The elves of Middle-earth can be regarded as the eldest sons of the Creator God.

At the same time, the elves themselves also have multiple branches.

In addition to various ethnic groups, there are two major categories: light elves and dark elves.

However, this dark elf is not similar to the painting style of "Dark Night" and "Drow", nor is it formed by black actors.

But when the Valar in Aman State wanted to take the elves across the sea, some elves chose to move westward. They had seen the Double Holy Trees and bathed in the light of the Double Holy Trees. Some of them were not completed due to various reasons and have not been seen. Two sacred trees.

On the Gondor side of the Misty Mountains, there is another gorgeous forest called Lothlórien, which is the residence of another group of elves.

Here, there is also the noblest and most powerful elf in Middle-earth, the lord wife of Lothlórien, Galadriel!

Among the three elven rings, the owner of the water ring.

A powerful elf with knowledge, beauty, and power.

It has lived for more than 8,000 years.

But as an immortal elf, time has not left the slightest trace on her delicate face.

Standing under a pavilion, Galadriel put away the water mirror used for prophecy in front of him.

He looked up at the sky with his deep eyes and felt a powerful aura passing by in the sky.

Feeling the direction in which it was flying, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"The world has changed, and I have lost contact with Amen State. I am afraid it will be difficult to stay out of it..."

At this time, another handsome elf came over, it was Galadriel's husband, Celeborn, the lord of Lothlórien.

Although he is nominally the lord of Lothlorien, and he is not weak in all aspects.

But because he has an almost perfect wife, his usual status is still obviously suppressed.

Galadriel is the true mistress of the golden forest.

"Just now I felt a powerful breath passing by in the sky, and it seemed to have discovered us."

Celeborn had obviously come here to take his lady's 'advice'.

"From the direction, it should be that they want to fly over the misty forest to Rivendell. Some time ago, Elrond summoned all parties to go. It may be related to the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

Galadriel stretched out his slender fingers and touched the Ring of Water, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The more powerful a person is, the harder it is for him to resist the Supreme Ring, but Galadriel wants to see if he can resist this temptation.

"Is it possible that it is related to the lost contact in Amen? It seems that a large forest has appeared in the west of the world."

Celeborn said with some worry on his handsome face.

The elves generally don't like to go out, but there are still some rangers who travel outside, and they can slowly learn a lot of news.

Losing the way to Amen State really made Celeborn feel a little uneasy.

"In that case, I will also go to the valley."

Although they both belong to the Elf clan, the relationship between the various groups is usually relatively distant.

However, the couple lived in Rivendell for a while, and their daughter married Elrond.

Originally, Galadriel was not prepared to pay attention to this matter, but now that she felt the power that flew over before and the prophecy of the water mirror, it also aroused some of her interest.

"Do you need me to come with you..."

Celeborn said carefully, as if asking for advice.

"Need not."

Galadriel waved her hand forcefully and went directly to the water's edge. Then the stream rolled and formed a waterway, and she stood on it as if she were stepping on a lotus leaf.

The next moment, it seemed to turn into a stream of water and disappeared along the stream.

When Celeborn saw her leaving, he felt relieved.

After hesitating for a moment, he stood up and returned, then reached out and crushed a crystal.

There was a rare bloodshot look in his eyes at this time.

The state of Amen has lost contact, and Middle-earth has become an isolated island. There will no longer be Valar to provide shelter to the elves. We can only rely on ourselves...

Lothlorien is bounded by the Anduin River to the east, and Dol Guldur, a stronghold of the dark forces, is on the other side.

Coupled with the powerful Lady Galadriel, Celeborn's own mood is quite depressed.

Even though he was an upright elf himself, his mentality had flaws under long-term invisible pressure.

The loss of contact in Amen State is the final touch-up to this flaw!

Even though Vera did not interfere much in Middle-earth in the past, the mentality of having support and having no support are completely different.

"I want to be my own backing! So as long as I can get the Supreme Lord of the Rings..."

Celeborn let out a long breath.

As long as you can get the Supreme Lord of the Rings, all the pressure will disappear, and Middle-earth will also attract its new king, the true king!

But if you want to get the Supreme Lord of the Rings, you still need to use Sauron for the time being.

As Celeborn crushed the crystal, the crystal fragments quickly condensed like mist, forming a crystal ball.

And in this crystal ball, a magic eye seemed to appear...

The valley is a peaceful and peaceful valley, surrounded by green vegetation and with streams running through it, giving it an indescribable natural peace.

Some embellished buildings also fit in with the natural style, making the place more beautiful.

On the edge of a cliff outside a palace, there is an open-air square, where a group of people seem to be holding a tea party and discussing something.

Above the valley, Tao Yu vaguely felt the hostility and pressure coming from below, and felt a little embarrassed.

It seems that he was a little too arrogant, and the gathered power is a little strong.

It seems that the alien flying dragon will not easily cause misunderstanding if it stops farther away.

"Is there any way to make them understand that they are one of us?"

Tao Yu said to Boromir next to him.

"I really didn't expect that I flew here before, and the thing I rode looks quite evil."

Boromir was also a little late to realize it, but he still took out the horn hanging on his waist.

Then he started to blow it towards the bottom.

Tao Yu could feel a faint invisible wave, which appeared with the horn.

I didn't notice it before, it seemed to be a wish-power item.

As the horn sounded, Tao Yu also felt that the hostility below was rapidly decreasing. Although he was still on guard, he should not be attacked if he went down.

"What is this?"

"The Horn of Gondor. As long as you blow the horn in Gondor, you will get support. It is enough to show your identity. Elves and humans also had a covenant in the past."

Boromir was also very satisfied with his wit.

Tao Yu controlled the alien flying dragon and descended towards an open space in the square on the edge of the cliff.

He also scanned the scene to see the source of the pressure that made him feel.

Wow, a white-robed wizard and a gray-robed wizard, Saruman and Gandalf mixed together?

And that handsome elf with a little baldness should be Elrond, the Lord of Rivendell.

Among them, the one who gave him the most pressure was undoubtedly Saruman.

Saruman, who looked like a fairy in a white robe, had a very good appearance. The scepter in his hand was against the ground, and he vaguely became the core of the crowd.

Even the host Elrond seemed willing to give up the C position.

Gandalf in gray robe was like a minion on the side, and his gray outer robe made him inconspicuous.

The scepter in his hand was also dimmer, but he had a sword on his waist, which should be the elven sword named Glamdring.

Gandalf, the melee wizard, held a staff in one hand and a long sword in the other...

"Because of the changes in the world, Saruman did not reveal his feelings to Gandalf, so he is still a respected white-robed wizard? It's a bit troublesome..."

If Saruman did not take the initiative to turn against him and expose his identity, Tao Yu felt that he did not have the face to fight against him.

If you can't beat him for the time being, just join him first.

Originally, I just came here for a meeting.

It's just that the original idea of ​​taking the One Ring and leaving has to be put aside for the time being.

But there are still many opportunities...

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