The Efes family colludes with the followers of the evil god and the Xingyaoxing family to commit crimes in the state capital!

The heavy news suddenly swept across the entire state capital, and even because it involved the Xingyaoxing family, it even seemed to spread to surrounding cities.

It was really shocking that the melon-eating people in the entire state capital were a little unable to react.

The Efes family is the younger brother of the Bai family!

Didn't expect it to be so big this time?

"The Xingyaoxing family actually reached out to the state capital again?"

"Despicable foreigner!"

"Boycott Xingyao Company!"

"Boycott Xingyao Company!"


The information was already very explosive, but with some convenient encouragement, it came out to point directly at the Shining Star Company, which immediately made the situation worse for the Shining Star Company, which was already struggling to develop in the state capital.

Although the main target is the Xing family, the Sun family, who are important members of Xingyao Company, have also been affected a lot.

Tao Yu even received a cross-border communication and specifically reminded herself of this, telling herself to be careful when she 'returns'.

However, this reminder is somewhat tinged with schadenfreude.

Even the Sun family, which was slightly affected, had a headache.

The Xing family, as the spearhead, was naturally even more distressed. They withdrew from the state capital in an instant and even withdrew their offices!

It would have been fine if the Xing family had just secretly communicated with the Efes family, but the ancestor of the Efes family was not afraid of meat and vegetables in the end and directly used the power of the evil god.

Even most knowledgeable people know that this may just be using the power of some evil gods to do things, and it is not a serious kind of depravity.

But resisting the evil god is undoubtedly politically correct. Once they were involved and related, it immediately made things difficult for the Xing family.

Moreover, he directly used this opportunity to expose the Starry Sky Ball that the Xing Family secretly worked on.

Even though the output of this thing may not be high, it still has many limitations.

But to be able to create an effect similar to a duel space in a disaster-level battle, this Yin man's ability is too strong!

The [Assassin's League] has a lot of trouble on its head, just because the 'Killing Star' is suspected of having space capabilities.

After the Xingjia incident happened, Tao Yu directly used the identity of Teng Lianghong to go to the mission hall to release public information, saying that many of the deaths were the fault of others on the [Assassin League], and hoped that the Xingjia would be brave enough to admit it.

He is now one of the three giants of the [Assassin's League], and Red Rose is also his, so it is completely reasonable to make this arrangement.

Moreover, these hats were still placed on the head of ‘Killing Star’ in the past. He must have been somewhat dissatisfied...

"This, what kind of life force is this..., um~, does it have to be entered like this? It's so strange..."

"Don't worry, it will be fine in a moment. Don't you feel better and more comfortable?"

"What's the reason why I can't identify my concubine..."

Tao Yu repelled the attack from the ancestor of the Ephesian family and was not yet contaminated by the evil god. Naturally, the two Long family members increased their investment in him.

Tao Yu also made some sacrifices and helped Mrs. Long treat her.

Because the vitality gap of disaster-level healing was relatively large, Tao Yu couldn't give too much at once, so he found a strange way to complete the input again and again.

Now that his talent has been deified, of course he can relax a little and enjoy the additional benefits.

Not to mention, it’s great!

He even wanted to play the time-stop game, but found that it was too consuming, so he finally gave it up.

After working on it for a long time, it was not as good as some other protagonists, which really made Tao Yu sigh a little.

However, happy days are always short-lived. Just when Tao Yu had some plans to leave, a new message came from the little rich woman.

There seems to be something wrong in the World of the Ring, and there is a situation with the Burning Legion.

The matter involved the Burning Legion, and Tao Yu did not dare to underestimate it, so he decided to go back and find out more.

"After dealing with the Burning Legion and collecting all the things here, I will teleport to Tianlong State to have a look. The disaster-level teleportation fee is quite expensive..."

Tao Yu also made plans for the future.

The monitoring of the transmission device is a means for the Pioneers to arrange it later, and the Pioneers can find ways to circumvent it in their own way.

But the ability to teleport itself relies on the will of the world, so you can't be deceived even if you want, you get what you pay for.

Before, when Sun Guanghui and the others came from the old development area, they had to get at least 10 million levels per person. Although the development area in Tianlong State was also randomly released, and the distance was not necessarily further, the price was almost certainly more expensive.

Although the old development area and the new development area are far apart, they are still covered by the same fire of civilization. It is relatively more difficult to get in from other places...

At this price, Tao Yu can't just go back and forth at will, so before going there, he must try his best to get everything he can get in the new development area and maximize the value.

Even if there was no such thing, he would actually go there...

As the scene in front of him changed, Tao Yu appeared in the little rich woman's room again, with a familiar fragrance pouring into her nose.

At present, no one in the new development area knows that he has returned to the present world for a while. The ring spirit took the alien dragon and went out to fight in the wild. Theoretically, this is the trace of his actions.

"Brother-in-law~, you are back~"

The little rich woman was not here, but Sun Shiqing ran over with a smile and hung her hands on Tao Yu.

"Come, let me check if it has grown."

Tao Yu also smiled evilly, making Sun Shiqing roll over and over.

"What's going on with the Burning Legion?"

"Oh, it's the resistance organization over there. Someone came here secretly. At first, there were misunderstandings and conflicts with the Middle-earth coalition, but they were finally resolved..."

Sun Shiqing casually told the current changes.

Previously, there were some powerful members of the Burning Legion guarding several cracks.

Those who were responsible for guarding were all elites of the Boundary Breaker level!

At present, the number of Boundary Breakers in this legion should not be too large. There are all kinds of creatures in the seven cracks.

Warlocks, hellfires, and hellhounds.

However, Gandalf and his men occasionally go to the cracks to check, and they will come suddenly if they have the chance.

The drilling platform guarded by several warlocks before had been killed by Tao Yu, and then Gandalf killed two more with his staff, causing the platform to become a flaw.

Finally, a superhero who called himself "Deep Sea" successfully used his underwater ability to get here.

"'Deep Sea'?"

Tao Yu was thinking after hearing Sun Shiqing's brief summary. From Sun Shiqing's description of his abilities and appearance, he looked a bit like Aquaman in the American comics DC.

But if it was DC, it wouldn't be beaten like this by this small-scale Burning Legion, right?

"He claimed that he was a member of the 'Super Seven', an organization that protects that world, affiliated with a company called Vought, and was fighting against the darkness that invaded that world."

After Sun Shiqing said this, Tao Yu immediately thought of what it was!

It was another American TV series with superheroes as the main theme.

The Boys!


"Wait, I remember they have superpowers created by potions..., another world with quick-learning abilities..."

Even if this superpower has its upper limit and uncertainty, at least in the abyss, it will still have some value...

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