"You're not dead at all?! How is it possible..."

Dai Lisi brought Tao Yu to the altar again, talked with the abyss lord, and was about to go to see Zaka.

The soldier boy also came out refreshed at this time.

But after seeing that Tao Yu was still alive, he looked like he had seen a ghost.


They're all dead!

"I'm going to take him to see the general. You guys should guard the altar here."

Dai Lisi and Tao Yu ignored the soldier boy and just greeted the Abyss Lord.

"And take him to find the general?"

The soldier boy's eyes widened, what are you doing?

You won’t take me with you, right?

"I want to go too..."

The soldier boy sent by a strange coincidence spoke directly, which made Tao Yu feel speechless.

Are you out of your mind? Are you willing to hang yourself on a pole to seek death?

Tao Yu was afraid of the Abyss Lord and General Zaka because the Abyss Lord really put pressure on him.

But the soldier boy's current feeling is not as strong as that of the motherland.

It belongs to a very ordinary disaster level, similar to the fear devils who were killed instantly.

As long as the Abyss Lord and General Zaka are not together, Tao Yu doesn't think it matters.

After telling Delis through a mutual understanding, Delis did not object. Instead, she gave him a charming look, licked her lips and said

"Like hell, come together if you want~, don't regret it~"

"As long as you leave one life behind like him, it doesn't matter."

The soldier boy's eyes lit up slightly.

Dai Lisi ignored him, hugged Tao Yu and flew towards the military camp where General Zaka was.

The location of the military camp is not far from the altar, but at first because of the confusing information here, Tao Yu was unable to divine the specific location, but now relying on Delise, he can get it right in one step.

The soldier boy behind was leaning on his legs in a hurry, running quickly, raising a burst of dust on the ground, and kept saying:

"Wait for me, wait for me!"

But in the end, his speed couldn't match the flying one, and he was left behind.

Delise had already held Tao Yu and flapped her wings as she flew into the camp.

Tao Yu also saw the burly figure about three meters tall.

The red-skinned Eredar looks like a smaller version of Archimonde.

General Zaka, the leader of the Burning Legion, the first person in the Legion.

The first meeting also vaguely put a lot of pressure on Tao Yu. He is a very nerve-wracking opponent to face normally.

It does seem to be vaguely more difficult than the Abyss Lord...

"Is this the person you want me to see?"

As soon as Zhaka saw Tao Yu appear, he had deep malice and even murderous intent.

Red lightning was beating on his fingertips, as if Tao Yu might strike at any time.

Now I just want to hear what Delise is planning to do.

And Delise just shrugged helplessly.

"Actually, I don't want to either, I can't help it~"

After speaking, he glanced at Tao Yu

"I have brought you here..."

The next moment, Zhaka also felt that something was wrong, but before he had any new reaction.

Tao Yu had already raised his head, with a faint blue light in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

"Daisy is great..."

As the words fell, everything around him completely froze in an instant!

The glistening beads of sweat on Delise's collarbone stopped rolling, and the red arc that was originally beating on Zaka's fingers also stopped and became a picture!

Tao Yu, on the other hand, slowly exhaled in the completely stripped original time, and then began to operate quickly.

The power of the shadow soldiers quickly gathered, and in conjunction with the power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, they all transformed with their power!

The energy of holy order distorted by evil energy continues to gather in Tao Yu's hands.

Using the reverse method of Yin Yang and Five Elements, white gun shadows were formed.








Along with Tao Yu's opening, a series of words and spirits converged on Zaka's body word by word.

Runes began to gather on the spear one after another.

The [Destiny Dice] used ten times a day was also directly activated five times by Tao Yu, blessing it on five Holy Light Spears!

The blessings increased by 50%, or even doubled, allowing these five holy light spears, which originally formed the power of counter-yin and yang and the five elements, to continue to expand.


The terrifying consumption that stops when you feel it can judge the intensity of the opponent's breath.

With the multiplier blessing of the final [Destiny Dice], Tao Yu also felt that he could cover all the fault tolerance.

Then his mind stirred, and he began to merge the original closed-loop original time with the world time.

Like a broken egg, poof~

The time nearby began to flow slowly and quickly again.

The attack formed by Tao Yu also exploded at the same time!


All sounds disappeared, and the holy cross of Holy Light rose into the sky!

Penetrating through the clouds, it formed a spectacle that was more dazzling than the altar next to it!



The aftermath of the horrific impact appeared.

Even if Tao Yu chooses to specifically restrain the neutralizing force and adopts the mode of counter-yin and yang five elements divine thunder, the original attack will be mainly annihilation.

But Tao Yu still has a lot of things to digest in his profession, and his control ability is only average.

Even if he chooses this relatively "safe" neutralization mode.

The difference still forms a fierce impact on the spot.

The first to bear the brunt was Delis.

She didn't react at all, and she only knew that in the blink of an eye, a holy light cross with a diameter of ten meters was formed at the original position of General Zaka.

The terrifying counter-energy, even if it was not aimed at her, made her scream and hide directly behind Tao Yu.

The entire tent, and even the entire camp, rose from the ground and was razed to the ground!

The terrifying shock wave went straight to the altar, and the evil energy altar, which was stronger than reinforced concrete, trembled and cracks spread on the surface.

That is, the location where Tao Yu attacked was in General Zaka's camp, just separated from the group of human workers in line and the No. 5 compound processing workshop by the entire altar.

The shock wave was absorbed by this solid altar.

Otherwise, it would have swept out, a tragic scene!

Even now, from the perspective of looking down from above, the explosion impact also formed an obvious ‘T’ scratch, all thanks to the aftermath blocked by the altar, causing the impact to spread to both sides.

On the other side, it rushed straight into the city without any obstruction, and many wooden houses were torn apart in an instant!

The sudden explosion was so unexpected.

The soldier boy who ran towards this side was almost blown away by the shock wave.

In other words, he was also very strong, and he insisted on it in a desperate situation.

His face was constantly shaking due to the shock wave, and he became extremely evil.

After the first wave of impact passed, he looked up at the empty tent in a somewhat wooden manner.

At this time, there was a cylindrical pit with a diameter of more than ten meters in the original place, and there seemed to be magma rolling and flowing on the wall below.

In the center of the pit, there were only barely visible human remains, struggling in the lava.

But General Zaka, who looked even thinner than a zombie, had less than half of his skeleton left, and some melted rotten flesh hanging on it. His struggle at this moment was more like his last moments before death.

Next to the pit, the soldier boy also saw the ‘lucky boy’, who was hugging Delis and looking down at General Zaka below the pit

“He still has a breath, it’s really amazing, it’s worth all my efforts…”

Tao Yu expressed his admiration sincerely, and then a variant killing magic appeared on his fingertips.

The dark beam of light had no advance at all, and instantly engulfed General Zaka, making up the last blow.

Watching the remains of General Zaka fall into the magma after his death, slowly sinking under the rolling bubbles of the magma, the soldier boy who ran halfway felt that his feet were heavy and did not dare to move forward at all.

Looking at Tao Yu who was hugging Delis and turned his head to look over, the soldier boy couldn’t help but reveal a smile that was uglier than crying

“I, I’ll come over to take a look, you guys continue…”


A shocking roar came from behind the soldier boy.

The Abyss Lord, who looked like a giant elephant, jumped up, fell from the sky, and landed heavily on the ground.


The earth shook!


The Abyss Lord, who also saw the wreckage of General Zaka sinking, was really shocked and angry.

What happened?

He was fine just now, and he was right next to him!

How come the general was gone in an instant? !

It really was just an instant!

Originally, he had the news of the insider, and he thought that his side was cautious enough. The four disaster-level ones were all nearby and very close.

But now General Zaka was killed instantly right under his nose...

Looking at Delis, who was hugged by Tao Yu and had a flushed cheek, the Abyss Lord immediately thought that Delis had betrayed him, and then attacked him!

This made him spit out a stream of hot white air from his mouth, his eyes were red, and the green evil energy flames all over his body surged.


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