A Nimitz-class aircraft carrier has been modified with all kinds of fancy magic. There are even many sheds built on the deck with hand scaffolds, and there are at least six or seven floors.

This style of shantytown and aircraft carrier really makes the painting style a bit strange.

Coupled with the space in the hangar below the aircraft carrier, the entire ship has a strong sense of life.

Here, in addition to installing communication equipment, there is also a mission hall, which is on the first floor of the deck.

It's just that compared to the mission halls in the development areas and the real world, the mission hall on this aircraft carrier is much smaller, just like a tavern.

However, because the connection has been completed through the radio and the willing device, apart from the delay of one or two days, the information here is quite comprehensive.

It is convenient for the pioneers who took on the exploration mission here to understand some changes without returning.

After all, for ordinary pioneers, the round trip time is quite long.

Tao Yu ordered a glass of rum in the tavern, and while sitting next to it, drinking, he also looked through some of the summarized intelligence materials.

"Tsk tsk~, the saint is here..."

Tao Yu looked at the information and was not too surprised.

The Tianchengzi incident can be said to be the most significant change in Dilong City recently and even since the emergence of the new development zone!

The death of five disaster-level figures at once was a huge blow.

That is to say, the five disaster-level ones are divided up, otherwise if they fall on a family like the Sun family, their vitality will be severely damaged in an instant.

It was no surprise that Ou Sheng from Dilong City came in person due to this kind of movement.

"It's a pity that I still don't have much substantive concept of the saint..."

Although Tao Yu already knew about the saint, he also knew that there was one in the Xing family.

At present, the biggest point of conflict between the Xing family and the Sun family is that the Sun family's supreme elder, the little rich woman's grandfather, has already touched the edge of a saint.

In addition, the Sun family itself also has its own heritage of sacred objects, and now its reputation is not small.

The previous second and third families all ended with the death of their masters or the failure of their breakthrough.

This time, it was the Sun family's turn.

As for the saint's combat power, Tao Yu doesn't have a clear idea yet, but like the boundary breaker, the saint is a new level of world will that alone has special treatment!

The Mu Shou side can actively communicate with the will of the world, obtain some conveniences, and even apply for some special permissions.

Different from the intuitive destructive power of disaster level, the saint is more like a change in personality.

"This time the will of the world is not personified, it is more like a self-discipline program or even a system. The saint is equivalent to having higher access rights in this system."

And being able to make such a change in the will of the world is actually enough to show the power of the saint.

So even if you have integrated what you have learned and walked your own path, you can still see the front clearly clearly, and even holding the Zhuxian Sword in your hand, you can arrange the Zhuxian Sword Formation in the inherent barrier in advance.

But Tao Yu still had no idea of ​​being right with the saint.

Even if the strength is improved, it cannot be expanded...

"Whether he knows it or not, and no matter how good their divination, counter-divination and interference abilities are, I won't go back to Tokyo now and will just set off on the road to see Konoha."

After a month of settling down, Tao Yu felt much more relaxed.

As for the tense atmosphere in Tokyo, and that Ou Sheng, they really didn't want Tao Yu to go back and have a look...

But despite this, Tao Yu still learned more about the surrounding situation in the mission hall, and made some general judgments based on some missions.

"The Night Demon antibody research task has been completed by Tianlong City's 'Shenlong Drug Laboratory'."

"A high price is offered for the Devil Fruit. Any variety is acceptable. The reward can be discussed in detail. Willingness, skills, items, and industry are all acceptable."

"The long-term mission of nautical chart production."


Generally speaking, the surrounding world is also dominated by the "sea", which divides the world into fragments. In One Piece, some pirates or navy occasionally invade.

There might even be some small islands that fell down too.

However, the core world is still the original base world of the parasitic beast and Konoha.

"According to intelligence, there is a world between 'I Am Legend', 'World War Z', 'Slicker' and a temporarily uncertain world between the Kingdom of Fire and the Parasitic Beast..."

Although the newly developed areas tore off some worlds on the other side of the earth, Tao Yu did not know all of them.

Some of them may not have been seen, but they still have impressions, and some even have no impression at all.

I Am Legend can easily determine this through ‘Night Stalker’, while ‘World War Z’ has discovered that humans can avoid zombie attacks if they are infected with certain diseases.

"On the 'Slicker Ghost' side, the change can be regarded as complete. The Hagoromo Fox was directly killed by the Pioneers. The Nura Group and the Pioneers formed an alliance. However, it is a pity that the world of the Slicker Ghost suffered from night demons and zombies at the same time. The two viruses attacking the world war are so pitiful..."

Tao Yu was not sure if it was the luck thieves who did it. Anyway, the world of slick ghosts is mainly a wasteland now, and there are not many people alive.

What is even more speechless is that the monsters there are also infected with the zombie virus, and were once exploited by the Hagoromo Fox.

However, because of Tian Chengzi's relationship, there are disaster-level pioneers here. Because they are worried that the fall of the world will cause greater trouble, disaster-level experts directly go over and take action to solve the most troublesome problem.

Then he supported the Nuliang group of the "just side" and asked them to slowly clean up and maintain the peace of the world.

This is also the regular operation of the Trail Blazers.

If the Nuliang Group is forcibly broken up, it will leave a world where the virus is raging, which will be a headache to deal with. Monsters will all turn into zombies, or zombies whose athletic ability will be greatly enhanced and their potential can be overdrawn.

This is much more troublesome than the zombie world over at Xingyao.

Therefore, it is important to support local forces.

"No wonder there are still vaccine and antibody tasks here, and Tianlong City's laboratory has taken them. They should be more cautious."

As for the unknown world adjacent to Konoha, it is generally known that it is not the earth. It appears to be very desolate, and although the air is barely usable, it is not very good. There is a kind of cockroach-man monster in it.

However, because it borders Konoha, and the pioneers are also worried about the zombie virus infecting ninjas, they went there to remind them.

Therefore, that world is mainly controlled by Konoha next door with the help of the world barrier. For the time being, due to the world barrier, it has not caused much waves.

"The Cockroach Man..., there are really all kinds of strange things in the abyss. According to the data, the cockroach man's individual body panel is not actually weak. It's fine alone, but there should be quite a lot of cockroaches... …”

A world fragment itself is also very vast. It is considered good that the pioneers have found so many world fragments in two years. It is impossible to go inside and explore them in detail, so the number of those cockroach people is not known yet.

"The style of painting here is actually quite underworld..."

Tao Yu thought of the goblins in the state capital and the aliens in Xingyao City. It was really because the eldest brother did not laugh at the second brother.

"Fortunately, there are no aliens here. Otherwise, if the aliens and cockroaches combined and were infected with a mutant zombie virus or something, the picture would probably be beautiful..."

And just as Tao Yu was looking through the information, he suddenly felt the dim light in front of him.

Looking up, he saw a woman with wheat-colored skin and a strong figure standing here with a scar on her face.

This woman has a layer of leather armor on her body. Although there is a scar on her face that ruins some of her beauty, she still has a pretty good figure. The edges of the leather armor are somewhat sunken and her skin is shiny.

The reason why Tao Yu didn't notice him until he was in front of him was that he was too weak and was not marked by Tao Yu.

However, this weakness is relative. After Tao Yu noticed the other party, through his muscles, movements and breath, he could roughly judge that he was almost at the senior partner level.

The level of partners in Dilongzhou is not much different from that of Xingyao Company.

Among ordinary pioneers, he is undoubtedly the best.

"Are you just starting to fill in the information now? I heard that you want to go to the Country of Fire? Our team is also going to go, shall we form a team..."

The woman glanced at what Tao Yu was looking at and asked casually...


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