The terrifying shock wave completely lifted up the earth. The soil, gravel, wood chips, and construction debris were all torn into pieces, and they were mixed together and rolled toward the outside.

The terrifying speed swept under the friction, and there were flashes of lightning and flint in the shock wave from time to time.

Ordinary people are instantly turned into minced meat under this kind of impact, with no power to resist!

Only in the fringe areas are there some lucky people who can save their lives in embarrassment.

It was originally because they didn't get a good position, but this time they were favored by God.

In the area near the center of the impact, even an ordinary boundary breaker would be seriously injured easily in the aftermath of such an impact. If not dealt with properly, one could die.

But because of their status, most of the boundary-breakers are still in the center!

All kinds of brilliance flickered in the pitch-black dust storm, and all kinds of bottom-line measures and life-saving props were taken out for free.

From time to time, you can see the light dimming or breaking, and all kinds of strong men flying upside down and being severely injured.

"Damn it! These people in Dilong City really deserve to die!"

Xingcheng raised his hand in a somewhat embarrassed manner to form a streamlined starlight shield in front of him.

While continuing to fly back in response to the impact, he desperately resisted the shaking protection.

The shield shook violently, but it held on tenaciously. You could see the violent impact passing by outside.

From time to time, other boundary breakers with missing arms and legs would bump into them and then be bounced away.

There were also a few people who cleverly hid nearby and resisted together.

Beside him, there was another young man with white hair and an expressionless face. At this time, he was being resisted by Xingcheng. He was dragging a floating crystal in his hand and said calmly in the shield.

"They probably didn't expect things to turn out like this. What Tian Chengzi has in his hands is terrifying."

Then, the white-haired man crushed the crystal, and a wave of water flow covered Xingcheng's shield, completing the reinforcement.

With the cooperation of the two, they were finally able to safely block the initial wave of impact, and followed the impact and retreated to the periphery of the impact.

After the sweeping impact swept away, the sky was clear, and it seemed that the entire air had been sorted out. The ground was dark and scorched, with light green smoke rising in many places.

Most of the hundreds of thousands of people here before were completely wiped out without even humming.

"Thank you Mr. Xing and Mr. Bai."

"If it weren't for you two, we would probably be in trouble."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Several boundary breakers who were hiding next to the shield and had some exposure to the light also expressed their gratitude at this time.

Everyone looked very embarrassed at this time.

They just came here to see if they could get Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, but they didn't expect to encounter such a thing, which really caused them to suffer a disaster.

However, this is also the essence of the abyss!

Stable development?

The abyss will not reason with you!

The crisis has always existed, it just depends on whether there is anyone who can help to resist it!

But in front of him, it was obviously not blocked.

That is to say, Mount Fuji is still 80 kilometers away from Tokyo, and because it is an active volcano, the nearby tourist areas were originally cleared and had little impact on the development area.

Otherwise, if this attack is in the core area, it will directly scrap all the efforts of Dilong City in the past two years...

"I thought it was an opportunity, but it turned out to be a hammer."

"The abyss is quite deceiving..."

The people who escaped from death were also a little speechless.

It was so good, but it was a training method aimed at disaster level. No matter how high the talent requirements were, it was hard to find it with a lot of money.

Even a giant like the Bai family cannot be ignored.

But now what was originally a sweet pastry instantly turned into a bomb...

Looking around, the charred and smoky land was completely silent.

But soon, Xingcheng and Bai Jiang's pupils shrank at the same time, and they saw an ordinary ordinary woman and an unfamiliar-looking man in casual clothes not far away.

Although that ordinary woman has good looks, her frivolous steps make her look like an ordinary person!

To be able to protect such an ordinary person from such an impact and seem to be okay is enough to explain the identity of the figure in casual clothes.

Disaster level!


At this time, rays of light began to erupt from Mount Fuji ahead.

Although the subsequent impact is far less terrifying than the first blow, one can still see hurricanes heading this way.

The five disaster-level experts who were originally here, and the three who followed, a total of eight people besieged a figure on Mount Fuji.

If we only look at it from the surface, the side with more people has an advantage.

But after a sword ray directly reduced one person, subsequent attacks were obviously at a loss.

With the shaking of the earth, he actually fought towards the sky...

Seeing that the situation there was not going to be solved in a short time, and that Bai Jiang had no room for intervention, he also took the initiative to approach Tao Yu.

"Bai Jiang, the Bai family, has met the seniors."

Bai Jiang bowed his hand to Tao Yu without being arrogant or humble. With the background of the Bai family, Bai Jiang, as a direct descendant of the Bai family, indeed has the confidence not to bend down.

Xingcheng next to him also bowed his hands.

"Xingjia Xingcheng."

Tao Yu first waved to Shion Mikami, beckoning her to leave, and then saved her life. It was a clear idea. Whether she could escape successfully or not depended on her own luck.

Then he glanced sideways at the two of them and nodded.

"I didn't expect that the Bai family and the Xing family would join forces."

"In this kind of crisis, it is natural to choose the best way to respond."

Bai Jiang said with a sigh.

And through his emotional changes, Tao Yu was able to roughly determine that this was just a temporary alliance between the two in private for safety, and it was not that there was any in-depth cooperation between the Bai family and the Xing family.

All in all, they are all from Baixing State. It is normal for them to cooperate if they encounter trouble here.

"But I didn't expect that the 'founding ceremony' would turn out like this."

Tao Yu kept staring at the battlefield and chatting wordlessly.

"Senior, aren't you going to help?"

A local pioneer in Dilong City, who may have family seniors on the battlefield ahead, asked anxiously at this time.

"Help whom?"

This sentence directly blocked the person who spoke, unable to speak.

Yes, who can I help?

He doesn't owe anything, and if Tian Chengzi can provide enough benefits, it seems normal for this unknown disaster-level person to help others in turn!

"Hey, I'll take my leave first, let's see if there are any big shots in the city who can help..."

The man who spoke cupped his hands and prepared to leave.

But Tao Yu just glanced at the other party and said lightly

"What's the rush? Just wait."

As soon as these words came out, the few surviving boundary breakers present were shocked at first, but they did not dare to refute anything.

Big fist is the truth!

If the other party is strong, then whatever you say makes sense...

"Then, I wonder if senior is willing to accept employment?"

After seeing Tao Yu's strong control of the field, Bai Jiang's eyes flickered a little, and then he spoke tentatively.

As a member of the Bai family, even if he is just a boundary breaker, he still has the capital and confidence to hire disaster-level people.

"What are you willing to give? How much willpower can you give now?"

Tao Yu's rhetorical question made Bai Jiang feel a little embarrassed. He definitely didn't have much willpower and could only make some promises.

But after hearing what the other party said, although he didn't say it clearly, he clearly showed a wish.

‘As long as you can get cash on the spot! ’

A very cautious disaster-level person, and his identity may not be visible to the public.

"If senior doesn't accept the employment, I don't know if the method of cooperation can be accepted by senior. If necessary, I can temporarily exert catastrophic strength. At present, as a new force that has never joined the battlefield, we may be able to have miraculous effects at critical moments. …”

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