"Iwagakure Village?"

Tao Yu hugged the fragrant Sun Shiyu, feeling the elastic touch and the delicate fragrance on the tip of her nose. There was a look of surprise on her face, and then she took a sweet scent.

"You are such a blessing."

"Hehe, I see you have been asking about it. Is it a 'tailed beast'? It's too obvious."

The professional qualities cultivated by Sun Shiyu's family are still there.

In fact, he also vaguely guessed what Tao Yu was collecting.

"Yeah, that's almost it."

Now, except for the seven-tailed beasts, there should be clues about the other tailed beasts, and Tao Yu is also very happy.

At present, the tailed beast assembly plus the contaminated BUFF is actually very strong. It has a lot of practicality after blackening, and it also has the most basic size advantage.

When all are gathered together, the power of the Ten-Tails should be directly formed.

Even for me now, the power of the Ten-Tails cannot be ignored!

Pa da ~

The alien flying dragon fell, its huge claws landing directly in front of the deep sea, and pieces of debris flew across the granite surface.

The frightened Shenhai unconsciously took a few steps back, and the gills under his ribs began to tremble.

Looking at Tao Yu who was hugging Sun Shiyu and getting off the alien flying dragon, Shenhai's eyes showed a little fear.

"So, do you know the information about the tailed beasts and jinchūriki?"

Tao Yu looked at the deep sea in front of him casually, his tone calm.

This made Deep Sea shake his head rapidly.

"I-I don't know about human pillars and monsters."

The nervousness and the wrong words made Tao Yu a little speechless. This guy felt so useless.

But it somehow feels a bit natural.

After all, he was a pervert who could reveal himself on the spot after hearing that Xingguang was his fan.

Even when the people of the motherland ordered him to clean Brother Ni's superhero locomotive, he knelt down on the spot.

Tao Yu suspected that this might be a side effect of that medicine.

"Okay, I know it at the base. The Burning Legion is not killing wantonly now, is it?"

"Yes, although many people died, they did not specifically kill them, but chose to keep them in captivity. So far, I have seen that they are either forced to work as coolies to build altars, or to perform some strange sacrifices, or to make them into demons..."

Deep Sea was talking a little gibberish, but I could generally understand what he meant.

The invasion of the Burning Legion is certain to result in heavy casualties, as well as various negative impacts caused by the collapse of order.

But after all, the invasion of the Burning Legion should not be a comprehensive and simultaneous invasion. The area of ​​the earth is actually quite large, so the survivors of that world today are probably counted in the hundreds of millions, and various industrial facilities are relatively complete.

After getting familiar with the machinery left behind by the zombie world, I am afraid that many things in the world next door can be seamlessly connected.

But after hearing the descriptions of 'altar', 'sacrifice' and 'making a demon', Tao Yu still frowned a little.

"Sure enough, the Burning Legion is quite troublesome in the abyss. I wonder if they will go directly to please the evil god..."

"Well, take me there and I'll go and understand the situation."

Tao Yu spoke directly to Shenhai, but asked Sun Shiyu next to him to lower his voice and say

"Don't take risks on your own first, let's get more information first."

Continuously using human lives to fill in valid information, and finally let the strong one make the final decision. This has always been the way of the pioneers.

It is an experience gained with blood and life!

There are many strong people who lack information due to their self-confidence, and end up stumbling upon the weird abilities of some simple fragments.

"Don't worry, I've made some breakthroughs again, my ability to save my life has been greatly enhanced, and the risks and benefits are equal."

Tao Yu comforted the little rich woman.

And she actually knew that Tao Yu had really worked hard all the way.

It’s just that now that you have reached the disaster level, why are you still working so hard...

But thinking about his growth along the way, the little rich woman could only sigh in the end.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why he can achieve disaster level so quickly.

Without this desperate spirit, no matter how talented you are, it will be useless...

"Oh, Mr. Tao, can we rest for a few more days before going? The world barrier in this world is very strong. It is much safer to be able to stop the Burning Legion."

Deep Sea was grabbed by the claws of the alien flying dragon and flew directly over the dark land, with the strong wind blowing so that his face was completely deformed.

The physique possessed by a superhero is like that of a chicken under the claws of an alien flying dragon.

Fortunately, the deep sea still has gill breathing methods on its abdomen, allowing him to still speak at such high altitudes.

"The sooner the problem is solved, the more people can be saved. Aren't you a superhero?"

Tao Yu said casually that he had a protective stance, which was very comfortable.

"But superheroes also need to rest. It's only been a few days since I broke through the siege."

Deep Sea seems to be complaining.

But all he got in exchange was the claws of the alien flying dragon, which almost made him lose his breath.

Tao Yu actually discovered the IQ of this deep sea in a weird way.

His standard of judgment for the new world is based on Aragorn.


For ordinary people's judgment, it is not impossible, but for several members of the Bai Dao Society and myself, the error may be relatively large.

I am so honest now, probably more because of the intimidation brought by the alien flying dragon...

However, Tao Yu was not prepared to go there in a high profile. He first went in to see what was going on inside, and then carried out some targeted actions according to different changes. This would undoubtedly be better.

"First, deal with the tailed beast. After the tailed beast is confirmed to be OK, we will look at the skills of other demons. I hope to give a surprise similar to Hellfire..."

After that, there is the potion of Water Company. I don't know if there is a production line.

"According to the experience of this kind of unique item in the past, the material should be some kind of wish-powered plant or mineral in the current world..."

Just when Tao Yu was thinking about some subsequent plans, he had already come to a barrier without any guards. Then the alien flying dragon also loosened its claws and threw Shen Hai to the ground and rolled around awkwardly.

Stained with mud.

At this time, Shen Hai also seemed a little speechless. Compared with Aragorn who would respect him, and those people of the White Dao Society who would at least be more polite in their attitude.

Tao Yu just regarded him as a tool, without even the most basic respect.

This made Shenhai angry, but he behaved more and more obediently, and seemed to be very honest. He really liked this.

This is a cliff, and below is also an endless ocean. There are no ships or platforms on the sea, and the continent is not visible.

There is no crack here, so there is no guard on both sides.

But for pioneers, they can take time to open the hole themselves.

"Is this the Pacific Ocean?"

"Yes, yes, from our current understanding, the fragments here should be half of the earth centered on Da Meili, and this direction is the border of the Pacific Ocean. I heard from my country that there seems to be Europe and part of Africa on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean."

Shenhai knew that Tao Yu was different from others, and his temper was obviously much more irritable.

And with such a pet, whose strength is obviously stronger than his own, he really knows everything.

The information revealed along the way under this high pressure is more than the information obtained by Aragon in a few days...

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