All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 619 The Three Giants of the Assassin's League

The leader of the Baixing State Assassin Alliance, ‘Killing Star’, who is not burly at 1.7 meters and wears a simple iron mask and dressed in black, is standing quietly in the room where Qi Bing was originally.

Except for the mask on his face, he looked like an ordinary person, without the slightest aura of a strong man, and he was extremely restrained.

When Tao Yu came in, besides this one, there was another beautiful woman wearing a simple and simple fiery red leather armor, revealing a healthy waistcoat line and deep ravines.

It is the third person in the League of Assassins, ‘Red Rose’.

Also a disaster level.

Now it can be said that the three major catastrophic levels of the Assassin's League are gathered together.

"... We are all assassins, and we know that it is better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt him, so before I escaped, all the moves and props I used were directed at the other party's master. I don't know whether Qi Bing took advantage of the opportunity... …”

When Tao Yu said this, there was a hint of embarrassment on his face.

After all, he can be regarded as ‘selling out his teammates before the battle’.

It was just a matter of life and death, and the other two people, who were from the Assassin's League, didn't think there was anything wrong.

They wouldn't have risked their lives in their place.

It is most important to affirm yourself.

Moreover, they didn't think that Qibing wanted to cut off the back of his own accord. It was just that Teng Lianghongqiang, whose pure running ability could not be quantified, was forced to cut off the back.

Just relying on the things at the bottom of the box, he made a desperate counterattack and replaced the opponent's clan leader.

With the explosive power characteristic of their assassins, this is not something difficult to understand.

"Hmph, just hang over there. I'm afraid we won't have any cooperation with them recently."

Wearing an iron mask, the 'Killing Star' who exactly matched the number in Tao Yu's message snorted coldly.

"They have their own farms and don't have such a big need for mission cooperation. Are we going to suffer a big loss? Or should we do something about their farms?"

'Red Rose' painted her beautiful nail polish and sighed lazily. The slightly raised corners of her mouth looked very attractive against the beauty mark on her lips.

"How about we divide our luggage and break up the team? I don't think I can bear to find a family to support me and get some real estate of my own."

It was not objectionable for her to say this about dividing the luggage and breaking up the group.

It's just that Tao Yu just listened. If this guy temporarily joins some force and affiliates with him now, maybe the benefits in terms of wish power are definitely good, at least enough for normal disaster level use.

But some useful and rare items are definitely not available to a subordinate like her.

The Assassin's League will exist, and there will be three disaster-level people without fixed assets. Naturally, there are reasons for this.

"Then, why don't we just go back and find the Sun family?"

Tao Yu spoke tentatively.

After breaking up with the Huang family, there is no conflict of interest with the Sun family.

No matter what the reason for the quarrel between the two parties is, let’s just say that we have the same position now!

"It's not impossible. At present, we have not taken advantage of the Sun family, and you haven't caused any damage yet, but the Sun family may not believe us."

"Let me give it a try. I have just made a breakthrough and must accomplish something."

Tao Yu looked upright and solemn.

"Whether you want to eat meat or drink soup, I'll leave it to you, Lao Teng."

‘Red Rose’ giggled, with a charming look, and there was no hint of the aloofness of a disaster-level master on the outside.

However, according to Tao Yu's limited memory of her, this woman also seems to have the ability to transform and change her temperament, often switching between different temperaments.

A master of disguise as an assassin.

"For a period of time from now on, we will just keep it this way. We will not be in a hurry to retaliate against the Huang family. Now is definitely the time when they are most on guard."

The ‘Killing Star’ directly finalized the rules of dormancy during this period.

The League of Assassins originally focused on killing with one hit, and patience was essential for them. No one would talk about revenge or anything in a hurry.

"But Qi Bing is dead, which is somewhat troublesome. After all, he was sent directly from the headquarters. I have to write a report back, and Lao Teng, you should also sign it."

‘Killing Star’ directly asked Tao Yu to sign the name together, which can be regarded as a formal recognition of Tao Yu’s status as the Big Three.

Although the surprise soldiers are gone, there are still three people!


"I have never been in charge of operations. Now that Qi Bing is dead, one of you needs to be in charge of daily affairs."

This is both a power and a responsibility and trouble.

Tao Yu said directly

"Leave it to Rose. She is stronger and more experienced than me. Moreover, I still have to try how to contact the Sun family, and my injuries have not fully recovered yet."

Tao Yu's words surprised even 'Red Rose' who had originally wanted to say something.

She also knew that the leader didn't like to take care of things, so she thought she needed to argue, but she didn't expect that the newly promoted old guy was so sensible and blew a kiss to Tao Yu and winked.

"That's very good. I'll treat you to a big dinner~"

"I'm really going to die!"

Red Rose screamed while holding it by herself, and then she fell on the sheets with a broken expression on her face. The blanket next to her bounced up, blocking the parts that needed to be blocked. The looming appearance looked extremely alluring.

Tao Yu curled her lips indifferently.

Even a weakling dares to challenge himself.

Not to mention that Tao Yu's own skills in all aspects are extremely strong, and he can fight against angels and succubi without using taming and riding.

Now that the witch skills are fully operational, with full taming and riding, Red Rose, a mere ordinary disaster level, is impossible to resist.

Not only did she lose her armor, but she was also implanted with the spiritual seed by Tao Yu.

When Red Rose slowly came to her senses, her blank and empty eyes gradually regained focus, and then regained a trace of shrewdness again

"Damn it, what did you do to me? I trusted you so much."

As a disaster level and an old hand in the Assassin's League, Red Rose immediately understood the role of the spiritual seed, and her beautiful face looked very angry.

"Are you unhappy?"

Tao Yu only said three words, and her face immediately flushed. She hesitated for a while and did not answer

"But you can't do this. Isn't a normal relationship good?"

"You didn't say you wanted to have a normal relationship with me?"

Tao Yu asked back.

This made Red Rose unable to refute. Ask yourself, if the two sides switched positions, she would definitely do the same, and even do it more!

Having the opportunity to control a disaster-level person is much more tempting than the temptation brought by vulgar desires!

"I really don't know where you got this good skill."

Red Rose was a little angry, but also a little resigned to her fate.

Damn it, she lost her mind for a while and ended up like this.

How could she be so happy...

But the matter was done, and she had no idea of ​​resisting.

"I'm not asking you to be my puppet, and I usually won't ask you to do anything. It's just that I lack a sense of security, so I'm just going to be safe."

If her quota hadn't been filled, she might have just used it as a shadow soldier, which was much more reliable than the spirit seed.

And now, it's not bad, because she doesn't know any other news about the spirit seed placed by 'Teng Lianghong'.

Even if she really rebelled, there would be no loss, it was just a pure free ride.

Now that the other party has become the general manager of the Assassin's League, the two of them can actually completely empty the 'Killer Star'.

Well, even because the feature of the ‘Killer Star’ is suspected to be a duel space, Tao Yu thinks that he can replace it when necessary.

At worst, he can play the ‘Killer Star’ and ‘Teng Lianghong’ at the same time.

But not now, for now, the Assassin’s League still needs a big target to attract firepower.

The powerful ‘Killer Star’ is undoubtedly excellent...

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