After several rounds of expansion, the base area has now been completely stabilized.

Now only pioneers and some indigenous people with unique skills can live here, which is the core of the entire new development area.

There are also some big-bellied transport planes on the airport runway.

With some industrial support from the Avatar World, even if different worlds have different rule changes, it can still help a lot of recovery here.

After all, you can still pick up a lot of things here.

Many nuclear bombs have been dug out. Because of the impact on fission, high-concentration nuclear materials can be used as power generation devices, which can be used longer and more efficiently.

The base also has a long-term mission to acquire nuclear bombs, and the price is pretty good compared to ordinary goods.

In the base area, the most important thing is undoubtedly the 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion', which is the core of the entire new development area.

It is also the most successful business in the newly developed area.

Although the willing superconducting ores and spices are also strange, their short-term influence is definitely not comparable to that of the 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion'.

There are also new development areas in other cities that have discovered internal forces, but they are far less organized than the Sun family, and even the people have been packed away.

The 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion' area has been divided into a separate military camp for distribution, and some optimization and repairs have also been specially carried out.

Grand masters and some special chosen ones all have their own separate attic.

The Gobi environment has been transformed into a garden. Many ornamental drought-resistant plants are covered here. The whole style is different from the outside.

However, the more this is the case, the more it reflects the quality of the 'Sutra-Tiding Pavilion'. It is only natural that the fees are more expensive.

Not everyone can enter the 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion' to receive direct instruction from seniors in the martial arts world.

Most of them still buy the tips directly and learn basic knowledge such as meridians and acupuncture points in large class mode in external classrooms.

The busiest people are those disciples of the younger generation, such as the third generation disciples of Quanzhen.

Although the 'Tibetan Scripture Pavilion' has been developed for so long.

But in fact, the difficulty of getting started with the internal force series is still here. Ordinary pioneers usually spend several months to get started with some basics.

Later, you will choose a system according to your own wishes and talents, and then gradually adapt to it starting from the basic mental methods and moves.

Even if a master who came here specifically to use the teleportation device already has some understanding of energy use, he still needs to spend extra time and energy to master this new system.

Fortunately, the current cost-effectiveness of this time investment can still satisfy learners.

The snake oil of the internal force system can indeed easily make up for the shortcomings.

And in the 'Zangjing Pavilion', a garden with a desert oasis artistic conception, there is a fragrance of vegetables wafting out of the newly built wooden courtyard at the back, which has an antique style but is connected to electricity.

Just a whiff makes your mouth water.

Emiya Shirou and Huang Rong each showed their talents. Two completely different styles, but both very delicious dishes, bloomed on the same dining table.

This made Zhang Sanfeng, who was still looking a bit slovenly after coming to fight in the autumn wind, his face glowed with red.

"How does this happen? How does this happen? Huang Nuxia and Brother Wei Gong's cooking skills are both at their peak. That means Brother Tao's reputation is great..."

Huang Rong, who was plating a freshly baked squirrel fish, had a hint of helplessness on her pretty face.

"Zhang Zhenren, we have known each other for so long, why can't you change the title?"

"Haha, Ronger, you may be Old Man Zhang's future mother-in-law. How could he change his words?"

An old man wearing patched clothes, whose sales were worse than Zhang Sanfeng's, laughed out loud.

The nine fingers on the hand are somewhat eye-catching.

But Hong Qigong has also come all the way to the pioneering area, and some things about Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang are not big secrets. When the Beggar Gang in Yitian World travels a long way to seek shelter from the Beggar Gang in its peak period, naturally I can’t hide it anymore.

"Hmph, you stinky beggar comes to the table to eat and chews your tongue. So much food can't even shut your mouth."

Huang Laoxie glared at Hong Qigong angrily.

There were quite a few people in the team building this time. In addition to them, Tohsaka Rin, Ilya, Yang Guo, Mikasa and Jack also gathered together. It was simply a small gathering of the chosen ones.

Fortunately, Sun Shiyu and the others attach great importance to capable people. They all have separate small attics with enough space to accommodate them.

The young people played board games, the older generation drank and bragged, and with the two top chefs Emiya Shirou and Huang Rong, and Ilya's two maids busy, the scene was lively and orderly.

Tao Shi, who was participating for the first time, was obviously a little cautious at this time.

Even though he has accepted the fact that he has an awesome brother, and he has been taking care of him under his authority during this period.

But now that I was brought into a group of this level, I was still obviously not used to it.

"I didn't introduce him before because I was afraid that your kid would be too dependent, so I asked you to try it by yourself first. Now that you have gotten used to it a little bit, you can get to know your friends and seniors, and it will be good for you to talk about desserts."

Tao Shi's talent is average, and his [Dynamic Vision] talent can only be considered average. However, since he has taken the internal strength route step by step, Tao Yu will naturally pave the way for him.

However, if he is constantly being crammed, this guy will lack his own opinions, so the degree of this must be grasped.

No matter what, for his own face, he can get the care he deserves.

"Your brother is much more honest than you."

Huang Yaoshi glanced at Tao Yu.

"Well, Master doesn't like dull people, right?"

Tao Yu's words made Guo Jing beside him laugh honestly.

Huang Yaoshi did not like him very much before.

And through some casual chats during this team building, Tao Yu also learned about some more detailed things recently.

Although the new development area is a bit tense recently.

But for the "Scripture Pavilion", it is still a leisurely day on weekdays, teaching people, playing chess, practicing martial arts, which can be said to be quite comfortable.

A large number of martial arts masters collided with each other, and also sparked many sparks of wisdom, slowly advancing the progress of martial arts.

Among them, Zhang Sanfeng is the most outstanding one. Last time, the strong men in the base were lured away, and when there were not enough masters, he turned the tide and repelled the invading thieves.

Although there is such external pressure, which has caused panic, the overall development of the base is still moving forward in great strides.

Various wish-power crop farms have begun to start, and there are also special caravans with seeds and technicians going to the martial arts worlds, preparing to complete the promotion of wish-power crops in those worlds.

Among them, the masters who were supplemented by the transmission device can be said to have played a crucial role.

Those boundary breakers who came here can complete some land defense and escort tasks.

"The number of boundary breakers is limited. There may be a few who disguise themselves in special circumstances or are secretly instigated to rebel, but they dare not expose themselves easily. At present, only the thieves have had powerful enemies at the level of boundary breakers."

Zhang Sanfeng casually talked about his last move.

"At present, although they have some kind of cooperation, the relationship is not close."

"Well, the thieves may not be united."

Esdeath has now turned into her own shape, so Tao Yu naturally knows more...

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