"What is that..., it's so scary!"

"Fortunately, they didn't chase us, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous..."

"It should be okay now..."

After being at least a hundred kilometers away, everyone on the boat relaxed a little.

Due to the speed of the yacht, it rises and falls with the waves, and the heartbeats of everyone on board also rise and fall.

"The abyss is indeed elusive. We are still too young."

Ye Feng also spoke with some difficulty at this time.

He came from the old pioneering area of ​​Dilong City. He has been awakened for less than ten years, so he is still a young man under thirty years old.

Although he already has enough experience and experience, he is already quite good in terms of strength and has become a master at the level of senior partner.

But among the ever-changing experiences in the abyss, there is still too little.

"The few familiar worlds in the old development area are fine, but the new development area is really careless, and almost all of them are gone..."

Ye Rong also spoke with lingering fear, fear remaining in her eyes.

To be able to become senior partners, in addition to always having good financial support from their families, they have actually completed a lot of various tasks and explorations. They have been to many world fragments, and they think they have a lot of experience in this area.

I have also encountered crisis situations, and I have even seen the Boundary Breaker boss take action.

But this situation is actually the first time.

"Hope everything goes well next."

Tao Yu also gave a perfunctory comfort in the cabin.

At this time, a hole had been punched in the bottom deck of the yacht, but the material and design of the yacht itself were indeed good. After the three mid-level partners, the cows and horses, continued to clean up and block the water.

As the speed of the ship slowly decreased, the water seepage rate also slowed down, and then the repair was simply completed using waterproof resin and some repair materials.

Now as long as we don't encounter that kind of storm again and don't increase the speed too high, there won't be any problem.

"Hey, we have a narrow escape. Let's have a drink tonight."

"Yes, now we can all live and die together."

Several people seemed a little excited at this time.

While Tao Yu was also dealing with them, she also relied on the connection of her mind to feel the sea beasts following below the yacht.

Although this sea beast has a certain connection with the evil god and knows how to perform blood sacrifices, its thoughts are not too confusing.

There is also a certain amount of intelligence.

At this moment, the feeling of connectedness was filled with three parts fear and seven parts enthusiasm, following the cruise ship diligently like a follower.

"This is a rare situation..."

Tao Yu has an alien flying dragon, but the alien flying dragon itself is parasitized by an alien and then resurrected as a corpse after being killed. Overall, it has little intelligence.

As for the control of other seeds, except for the alien Xiaohei, there are very few like this.

After all, Xiao Hei had been trained for a long time, but his hands turned out to be like a licking dog.

I feel like I can still give orders even without using spiritual seeds to restrict it.

Of course, even if this is the case, Tao Yu will still retain the insurance of spiritual seed.

"There was an abyss crack on the bottom of the previous sea area. I don't know where it leads..."

This monster should also have fallen from a certain world fragment. Because it has many claws, Tao Yu directly gave it the code name of 'Little Claws'.

According to the situation of Little Claw wandering in the sea, it can feel the call of the bottom of the sea, but it can also feel a great instinctive fear deep in the soul.

The main source is the trench below the sea area where the accident occurred.

It seems like it leads to an unknown world...

"It may be an independent world similar to the stars in the sky. The only difference is that the channel appears deep in the ocean..."

Although Tao Yu has absorbed knowledge in this area, he has never seen it and cannot actually confirm it.

But for the time being, he put this down. If he plans to go back one day, he can come and check out the ingredients without wasting the fare.

According to my experience in going to that mysterious world, even if it is really a dangerous world, you can go in first and wait and see before coming back...

After passing the sea monster incident halfway, the rest of the journey was peaceful. After about ten days, a miraculous steep cliff appeared at the end of the sky, seeming to cut off the entire sea level. generally.

It was obviously still in the deep sea area, with the water depth at least a thousand meters, but suddenly the front turned into a cliff, and the waves kept hitting it, making bursts of roar and splashing waves.

"It should be here. According to the map, this area is the closest to the Kingdom of Fire. Find a place where it is easy to park the ship and land. In addition, there is the world of the cockroach people ahead. The strength of the cockroach people still needs to be careful. A sneak attack..."

Ye Rong looked at the cliff in front of her, with a slight sense of fatigue on her face.

Even for senior partners, the journey on the sea is tiring.

"The ship can first find a hidden place to park and leave a locator. Generally speaking, given the number of people coming here, there is no need to worry about being found by others."

Ye Feng also arranged tasks for Thomas who was sailing the boat.

Currently, those who can go to the Land of Fire are all technical workers, and ordinary versions of personal flying devices cannot fly there, mainly by sea.

Although this is a close landing point, with such a long coast, it will not be discovered by others.

And generally speaking, there is nothing left on the ship. Even if it is seen, no one will care about the ship with a hole in the bottom.

"I think instead of worrying about being found and towed away by others, I should worry about whether it will sink if it is soaked in the water for a long time."

Tao Yu ordered Xiaozhao to wait in the nearby sea area, while adding something interesting from the side.

This tone makes people feel inexplicably annoyed, but also a little helpless.

Because the hole at the bottom is a fact, even if it is repaired, it will be quite embarrassing to leave it here for at least half a month.

"Then the rope will be tightened and we will seal the gap. If it really sinks, there is nothing we can do. Look, there is a small valley over there. Go and have a look..."

Like the borders of many worlds, this side is also uneven, with many natural bays that are sunken inward. After slowly docking the yacht, Ye Rong and Ye Feng took steel bars as thick as their arms and He jumped up and landed on the cliff wall.

He reached out and grabbed the gap above, and began to drill steel bars into the wall to fix them.

Soon, the two of them dug in several of them, and began to use the ship's cables to wrap around the fixed steel bars, completing the fixation of the yacht.

"Change the equipment. Although the journey is only four hundred kilometers, the panels of these cockroach men are not vegetarian."

Jumping back to the deck, Ye Rong, as the team leader, also clapped her hands as a reminder.

She herself is a set of leather armor, and it is a set of willing items. In addition to outstanding defense, it also has a certain increase in physical attributes, especially in terms of dexterity, and is expensive.

Relatively speaking, Ye Feng's equipment next to him was very sci-fi. He had a standard tight-fitting combat suit, which was also quite light overall.

Needless to say, Thomas was on the auxiliary mechanical transformation side, while the other three, including the Big Bear wet nurse in charge of treatment, all had a set of exoskeletons.

The only difference is that the exoskeletons of the other two are equipped with obviously more modern weapons and equipment. Gatlin's gun smells like engine oil, and he carries an ammunition box on his back.

The ships came not empty, except for food, they were almost entirely filled with ammunition.

As for the big bear beauty who assisted in the treatment, she had several extra medical kits, and there were obvious relevant signs on the medical kits.

Even in a place like the Abyss, it is a consensus to try not to kill medical staff, so revealing her identity will bring her an extra layer of protection.

"The firepower of firearms is very energy-saving when dealing with miscellaneous fish. The ammunition is specially configured with armor-piercing bullets that are enough to break the defense of cockroaches. If you can save energy, save it."

Ye Feng smiled at Tao Yu and threw a large assault rifle to Tao Yu. He, Ye Rong, and Thomas also took one.

It can be said that except for Thomas who was a professional gunman relying on the shooting module, the other people at the scene did not focus on firearms.

But even so, they still brought a lot of these in the cabin when they came over.

It has the load-bearing capacity of an exoskeleton, and it also carries plenty of ammunition.

Just as Ye Feng reminded them, although they were confident that the cockroaches posed no threat, they were still well prepared.

Don’t underestimate it just because it’s only 400 kilometers away…

The reddish-brown barren land has a sense of desolation, and strong winds can easily stir up dust on the ground.

And on this desolate land, seven figures were running wildly on the ground at a speed of about sixty yards.

"The air here is relatively thin, and the composition is not very good, so it is barely usable."

Ye Rong frowned, she was not yet able to breathe.

"It shouldn't be that 'Earth', it belongs to another celestial body."

Tao Yu has been to the planet of the Starship Fleet and the world of Avatar, so he can easily make a judgment.

Their speed can actually be faster, but after all, they still have four mid-level partners, and while ensuring that their physical strength and combat effectiveness do not decline, the speed in front of them is just right.

Fighting and rushing are still completely different things.

"It will take about seven hours to reach the Fire Country barrier, but remember to be careful on the way and report any feedback from the drone in a timely manner."

Ye Feng added from the side.

At this time, Ye Feng, Ye Rong and Tao Yu were at the front in a triangle shape, followed by four mid-level partners.

Thomas and Big Bear Nurse were in the middle, and the exoskeleton cow-horse duo was at the end. The sixty-yard speed they ran using only their legs still stirred up a lot of dust.

However, at this moment, the signal appeared on everyone's radio earphones again.

Only this time it’s a public channel belonging to the pioneers

"Be careful of cockroaches, be careful! Zizzi~"

The voice sounded very frightened and desperate, but there was only this sentence.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly."

Ye Rong was slightly startled, and then Shen Sheng asked in the channel, but she didn't get any response.

As an assistant, Thomas immediately began to see data flow in his eyes, and then quickly said

"The black box of a mechanical pioneer."

Hearing his words, Tao Yu also looked a little sideways, which was slightly different from Xingyao's painting style.

On the Xingyao mechanical transformation side, almost all members of the team are self-destructing crazy demons. I didn't expect that there would be some parts left. This is probably because most of the mechanical transformations in Dilong City are on the auxiliary route.

"In fact, the will of this world is also quite crazy..."

Tao Yu looked up at the sky. As a person who has made some achievements in divination, he feels that it is difficult to get feedback from the will of this world.

This world may be more troublesome than imagined.

"Don't worry about him. Let's work harder and reach the Fire Country in one breath. We will be safe when we reach the Fire Country."

Ye Rong's face was calm. After learning a lesson at sea before, she no longer had the idea of ​​following the signal to find the way there.

Four hundred kilometers, even if it does not affect its own combat effectiveness, it only takes half a day.

It shouldn't be...

But at this moment, Thomas spoke again with a gleam in his eyes

"We found the traces of cockroach people. There are about ten of them. They blocked the canyon in front of us. They suddenly jumped out. It feels like they are targeting us to ambush..."

"How could it be, how did they find us?"

Big Bear Nanny also asked in surprise while moving at high speed.

Here, drones are needed to find them. What do those cockroaches rely on?

"Perhaps, it was the radio communication just now. They picked up the remains of that person and started to use them. They are very intelligent..."

"Only ten? That shouldn't be a big problem. Go over..."

At this time, Tao Yu, who was also running, had a faint light in his eyes.

What a messy breath. It was captured at such a long distance...


Wow, there seem to be more than 100,000 underground. What the hell?

Although Tao Yu heard about cockroaches, he thought that the number of these things might be more than he imagined.

But on the surface, there are more than 100,000 lurking under the ten heads. This is really a big contrast.

The basic body panel of the cockroach is at the intermediate partner level.

It is indeed nothing to me, but for ordinary pioneers, it is a fragment of other worlds. This is really a bit exaggerated...

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