Gandalf and Galadriel, who were ready to attack, calmed down a little after hearing Tao Yu's straightforward words.

They didn't show off their bravery, they just wanted to get benefits, so it would be difficult to "steal monsters".

At this time, the Balrog, with the fire that illuminated the cave, had blocked the way of everyone.

The scorching temperature was already overwhelming even from such a distance, as if they were in a furnace.

The ground they walked on turned into flowing magma, and the hot lava bubbles burst. With its heavy steps, the whole hall was rendered red.

The image of the Balrog gradually appeared in front of everyone.

A pair of golden eyes that seemed to be burning, with flames like mane wrapped around his body, a huge body of six or seven meters and a burly and ferocious appearance brought a huge sense of oppression.

One hand held a flame whip, and the other hand materialized a flaming sword.

A violent aura came towards him. After feeling the other party's sense of confusion, Tao Yu also raised his eyebrows.

He vaguely knew why it appeared before he started to attract it.

This was actually attracted by the Supreme Magic Ring.

"As expected of Maia, even if it just woke up from a deep sleep, it still has such a strong aura, but it should be possible to rely on the [Inherent Barrier]..."

Tao Yu took a big risk when he used the inherent barrier to hunt angels in the mysterious world. He relied on multiple factors such as his immunity to mental attacks to complete the natural restraint of the 'Filthy Elder' and barely managed it.

But after he swallowed the characteristics of the three major sequence two and completed the corresponding deification to obtain the source, even if he could not fully control this power and could not digest it completely.

But facing a single Maia that had not yet recovered, Tao Yu also felt that he could let go a little.

But just when he habitually flicked out the coin and prepared to take a look, the coin spinning at high speed on his fingertips made Tao Yu's eyes gradually deepen.

Divination interference...

Is it caused by the chaotic collision of the Balrog? !


The Balrog has come to the front, and Tao Yu can clearly feel that his divination is not interfered by the giant Balrog in front of him.

Is there anyone else hiding nearby?

Or someone carrying an anti-divination prop!

Tao Yu has not noticed anything different so far, and he was just ready to act on a whim before he started, but he didn't expect to find such a situation!

When he thought of this, Tao Yu stopped the mirror space action that he was about to start, and just quietly watched the Balrog approaching in front of him, and used telepathy to make some arrangements for Scathach.

A black shadow broke away from Tao Yu's shadow and quickly went away.

This also attracted the attention of Gandalf and Galadriel, but they didn't say much.

Only Gandalf spoke

"Do you still want to use that strange tree? The flames of the Balrog can burn everything, and I'm afraid it will restrain your ability."

"I will try other methods, but my control is not very good. You go first and stay away."

Tao Yu took the initiative to speak.

Gandalf was also a little surprised when he heard this.

Even if he didn't want us to steal the monster, he wouldn't let us leave, right?

After all, this is a Balrog, so confident...

But at this moment, the shadow behind Galadriel seemed to fluctuate a little, and her beautiful face also showed a little strange color, and then she said

"In this case, let's leave first. Since Mr. Tao has spoken, he must be sure."

These two big guys spoke, and the other members of the Ring Guardian Team naturally didn't have many opinions.

Even Ai and Kirabi quickly followed the team away.

And the Balrog seemed to feel that the prey was about to run away, and began to speed up.

It quickly stepped onto the bridge, and suddenly its body grew taller and became extremely tall, with its wings spread out to the walls on both sides of the hall.

The burning wings melted the walls that passed by, and a twisted heat wave came with its roar.


Almost when it roared to intimidate the enemy, the long whip of fire in its hand had been swung out and hit Tao Yu directly.

"Slow down."

Facing this kind of attack, Tao Yu uttered two words slowly.

Although the words were clear and round, the ears of the guards who had already left for a distance all felt a disgusting feeling like scratching glass.

Even if they were not the main targets, the sound alone slowed down their own movement speed.

At this time, the few people who felt that their feet were as heavy as if they were filled with lead finally understood why the other party wanted them to stay away!

Because they would really be affected!


Galadriel looked back. She also had some similar spells, but the strength was not so high. It was more like an auxiliary.

No wonder the other party asked about this all the way.

However, although Galadriel's words were not as effective as the dirty words, she, who had been immersed in this for so many years, could still hear the incoordination when Tao Yu used them.

The reason why they were affected was actually because the other party used incoordination...

And the few people who were only affected felt like they were filled with lead.

The Fire Demon, who was the first to be hit, seemed to be in slow motion in an instant.

The whip that was originally swinging at high speed suddenly turned into a snail tentacle.

The sparks on it turned into floating ones.

"Weak and powerless."

Tao Yu spoke again.

The tall fire demon began to stagger.

Even the stone bridge under Tao Yu's feet seemed to become soft.

The ring guard team, which had been away for a while, was once again slightly affected.

Tao Yu also raised his hand and grabbed the whip of fire, not caring about the temperature of the whip at all.




The stone bridge finally couldn't bear the weight and burst instantly.

However, the strange thing was that even the speed at which the fragments of the stone bridge fell was restricted by "slowness", and it fell slowly like a feather.

The flames on the fire demon seemed to dim a little!

Tao Yu directly grabbed the whip of fire and pulled it in his direction.

Feeling the strange power on the whip, Tao Yu was also a little surprised to find that even if three sets of dirty words were put on, in terms of physical strength alone, the fire demon was still better than him!

Not only did he fail to pull the Flame Demon over, but he also had a tendency to be pulled in the opposite direction.

Tao Yu did not loosen his grip, and moved forward along the direction of the whip.

The Flame Demon was still within the limit of ‘slowness’.

They were also falling in mid-air, but the falling speed was not fast. Both of them fell towards the bottom of the mine.

Tao Yu used the Flame Demon and the slowly falling stone bridge fragments around him as the foundation, and kept bouncing, without being affected by the fall.

It was not obvious that Tao Yu, the Flame Demon, and the stone bridge fragments were falling towards an unknown abyss of unknown height below.

There was also [Inherent Time Control] to back it up, so even if the Flame Demon was more powerful, there was no possibility of hitting it.

The flaming long sword swung towards Tao Yu, but Tao Yu flashed past it by rubbing against the twisted plasma air, and then took out the [Light and Shadow Sword] and slashed it casually.


Fire lights burst from the Flame Demon.

Even the strong body of the Flame Demon was cut by the inky black sword of light and shadow.

Like a hot charcoal being hit, many sparks were splashed.

But it was also this blow that the Flame Demon, who was in pain, seemed to have a rapid increase in strength in his body. He roared and forcibly broke free from Tao Yu's [Filthy Words] with brute force.

The speed suddenly recovered, and suddenly swung the sword towards Tao Yu.

The huge size and arm span made its attack coverage extremely wide and unavoidable.

At the same time, Tao Yu felt a tricky mental power suddenly surge into his mind, as if someone secretly seized the opportunity to launch a mental attack on him!

"Isn't this a coincidence..."

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