"Brother Chao, this thing is a walkie-talkie, but it's different from ours. Will it change the frequency if it moves around?"

Zhang Wei looked at the buttons on the intercom and felt that he couldn't move them.

"It's probably just a walkie-talkie, or he doesn't read enough books, hey."

Lin Chao, whom he called Brother Chao, also sighed at this time.

"Reading? What does that have to do with it?"

Another man who looked a bit like a mixed race seemed a little unconcerned. Most people in the outer city were illiterate or semi-literate, and very few could read all the words. He didn't think that wasting this kind of time would increase the survival rate. .

"The president said that the purpose of reading is to expand our ideas and improve our horizons. If we are really familiar with the function of our walkie-talkie, we will know how to use it even if it changes its appearance."

Lin Chao's tone was calm.

Another girl next to him who looked somewhat similar to Lin Chao, a bit like Xiaojiabiyu, wrinkled her nose and snorted softly.

"President Tiantian said, you have enough..."

"That should be it."

Before the girl finished speaking, Lin Chao finally figured out the use of the walkie-talkie, then came to the eaves and looked across the way and took a deep breath.

With the passage of a few points of willpower, the translation can almost be completed at this distance.

This is the cost-effective special ability given to them by the will of the world to walk in the heavens.

As long as the other parties speak the same language, you only need to select one person to successfully complete the translation.

"Hello everyone, we are here for negotiation."

As he finished speaking, Tommy, who was already a little impatient, said directly:

"I want to know right now, did you come back and kill our people two days ago?"

Hearing Tommy's unceremonious question, the people here who had activated the translator couldn't help but be slightly startled.

But he quickly understood what might have happened, and then Lin Chao quickly explained

"Although I don't know what happened to you, I believe there is a misunderstanding. This time we are here not only for negotiation, but also to exchange some information that is extremely useful to you."

Tommy actually chose to come here because he had his own considerations in mind. He had been on full alert these past few days and nothing happened.

And if they had the ability to kill people silently last time, there was really no need to capture those who were out on their side and then release them back to spread the word.

In fact, sincerity has already been reflected.

"You need to convince me. Explain clearly the cause and effect, and what you want to do. Your people have escaped."

Tommy's words made Lin Chao relax a little, and then he slowly began to give a brief explanation of the abyss and the current situation.

There is no doubt that these words that ruined three views had a huge impact on Tommy and the others.


But at the same time it’s incredible, but it’s also logically consistent!

Even because it is so unbelievable, coupled with the highland and rainforest side evidence, and the mysterious disappearance of the three people, it can all form a closed loop, and the credibility is really not low!

Sincerity is the greatest nirvana!

After Lin Chao explained sincerely in a calm tone, Tommy and the others fell into silence.

"We need to discuss this."

While listening to the shocking news, Tommy had already heard the news that the boss was coming back from another walkie-talkie, but this walkie-talkie was not close enough to contact Jack directly.

So he planned to go back and use the extended range version of the gathering place to ask for advice.

"Okay, please."

Lin Chao had no objection.

"Brother Chao, you are so talkative, why do you have to talk so much to these natives?"

At this time, Zhang Wei was a little flattering and said that hugging the strong man's thigh was the way to survive that he had known since he was a child.

"The president said that only sincerity can buy sincerity. We are not doing anything shady. We just say it openly."

"Actually, the three of them can stay in this world for a month. I originally found a time to deal with them directly and rescued them casually. Brother Chao, you have B-level rare combat talents, which are comparable to A+ or even S-level ordinary combat talents. "

When Zhang Wei said this, he felt envious in his heart.

Although the three unlucky guys came back again, they were still in the same place, but the ropes that bound them had been untied.

When a time is agreed upon and they attract attention, they will be able to successfully retreat.

Even to the extreme, with a combination of four of you, you may not be able to try to get through directly!

"The president said that the indigenous people in these world fragments are also living people, survivors of the world fragments torn apart by the abyss."

Lin Chao kept saying 'the president said it', and his expression always seemed very calm. He was not complacent because Zhang Wei praised his talent.

"Brother, we all know that you are the president's crazy fan. Can you not say this every time? Besides, you are easily taken advantage of by others."

As Lin Chao's twin sister, Lin Xue was a little unable to complain at this time. Her brother was good at everything, but he was too rigid.

"Yeah, those three guys obviously didn't have the money to post the mission and were worried about their safety, so they chose to join the club temporarily. Their motives were very impure."

Tom, the mixed-race man, also spoke next to him. He seemed to have some opinions about the guys who came to ask for help.

As a low-level person in the outer city, Tom has also seen a lot of darkness. He likes Chaoyang Club very much and also likes the atmosphere here.

But it is undeniable that even if he joins the Chaoyang Club, he still wants to seek asylum. The president's idea, which he thinks is full of romantic ideas, will not work in the outer city.

"There is nothing wrong with them seeking help and joining the society. Helping each other overcome difficulties in the abyss is our purpose.

"I have spoken so much to the aborigines, and I actually want to know from them what the three of them did. Only by combining the views and rhetoric of both parties can we better discern the relatively objective truth, right?"

Lin Chao's words were very innocent and sincere, but they seemed impeccable.

This made both Zhang Wei and Tom shut up.

Regardless of whether the two of them can do this, at least they are very lucky to have such a teammate, a strong teammate.

As a person at the bottom of the outer city, even if he is lucky enough to awaken his fighting talent, he still has to stick together for warmth.

How could a person survive in such a ghostly environment as the abyss?

Zhang Wei unnaturally thought of Tao Yu who rejected him. He has an A-level ordinary fighting talent, not much worse than Brother Chao. Hey, the last time Weinuo, an inner-city man, had an opinion about him, he asked himself to do it. It's too obvious.

"If I had known how injured those two inner city residents were, I should have persevered."

Zhang Wei felt a little pity in his heart.

As it got darker, the four of them took turns to sort out the order of the night watch, and they were going to make do with it on the roof here first.

The streets below are full of zombies, but it's quite safe here on the rooftop.

But just as it entered the middle of the night and was about to take the night shift, the faint roar of the engine made Lin Chao frown. As the sound got closer and closer, he also whispered to wake everyone up.

"Everyone got up first. Someone drove over. It's a bit abnormal to drive in this environment at night."

Sleeping in the abyss would be very shallow even if someone was keeping watch. The other three people reacted immediately and grabbed their weapons.

After getting up, I also heard the sounds getting closer and closer, as well as the movement of zombies on the street after being awakened.

"have a look."

Lin Chao took the lead, and several others groped towards the eaves, secretly looking into the direction of the source of the sound.

A total of four car lights can be seen, both on the front and on the roof. It should be a fairly small car. The lights have been modified and are quite bright.

Dark shadows kept appearing in front of the lamp, and the zombies that followed the sound were directly knocked away or even run over. It could be seen that it was a powerful car.

The car scuttled along the street, avoiding roadblocks formed by some abandoned vehicles, while also choosing a place with fewer zombies.

From time to time a few would be knocked away.

When the car came to the T-intersection, it completed a drift directly at the intersection. During the drift, the car's butt knocked down several zombies, and then it was obvious that the vehicle was slowing down, seeming to be leading the zombies slowly towards the car. Drive in the other direction.

"Are they attracting zombies?"

"What are you doing..."

A few people on the roof were a little confused.

Watching the car slowly drive away with a lot of zombies, it also threw some firecrackers outside as it walked. It kept crackling and made a lot of noise.

But soon, everyone probably understood why they did this, because after the car circled around, it came back from another path.

A man got out of the car, took a shovel and knocked over a few nearby zombies, then opened a garage and parked the car.

"Maybe it's the people from this gathering place, or the foreign aid they invited temporarily, but it doesn't matter, we didn't deceive them. The soldiers will cover up the water and the earth..."

Lin Chao looked at the garage door that was closed again, still looking calm.


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