xiaoxiao's borrowing his strength should be of some use. That guy seems to be back too, and he's in the state capital."

"I'm not paying attention to this, but the strength of the 'Eight-Armed King Kong' has improved quite quickly..."

Qi Bing scratched his chin with his metal fingers, making a friction sound.

The Boundary Breaker is already a strong man who can stand on his own, and his actions in this world will be restricted. What's more, Tao Yu is still a foreign monk and a relevant party in a recent big mission of their Assassin League.

So Qibing naturally also has basic information.

"Whoever hasn't ordered Adventure will have a better ability to save his life. I want the Yue family to hold him back, and then go back in five days to retaliate."

"Don't take risks. No one is sure about the Sun family. If you encounter someone who can't escape and get ambushed, the gain will outweigh the loss. There are not so many worries in the abyss."

Qibing reminded Tao Yu, and then continued:

"But you said that it would be feasible for the Yue family to hold him back. Now the Yue family is obsessed with sending their precious reserve saint girl to the Nephi Realm. If we directly bring the news to the Dikalon family, we will naturally The Sun family office was involved..."

Tao Yu is the strongest person stationed in the Sun Family Office in White Star City.

If Dikalon knew what happened last time, he would probably come to Tao Yu to vent his anger, and naturally all three parties would be dragged into the trap.

If one side loses a boundary-breaking backbone, and the other side is slapped with a hat, there will most likely be chaos.

As the strongest person in the office, the 'Eight-Armed King Kong' might not be able to return to the abyss so easily.

"Then it wouldn't be a waste to drag him here and not go back to do something? I was originally very optimistic about that kid Hope, but it's a pity."

Tao Yu sighed. Teng Lianghong would take action this time, but the main reason was to be optimistic about Huo Pei and give him some care in advance.

"Hope's talent is indeed good, but it is worthless if he dies."

Qibing seemed very indifferent...

"Huh, luckily I learned some divination."

Tao Yu put on another mask and costume and left the Assassin's League station.

Although the exchange time with Qibing was not long, it was indeed quite tiring.

Some spiritual warning benefits brought by divination are also reflected.

You can counter the opponent's moves.

Since the opponent didn't notice it, this vest can continue to be used, and it is now reinforced.

"In the new development area, Teng Lianghong is the highest person in charge of the Assassin's League, but in addition to the employer, there is an ally who can do divination, the "priest". "

This guy is actually the most difficult one at present.

Now Tao Yu and the other party can complete targeted counter-divination and mess with each other.

Probably each other will find the other difficult.

"But judging from the situation of that guy, after realizing that the divination may be disturbed, he will probably be more cautious. In my memory, that guy doesn't often show up, and now there is little chance of a direct meeting."

Now the hidden forces, even if the Assassin's League and the "priest" are counted, the power accumulated in the new development area is definitely not as good as that of the Sun family, otherwise there is no need to be so cautious.

Therefore, the strength of the "priest" itself is likely not to exceed its threshold.

If they really meet, they may be able to solve this hidden danger in one go.

However, since Hope's team died, there might not be any suitable personnel there in the short term, so it would be difficult to fish.

There are still a few contacts at the senior partner level, but Tao Yu will not take the initiative to contact them for the time being.

For a big man like Teng Lianghong, it is normal to let his subordinates not know what they are doing!

"It's a pity that we don't know who the specific employer is, but we have ruled out the Guandi family first. It should be one of the twelve Xingyao families, and the possibility of the Xing family should be greater."

It's just that Tao Yu won't make a conclusion about things that are not completely confirmed, otherwise it would be interesting when he makes a mistake.

Although the Guandi family did not hire the Assassin's League, it is still a hostile force.

"There will be people from the Assassin's League who will remind the Dikalong family. As for the Yue family, I will go over and mention it, and then change back to my original identity and wait for the Dikalong family to come and surprise them..."

At the same time, Tao Yu also thought of what Qi Bing said casually before.

The current focus of the Yue family is a saint reserve? Nephi Realm...

Tao Yu also knew some information about Nephi Realm, which was the world that Sun Shiqing mentioned where magic came from.

It was a world similar to the present world, which had been captured by the abyss but had not yet fallen into it.

It could be considered to be at the same level as the present world and the Earth, and there were also explorers who went deep into the abyss.

The only difference was that Nephi Realm was a powerful world with a complete cultivation system, and even their world itself had gods.

Unlike the conceptual gods that were differentiated from the will of the present world, the gods of Nephi Realm all had their own wills, and resisting the abyss and exploring deep into the abyss were always done under the guidance of the gods of Nephi Realm.

However, I have also heard that they have had the phenomenon of gods falling.

For the time being, they can be regarded as friendly forces on the same front on the big goal, but there will also be resource competition in some areas.

"This saint reserve should have been created by the messenger from Nephi Realm. It may have very good potential and obtain a lot of resources..."

Tao Yu pondered in his heart.

That is to say, his current abilities are still indigestible. Otherwise, after his comprehension improves, he will also be somewhat interested in magic, but he just needs to put it aside for the time being.

Thinking of this, Tao Yu once again walked to the opposite side of the Yue Family Building.

At this time, the cracks and potholes on the street here are still the same as before. The potholes have accumulated water from the fire hydrants, forming a small pool.

However, the fire hydrants have been temporarily blocked, the fallen street lights have been temporarily dragged away, and some blockades have been put up next to the pool.

There are several construction workers wearing safety helmets measuring something nearby.

Tao Yu did not deliberately restrain his own breath when passing by.

Although it is not ostentatious, those who should be noticed will still be noticed, enough to attract attention.

Sure enough, before Tao Yu finished walking this section, a white-haired middle-aged man wearing a decent gown and cloth shoes appeared in front of Tao Yu.

"Mr. Teng came here again. I wonder what he is doing?"

In the previous confrontation between Tao Yu and Yue Yun, the level of the disaster threshold has been shown.

This is indeed worthy of the ancestor of the Yue family coming here in person.

Moreover, he is somewhat concerned about the uneasiness that Yue Bing mentioned.

He wants to personally confirm whether this uneasiness will threaten the hope that the family has bet heavily on in the future...

Tao Yu looked at the other party and knew that it was the guy who stopped him when he was teaching the Inspector a lesson before.

The ancestor of the Yue family is indeed very powerful.

However, he would release his aura just to show off in the market, and now is a good time to talk.

This is a family that is likely to blame him...

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