
The mirror fragments that appeared on the street caused panic among many pedestrians, and then a black shadow flashed past and disappeared.

A moment later, the supervisor in charge of this place descended from the sky, feeling the residual energy fluctuations here, with deep shock in his eyes.

"This, this..., disaster level? Evil God believer?!"

Good guy, how could such a difficult problem fall on me!

As the inspector of the outer ring area, he is only an outstanding boundary breaker and can deal with most of the boundary breaker's problems, but now he has completely exceeded the standard.

It’s the aura of the evil god again, and it’s disaster level. Why don’t you do this!

This kind of thing must be handled by him in a business-like manner, and he would report it directly according to the normal procedures, and the speed would not be slow...

On the other side, the Ephes family relied on its own connections and energy to easily learn about the changes in the outer ring area at the first time.

"It's done..."

"Hey, my ancestor still wants him to endure this kind of pain in his last moments."

"We must not waste the last help our ancestors provided us!"

"The aura of the evil god and the catastrophic fluctuations, even if that 'Kleon' survives by chance, it's already over!"

"Oh, how could you be lucky enough to survive? The ancestor risked his life and risked everything, which was enough to complete a major explosion."

"Once you can even risk your life, it's normal to fight beyond the level."

Everyone also felt a burst of surprise and elation at this time.

At the previous press conference, the other party was domineering and overwhelming.

The Efes family was forced to bow their heads.

It was almost a public humiliation of the Efes family.

This has a considerable impact on the family's reputation and soft power.

Just for the overall interests of the family and future expectations, they can only choose to swallow their anger.

The word "forbearance" has a knife on its head!

Who is willing to tolerate grudges and grudges?

"Now, let's go and have a good meeting with our eldest lady of the Long family."

"Yeah, but you still have to pay attention to your attitude..."

"Just give them hope and don't let them die."

They had just used the power of their ancestors to defeat a powerful enemy before, so they would definitely have a lot of concerns about the near-death disaster-level enemy.

It's just that the Long family's situation is completely different from them!

If the ancestor replaces a powerful enemy, he can gain benefits for the family.

But Mrs. Long didn't have much choice.

She is a deterrent, but also a kind of revenge, but as long as the people here are not of the Duanlong family's blood, then she doesn't dare to really fight to the death!

It’s enough to use both kindness and power, just grasp the balance between them.

On the contrary, if they show that they can figure it out, it will be difficult to talk about the follow-up...

"What did the Ephes family suddenly do again?"

Long Yin'er also looked a little surprised when she suddenly received another contact from the Efes family.

This made Mrs. Long frown.

After all, they are foreigners, and they cannot learn about the changes in the outer ring area like the Ephes family did.

"Is this an apology? It shouldn't be anything like that..."

Long Yinger said a little uncertainly.

Although Mr. Klein had previously made a strong appearance to turn the tide.

But this can only be regarded as dispelling some of the Efes family's original plans, and it cannot be said that it can make the Efes family bow their heads and submit.

"Maybe, I just want to ease the relationship."

Mrs. Long was also a little uncertain and felt uneasy. Then she took out a bamboo slip and hesitated for a moment before using it.

Everyone is ready to come over and they will know immediately, so there is no need to waste it.

"Let's contact Mr. Klein first. He said he will be around in the next few days."


Long Yin'er sent the message, but received no response.

"They are already here. Out of etiquette, we might as well go and greet them."

Mrs. Long sensed the approach of two familiar disaster-level auras, and her heart sank slightly. The two disaster-level people came together without any cover. The person who came was not good...

But she didn't hesitate. Now that she was in the state capital and she was still alive, there was nothing to be afraid of.

At this time, the place where they lived was actually not changed immediately because it was not necessary.

Just when the two of them appeared in Tianmei Hall, everyone from the Eifes family had already filed in through the gate and arrived at the scene.

"Mrs. Long, Miss Yin'er, you are fine."

Patriarch Ephes took the initiative to greet him with a half-smiling expression on his face.

"I didn't expect that Chief Boer would come here in person, so I missed him from afar."

Mrs. Long's tone was indifferent, and then she continued to ask

“I still don’t know why Chief Boer came here in person?”

"Haha, it's not a big deal. I just heard that Mr. Klein seemed to have suffered a fallen disaster-level attack in the outer ring area..."

Boer looked careless, but what he said made Long Yin'er and Mrs. Long's faces change wildly.

How is that possible!

And the timing is so coincidental, it can only be arranged by the Eifes family!

The other party used 'heard', just because they didn't want to leave any clue!

Mrs. Long, who had been seriously injured herself and had similar considerations and precautions, suddenly changed her expression.

"It's your ancestor!"

"Aiya, aiya, Mrs. Long can't slander people and accuse others of their innocence. This kind of label can't be slapped casually. Evidence must be paid attention to."

A playful smile appeared on Boll's face, and then he said quietly

"I just came here with good intentions to remind you two after getting the news. Hey, it's really a pity that Miss Yin'er has just found the one she loves."

At this time, Long Yin'er's pretty face also looked solemn. Although Mrs. Long was still pretending to be calm, she also knew in her heart that the other party would not take such easily exposed news as a joke!

"So, in order to prevent Miss Yin'er from being overly sad, I have also brought some talented people from our family here for Miss Yin'er to choose."

Bol clapped his hands, and then more than a dozen high-spirited young people from the Ephes family stood up. They were all young, and there were quite a few boundary-breakers among them.

At this age, they can indeed be regarded as the pride of heaven.

At this time, the expressions on their faces all looked a little excited.

Whoever is selected will reach the sky in one step!

She is beautiful, talented, not weak in strength, and has strong bloodline. This is simply perfect!

This will allow you to invest a lot more resources.

"I was already prepared before that dead ghost showed up."

"Hey, I didn't expect it to take such a turn."

"I see that grandma still has her charm..."


The members of the Ephes family, who were already confident of victory, were enjoying the last lamp that their ancestor had lit for them after burning.

So what if you are dissatisfied?

I can only bear it!

After exerting a little pressure and looking at Long Yin'er's ugly face, Bol was ready to give some words of comfort.

We can't let the resistance between the two Long family members be too strong, we have to let them see hope and benefits.

A big stick with sweet dates is always the most practical.

But before he could speak, he suddenly felt a breath of air descending quickly, which made his face change slightly. Then he quickly waved his hand to make people quiet, and then he bowed and turned around to salute slightly to the incoming figure.

"I've met Mr. Tiancheng..."

The visitor has white hair and a handsome appearance. He is the representative of the Bai family who appeared at the previous press conference.

It's just that Bol felt a little strange at this time. There was no catastrophic breath exchange on his side, it was just a normal conversation, and it would not lead this person out anyway.

White-haired Bai Tiancheng glanced at him, and then said coldly

"How much do you know about the previous attacks in the outer ring area? Are you aware of the corruption of your old ghost?"

The voice that spoke directly caused the expressions of Bol and even the Efes family to change slightly.

Why do you feel like you're here to challenge me?

How is this possible?

It is impossible for the ancestor to leave evidence, and although it can be speculated through derivation of the results, the Efes family is still a vassal of the Bai family, and they will still be tolerant to their own people.

After all, it wasn't really a fall, it was just a burning at the last moment. My family has nothing to do with the followers of the evil god.

The more obvious and generous they are afterwards, the clearer their conscience is actually!

This is actually the same as some addictive painkillers used at the end of life.

They're not the first family to do this!

Otherwise they wouldn’t have made this choice!

But there is something wrong with the situation in front of me...

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