The Nevada base is an abandoned military base, and almost everything that can be transported has been evacuated.

Originally, there was a Trail Blazers team that wanted to occupy this base and use it as a base camp for their own forces.

After all, the military base infrastructure is ready-made, making it easy to create a sense of security.

But then there seemed to be an ammunition depot explosion here, burying the pioneer team, and the entire military base was turned into ruins in the subsequent fire.

Looking at it now, it is still completely scorched black, with only some scorched frames standing here and there.

Occasionally there are one or two scattered zombies wandering here.

It was in this permeable environment, in the outline of a burnt warehouse, and with the rolling of the ground, a charred board was opened, revealing a passage leading to the underground, and then buzzing~

Two drones quickly flew out from inside, continuously increasing their altitude.

Compared to the scorched black situation above, there is a unique cave underground in this base. It relies on a willing nuclear power battery to maintain the power and ventilation system of the entire underground area.

And here, there are dozens of people gathered.

"It's the news from Teng Lianghong. He said that our place has been exposed."

An old man with gray hair and only one eye had a sinister tone.

"Master Mu, Teng Lianghong himself doesn't know about us. Where did he get the news? We have enough intelligence tools, which are no worse than the 'priests'."

The man next to him, who was obviously much younger, seemed a little confused and solemn.

"Teng Lianghong has broken through to the disaster level, and he also has his information channels. He said he caught someone and learned about it. Please confirm it."

"Is this the only information?"

The young man also seemed a little hesitant.

"I tried to find out the name and age. It's enough to confirm it in general."


The young man took out a crystal, placed it directly in front of his forehead and began to pray. After a moment, he solemnly opened his eyes.

"It is indeed exposed! And the other party used very clever intelligence interference. I don't know what the specific situation is, but that name is indeed closely related to our longevity."

"Hey, the Huang family doesn't want to show up on their own. The Assassin's Alliance they hired is quite useful. We can give it a try next time something happens."

Lao Mu grinned and made a sinister and unpleasant sound.

"Master Mu, the drone spotted a jeep coming this way. The person in the driver's seat has no relevant information."

At this time, the previously released drones received feedback.

This time point made Lao Mu frown slightly.

It shouldn't be a coincidence!

Then he hesitated for a moment, then picked up the communicator, turned the button on it to change to a frequency band, and actively contacted...

"It seems okay so far."

Tao Yu then pressed down the coin and looked at the burnt base in front of him, with a hint of curvature at the corner of his mouth.

He also saw the drone. Now it seems that Teng Lianghong didn't know about this base in the first place, and this is not the hometown of the Assassin Alliance.

"It seems that the main force of the Assassin Alliance has been captured by me. Now it is almost the bare commander, plus unknown allies."

Tao Yu also figured out that the strength assigned to this mission by the Assassin League was centered on 'Teng Lianghong'.

However, there are still clients and related allies.

"It's just that they don't seem to be the client."

Tao Yu drifted the car to a stop, and then saw the warehouse lid in front of him open.

Several figures walked out of it.

To Tao Yu's surprise, one of them felt vaguely familiar to him, as if he had seen him somewhere.

Soon, he immediately thought of who the other party was.

The guy who blocked the Sun family's convoy when they crossed the gray fog area!

A disaster-level person who escaped from Sun Guangyao's hands.

The black glove of the Guandi family, a guy who took refuge in the evil god and was expelled from the family, but still has contact with the Guandi family!

What a coincidence, they are acquaintances.

And it didn’t seem strange if it was his words.

He has been expelled from the family. Even if he is really exposed, it is still controllable.

It should have come through some kind of one-time transmission device, or even some kind of method unique to the followers of the evil god.

Although his strength is inferior to Sun Guangyao, he may be able to escape from Sun Guangyao, so he is obviously not mediocre.

The key is that they are still followers of the evil god, and may even have some strange abilities.

"It's really not the employer."

Although Tao Yu has not confirmed who his employer is, he already knew that it was not the Guandi family when he was in the state capital.

On the bright side, although 'Teng Lianghong' broke through the disaster level, he was no match for Lao Deng.

"You chose a good location, but it's a pity that you should change the location. Why are you so careless?"

Tao Yu looked a little careless and said casually.

And Lao Mu also saw through Tao Yu's first layer of disguise at a glance and recognized this ally of the Assassin's League.

"Haha, I heard that you suffered a lot of losses before."

"No, no one is taking advantage of it. You have to do everything yourself."

Speaking of this, Tao Yu paused and continued.

"Well, everyone is on the same page. How about some cooperation so that I can report to my employer?"

"Now that you have made a breakthrough, you can indeed cooperate well."

Lao Mu really didn't arouse much suspicion.

They were originally friendly troops, and they came to remind me. They just made a contribution.

And his next plan was indeed to have a strong person to help him, otherwise he would not be able to stay safe every time when being chased by Sun Guangyao.

"Tell me about your plan. I need to judge whether there is any danger."

"Now we can be sure that Sun Guangyao should have left the base, so there will be at most a little of his backup here. Our goal is actually very simple. Either target the transmission device or target Sun Shiqing. Choose one of the two. We will choose whichever one has a chance."

Old Mu smiled sinisterly

"The backup he left behind can only save one!"

"Well, then you have a master, who? Otherwise, what if I don't come?"

Tao Yu showed a slightly surprised expression and asked back

"My employer?"

"The Huang family has always been cautious about such things. How could they hire you to come and make a move? You don't need to worry about it. We will make arrangements when the time comes. Now that you are here, we can even consider targeting both parties at the same time. Maybe we can have double happiness."

"You can't not make it clear. Who knows if you will sell it out."

Tao Yu's words were not too much.

After all, Old Mu's reputation is not very good, and he is colluding with the evil god believers.

It is reasonable for a qualified assassin to be cautious, right?

"It's not catastrophic, but he has a very strong personal killing ability..."

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