"This is a success..."

Seeing the Supreme Lord's Ring blooming with brilliance on Tao Yu's finger, he came down from the tower as if the king had returned.

Gandalf's expression also seemed a little absent-minded, but at the same time he still had the necessary vigilance.

Although there was a big scene when Sauron appeared just now, there was silence afterwards, without any fluctuations in the battle.

This means that they may have had a mental confrontation!

Although Gandalf admitted that Tao Yu's will was strong and could resist the erosion of the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

But with Sauron cooperating with the Supreme Lord of the Rings to launch an attack, the result is hard to say!

But Tao Yu, who was dressed in white robe, just glanced at the gray Gandalf.

"What are you looking at? I am the one in white robe."

But after he finished speaking, Gandalf relaxed a lot. While hammering his waist, he slowly took out his pipe and took a puff.

"It seems to be going well."

"It went really well. He challenged my strongest point."

And although he said it lightly, in Gandalf's mind, the two sides had an extremely thrilling spiritual confrontation, and in the end Tao Yu won with her strong will.

"Do you know anything about Saruman?"

The pleasant voice came, it was the beautiful and dignified elf lady.

Saruman had killed her husband, and she could not let him go no matter what.

"Saruman's body was destroyed by me, and he was devoured by the mad Sauron after he came here."

"Is Zoro really crazy?"

The elf lady frowned as if she was confused.

She had dealt with Sauron a lot, and she was still impressed by how well he disguised himself to deceive the elves.

Although she had felt the madness brought by Sauron before in the capital of Gondor, this was probably also a disguise, and she had always been skeptical.

"He is indeed crazy. He must have been affected by the Abyss. During the spiritual confrontation, I also learned that he has organized a defense line on the east side of the Dark Land in order to resist the Burning Legion."

Tao Yu's words frightened both Gandalf and the elf lady.

The abyss is indeed too unbelievable. I didn't expect that someone as strong as Sauron would go crazy under its influence!

"Then what should we do now? If the orcs are resisting the Burning Legion over there, we may be able to use this place as a fortress for defense."

Gandalf knew that now was the time to decide the fate of Middle-earth.

If we continue to kill them now, it will probably turn into a three-party melee. It is better to let the orcs consume a wave first.

Then it would be better to stay in the Balad-dur Fortress first.

Although this place is deserted, it is still a fortress that Sauron put a lot of effort into building, and its strength is unparalleled.

Even if it is the level of damage when attacking the black gate, it can withstand several rounds!

"You can indeed try it, but the environment here is too bad."

Tao Yu looked at the Doomsday volcano that was constantly emitting black smoke.

This is the place where the Supreme Lord of the Rings was born. At this time, Tao Yu, who has become the new owner of the Lord of the Rings, can also vaguely feel a sense of connection.

It seems like something is calling to itself in Mount Doom.

It is worthy of being the place where the Supreme Lord of the Rings can be forged.

"I thought I could try to clear the clouds from the sky."

Tao Yu thought about it and said.

There are abundant volcanic ash resources here. Once the volcanic clouds in the sky are dispersed and the sunlight shines in, it will be a fertile soil.

You can plant various willing crops in the future.

"If it can be dispelled, that would be great."

Gandalf stroked his beard.

"Then I'll give it a try and try to make this place self-sufficient..."

As Tao Yu spoke, he soared into the air again, floating on the high tower of Barad-dur, and then raised his hands, using the ability of the 'Weather Warlock' to leverage the power of nature.

It gave him a feeling that heaven and earth were all working together, as if every move he made could create a powerful force.

In addition, when he was leveraging the 'Weather Warlock', he also felt that his own 'Disaster Witch' characteristics were also active.

The 'Disaster Witch' is a sequence with the same level as the 'Weather Warlock', and it also leverages the power of nature.

It's just that the 'Weather Warlock' is similar to controlling the 'legion', and the force of nature is the soldiers in formation.

The ‘Disaster Witch’ is another way to lead to disaster.

Originally, the witch and the hunter were on adjacent paths. Although one reached the yin and the other reached the yang, their fusion could be completed in the end by taking different paths and reaching the same destination.

But now that Tao Yu has a unique source of energy with the Witch, the Hunter, and the Hanged Man as the core, this mutual resonance has become even simpler.

When Tao Yu activated the authority of the 'Weather Warlock' to disperse the dark clouds above his head, he immediately sensed that the fluctuations of the nearby Doomsday Volcano resonated with the 'Disaster Witch'.

There is a feeling of wanting to trim the knots on the cow's hooves, and I am ready to move.

Then I poked it subconsciously...


The crater of Doomsday volcano spews terrifying lava outwards, as well as the dark poisonous smoke that shoots straight into outer space.

Various half-melted boulders erupted from the crater like a goddess scattering flowers, and randomly fell towards the surroundings.

The human coalition forces that had just settled down scurried away towards the Barad-dur Fortress.

From time to time, there were lava blocks like meteorites in the sky, with black tail flames falling.


A burning lava boulder weighing tens of tons hit the city wall fiercely, sparks flew everywhere, and there was a violent vibration.

Tao Yu, Gandalf and Galadriel were all actively intercepting the aftermath of the volcanic eruption filled with the power of nature.

Because there were too many of them, those that were not threatening were ignored, and those that were threatening were directly blown up.

The third generation Raikage, Ai and Killer Bee could also help on the side.

Tao Yu, who smashed a piece of falling rock weighing tens of tons in the air with a stick, said to Gandalf at this time

"Hold on, I think I can control the direction of this thing and make it spray in the direction of the invasion point. The distance should be within reach..."

However, he was interrupted rudely by Gandalf before he finished speaking

"Shut up! Please stop messing around!"

If it weren't for Tao Yu's active interception here, Gandalf once suspected that he was invaded by Sauron.

I was trying to dispel the dark clouds, but the Doomsday Volcano erupted!

And you're here now?

"This time it's real! It's definitely not a mess!"

Tao Yu was a little angry. How could you slander someone's innocence!

Although this volcano was caused by himself, it's just like squeezing pimples and pustules. It's instinct.

"I don't think things will get worse. Go and try it."

While raising his hand to form a water mirror, Galadriel's tone was much calmer.

And Gandalf also stopped talking, but there was a dead fish-eye expression on his old face.

"You block it, watch me."

Tao Yu put down the work in his hands and landed quickly.

He pressed both hands on the ground at the same time, and a huge magic pattern was quickly drawn on the ground with him as the core!

It was like a strange pattern drawn by the flow of magma.

Runes appeared one by one, and the whole earth began to shake.

The Doomsday Volcano in front of him erupted more and more violently!

This almost made Gandalf want to take out his scepter and hit Tao Yu on the head.

But he soon discovered that this time was indeed different from the beginning...

The eruption trajectory of the Doomsday Volcano, like a guided cannon, gradually began to have a direction from the original aimless shooting, and sprayed obliquely towards the invasion point in the east.

Those half-melted boulders were thrown forward.

Pulling up the perspective, as time passed, those half-melted boulders thrown out of the stratosphere also began to fall gradually, breaking through the dark clouds and hitting the area where the hellfire landed.

They were densely packed, and their number was much greater than the invading hellfire...

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