‘Exception! Extra number! Inspector Tes has disappeared. This is the second Inspector who has disappeared recently! ’

‘The White Star Council has issued a wanted order and has zero tolerance for the surprise attack on the Inspector! ’

‘Rumors, this may have been done by the Assassin’s League, or someone hired it. ’

‘The Assassin’s League headquarters was attacked, with unknown casualties. ’

‘The conflicts between the Dikalon family, the Yue family, the Gu family, the Assassin’s League and other forces have become difficult to reconcile. Residents who have been in nearby areas recently please pay more attention. ’

‘It is suspected that an unknown number of foreign participants have entered. ’


Tao Yu looked at the summary of the latest news, with a satisfied expression on his face.

very nice!

It has nothing to do with him who was just assisting in boxing, and he also helped the 'Zangjing Pavilion', 'Superconductor' and 'Spice' find a foothold in the state capital.

Although it is just a very ordinary place to stay, it is not something to make a big deal about.

But the most difficult thing about cutting the sausage is the first cut at the beginning. Sooner or later, if you take your time and work hard, it will take root.

But now that the time has come, he can go back to the abyss as promised.

During this period, I wore various vests and changed.

Because there are many Boundary Breaker shadow soldiers, all aspects of ability simulation are also at your fingertips.

Hit the sap here today and knock on the other side tomorrow.

Although on the surface it was just to help the Dikalon family with a friendly hand.

But in the past few days, about ten more Boundary Breaker soldiers have been collected.

Anyway, I won’t let go of those who are alone.

The two sides have become more and more anxious.

It is said that the beatings were more severe in the abyss, but he is relatively restrained in this world.

Most of the deaths and injuries in all parties occurred at Tao Yu's own hands.

"The Assassin's League is also a coward, but it seems that they attach relatively high importance to the new development area in Shining City."

Tao Yu's 'Teng Lianghong' vest has already passed the road of becoming a regular.

His waistcoat is that of Teng Lianghong Ben Teng, which is more realistic than the original one.

So he can indeed make some statements on behalf of the League of Assassins.

However, after the Assassin Alliance's station was attacked and the leader of the Spark Mercenary Group disappeared, Qi Bing, who was not at the station at the time, took the initiative to use the communication to contact him and ask him to pay more attention.

As for the change in Teng Lianghong's personality, he changed from being cautious to being a little more unrestrained.

In fact, it is easy to understand.

You have just become disaster-level. After being cautious for so long, why can't you enjoy the treatment of a strong person?

Because of this, the 'Qi Bing' did not interfere with him too much at the beginning. Later, fearing that it would go too far and affecting the mission of the new development area, he tactfully reminded him to go over and take charge of the overall situation.

"If you are in charge of the overall situation, you are in charge of the overall situation. Just as I was about to go back, the little rich woman also came to the Harkonnen family's residence."

After not seeing each other for so long, Tao Yu still misses her.

"Well, the following ones are about directly eating the characteristics, including the extra pleasure witch. I think it needs more digestion~"

While thinking about this, Tao Yu also took out an encrypted walkie-talkie and said into it

"I have fulfilled my promise, and I will return to the abyss. I wish you all the best."

Tao Yu only said hello to the Dikalon family briefly, saying that he had tried his best.

Although he has been involved in this incident, it has always been a friendly support and has no affiliation.

Just to settle down in the state capital.

The conflict directly turned into a big fight between multiple parties and turned into a pot of porridge.

He even helped Tao Yu digest some Sequence 3 and Sequence 4 parts of the Hunter Path.

Although it's not much, it does have something to do with provoking a war of this scale.

In addition to the dozen or so good shadow soldiers who were packed away together, Tao Yu also felt that the few days he came back this time were not in vain, and he lived a fulfilling life...

As the previous scene changed, Tao Yu smelled a familiar fragrance on the tip of her nose, which was still so intoxicating.

Looking at Sun Shiyu who was meditating in her room wearing yoga clothes, she looked at the perfect curves outlined by the yoga clothes.

Tao Yu also showed a smile.

Now, his strength has surpassed that of the little rich woman!

And with the blessing of the witch path, on the other hand, he will not be weaker than her!

"I'm back~"

The little rich woman's eyelashes fluttered slightly, she opened her eyes, and glanced at Tao Yu with a smile.

"Does it look good?"

As she spoke, she even straightened out her chest, making her yoga clothes outline a clearer, fuller outline.

"It must look good. Didn't you run into any trouble?"

Tao Yu has always been thinking about the 'priest'.

"It's okay. Since they are still sneaking around, they are hiding from the light. They have indeed carried out some chain operations recently, but it should be that you have killed the main force here, and there are no boundary breakers involved."

The little rich woman casually talked about what happened in the past few days.

Even if the Sun family is not considered a vassal, its strength is much higher than that of the Yue family and the Dikalon family.

Not to mention anything else, the feeling that Sun Guangyao and Sun Guanghui gave to Tao Yu at the beginning was more than that of the ancestor of the Yue family, who was not weak at the disaster level!

Including vassal families like Treya and others, if the Sun family entered White Star City with all their strength, they would definitely be able to carve out their own place.

But for now, the main interests of the Sun family are in the Xingyao Company.

"Last time I dared to directly accept 50%. It seems that your improvement is indeed not small. Come on, let me check it~"

Sun Shiyu swooped down, trying to pin Tao Yu down.

However, Tao Yu grabbed Hao's wrist with his backhand and turned around.

In the small-scale confrontation between the two, Tao Yu still had the upper hand.

This made the pinned Sun Shiyu's pretty face reveal a hint of surprise.

Such a big improvement?

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside. It should be that Treya had also returned to the abyss.

"Wait a moment."

Tao Yu didn't say anything, 'You came at the right time. ’ something like that.

Although Treya is the default choice of the little rich woman, Tao Yu still cares about her feelings when in front of her.

We haven’t seen each other for more than two months. It’s time to be alone now...


With the bonuses related to the witch path, coupled with his superior strength, Tao Yu finally completed the achievement of subduing the succubus.

The kind that doesn’t use domestication!

"Awesome, it seems it will be difficult to squeeze you dry..."

The little rich woman in an indescribable state lazily stretched out her fingers to poke the sweat beads on Tao Yu's body, then put it in her mouth and licked it.

Just a random movement made Tao Yu feel like he was okay again.

But after looking at the time, I suppressed my throbbing and calmed down my mind.

"Okay, who of your elders is here? Is it your uncle?"

Tao Yu also wanted to confirm the combat effectiveness of the friendly forces.

"Well, he is better at lurking, but I found that the other party has a guy who is good at divination and interference. He is a little difficult to deal with. I used the props several times and couldn't catch any traces of them."

The little rich woman put on her clothes carefully.

The super elastic body performance and slight dents are quite eye-catching.

"However, as time goes by, we have a steady stream of harvests and income. They are just wasting resources here. Time is on our side."

The little rich woman had a very clear judgment on the situation at hand.

As the Sun family is on the defensive side, it will indeed have the disadvantage of being challenged, and may not care about the head and tail.

But as long as you can resist it, the benefits will get higher and higher as time goes by.

On the other hand, those rats in the dark have been hiding here and there. They have no fixed production resources. At most, they just steal points.

In theory, it is not cost-effective compared to their efforts.

If such a force does not engage in confrontation, it can carve out a small area to dominate the mountain and collect production resources regularly, and the benefits will not be small.

But now, being able to avoid being caught is victory.

But again, some of their unplanned and unforeseen attacks still brought some trouble to the Sun family.

Some of the disciples of the Floating City have been ambushed and killed by them...

"Well, that's not bad. People who died before can be blamed on them."

Tao Yu thought that they might not kill as many as him, so he would just let them carry them all.

"I thought so too..."

The little rich woman responded with a smile.

Thinking of going together...

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