All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 547 The Current Situation of Middle-Earth

"This place is well connected..."

With Ai's guidance, Tao Yu had a more intuitive feeling about the geographical location of Iningwych.

It is not far from the key locations such as the Misty Mountains, the White Mountains, Isengard, Rohan, Gondor, and the Shire.

But the overall situation is quite desolate, and there may be some orcs called Orcs and some undead wandering around.

It can be regarded as the edge of Gondor's influence, but there are no large human settlements.

Some scattered small-scale human settlements can be regarded as the party that is not on good terms with Rohan and Gondor.

"The undead, I wonder if it is the undead army that King Aragorn found in the Lord of the Rings plot..."

Although Tao Yu has information about the Lord of the Rings trilogy in his mind, as well as some information that he was interested in looking up before, after all, when watching movies and looking up information, he is just interested, so it is impossible to pay attention to everything, and there are many times when he is distracted.

"Remember that in addition to the gods such as Valar and Maiar, the two races created by the Creator God are elves and humans..."

Tao Yu thought to himself while controlling the alien flying dragon to fly towards Gondor.

Although there are other races such as dwarves in Middle-earth, they are not created by the Creator God. For example, the dwarves were created by a Valar named Aulë, who can also be regarded as the god of craftsmen.

Both Sauron and Saruman, two Maiar, were once his servants.

Precisely because the elves and humans were directly created by the Creator God, even the Valar dare not intervene in the world over there rashly. It is more of a guidance.

Gandalf the Grey is a typical example. He is more about guiding the intelligent races to fight against Mordor, rather than going out himself. His level among the Maiar is quite high.

Saruman was originally a white robe because he came early, so he was allowed to use more power.

The elves created here have the ability of "eternal life", not only in terms of life span, but also can gather and resurrect in the temple after death. This characteristic is very similar to the Valar and the Maiar, but the power is not enough.

As for the end of human beings' "certain death", it is actually a "gift" from the God of Creation.

Because some elves who have lived too long will envy this end of human beings.

This is also the reason why the Numenor people wanted to attack Aman State.

They are too grateful for this "gift".

The God of Creation rarely took action directly, I don't know if he was angry...

"Since human beings are destined to die, how did the undead come from? It seems to involve covenants, curses and oaths."

Tao Yu was a little uncertain about this information. Tao Yu was also jealous when he saw the attack of the army of undead summoned by the sword of his ancestors.

He can turn quantity into quality. If he can master this army that can be summoned at any time without occupying the quota of shadow soldiers, it can be regarded as an additional bonus.

At the same time, it is definitely helpful for digesting the hunter path.

"It seems that it can only be the blood of the human king. Is Aragorn's blood so awesome..."

Tao Yu knew that the human king Aragorn was the legal heir of Gondor, but he had been avoiding his fate, and Gondor had long been ruled by the regent prime minister.

According to Ai's answer, the current 26th regent prime minister is Denethor II.

And the regent prime minister has been in charge of Gondor for more than a thousand years!

Let's take a look at the timeline of the Lord of the Rings world. After the creation of the world, the first thing was that a great Valar god "Morgoth" seduced and tortured the elves and created the orcs called Orcs.

After defeating Morgoth, the Maia Sauron who rebelled under Morgoth began to make things happen.

At first, the elves and humans in Middle-earth did not know Sauron's ambitions, and he was not a Maia serving Morgoth at the beginning.

So he still trusted Sauron in white.

Sauron used this to seduce the elves and used their superb forging skills to forge 19 rings, three rings for the elves, seven rings for the dwarves and nine rings for humans. Then he secretly left a backdoor and forged the strongest Supreme Ring at Mount Doom.

And corrupted other ring bearers through the Supreme Ring.

The elves' rings were not interfered with by Sauron, and the ring bearers of the dwarves just magnified a little greed, but the holders of the nine human rings all fell into the Ringwraiths.

The essence of the Ringwraiths is also a spirit body. Only after being forged with armor by Sauron can they interfere with the material world, and they can return to reshape after death, which is almost immortal. The Witch King of Angmar, the head of the Ringwraiths, even has a prophecy that "no man" can kill him.

Because he successfully forged the Supreme Ring, Sauron also became a little inflated and began to expose his ambitions. He began to lead the orcs to launch a war that swept across Middle-earth. He was then defeated by the High King of the Elves, Gil-galad, and retreated to Mordor.

What's even more incredible is that Sauron, who had been hiding in Mordor for thousands of years, was captured by the powerful Numenoreans before he could counterattack.

But it was precisely because of being captured that Sauron had the opportunity to seduce the Numenoreans.

In the end, a continent was wiped out, and only Aragorn's ancestors escaped the catastrophe with a few Numenoreans who were not bewitched.

Compared with ordinary humans, the lifespan of Numenoreans is usually two or three hundred years, and Aragorn's ancestor is a blessed half-elf.

At the beginning, the Valar blessed the twins and allowed them to choose whether to become humans or elves. Lord Elrond chose elves, and Aragorn's ancestors chose to become humans.

And established Gondor with the remaining Numenor people.

When Sauron himself sank, his body was also affected and destroyed, but the Supreme Lord Ring took him back to Mount Doom and completed the reshaping.

He also injected all his power into the Supreme Lord Ring, and then set off another war.

And this time, he was cut off his fingers by Aragorn's ancestors, causing the Lord Ring to fall, and thus defeated again.

However, Aragorn's ancestors did not choose to destroy it at that time because they could not bear the temptation of the Lord Ring, causing the Supreme Lord Ring to fall into the water for more than 2,000 years after his death.

In the end, it was accidentally obtained by two Hobbits, one of whom killed his friend in order to dominate the Lord Ring, and then lived alone for 500 years relying on the power of the Lord Ring until it was obtained by another Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins.

According to the normal process, Bilbo would hold the ring for decades, and voluntarily give it up after he was more than a hundred years old. Then his nephew Frodo Baggins completed the subsequent task of destroying the ring.

But now that the abyss has fallen, Saruman is still the white-robed wizard admired by everyone. There is no news about the establishment of the Fellowship of the Ring, and no one knows when it will be, nor how many changes will there be...


The high dragon roar echoed in the sky, and Tao Yu also looked down and saw the city below.

It is a magnificent city built entirely of white stones.

Miras Tirith, the current capital of the Kingdom of Gondor, is also called the "White City"!

The Hidden Cloud Village is located on a rocky mountain near the "White City", which is a branch of the White Mountains.

However, when Tao Yu passed over the city, he found that the soldiers on the city wall below were on alert as if they were facing a great enemy, and they all took out bows and arrows and even crossbows.

It seemed very fearful.

This made Tao Yu suddenly think of something.

"It seems that the Ringwraiths also like to ride on fallen beasts and wander around..."

The Ringwraiths have the ability to regenerate continuously, but they killed the King of Gondor a thousand years ago, which is the direct cause of the Prime Minister's rule.

It seems that it is normal to be on guard...

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